Democrats (Obama) cheat and break the law


Letterman and National Champion
Sep 27, 2020
Funny how there is no mention of this story almost anywhere. We have to hear about Trump and those bogus charges 24/7.

Meanwhile, Obama’s cheating and law breaking goes virtually unreported.

20-30 million illegally given to straw donors from foreigner, to donate to Obama’s campaign.

Yeah, let’s skip over major illegal campaign violations and report non stop on trump paying a hooker.

Funny how there is no mention of this story almost anywhere. We have to hear about Trump and those bogus charges 24/7.

Meanwhile, Obama’s cheating and law breaking goes virtually unreported.

20-30 million illegally given to straw donors from foreigner, to donate to Obama’s campaign.

Yeah, let’s skip over major illegal campaign violations and report non stop on trump paying a hooker.

Un Fing believable! All the Dems are criminals! All of them but nothing ever happens to them because most lawyers are liberals. And the media covers up everything they do!
That guy looted Malaysia.
Watch “The Kleptocrats”
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Funny how there is no mention of this story almost anywhere. We have to hear about Trump and those bogus charges 24/7.

Meanwhile, Obama’s cheating and law breaking goes virtually unreported.

20-30 million illegally given to straw donors from foreigner, to donate to Obama’s campaign.

Yeah, let’s skip over major illegal campaign violations and report non stop on trump paying a hooker.

You provided a link to an article in a national magazine that is covering the federal trial of the accused perpetrators.

If you actually spend two minutes looking at the case, the most prominent figure involved was Elliott Broidy, who was the former GOP Finance chair, was convicted of bribery in 2009, was back in 2017 and 2018 as the RNC deputy Finance chair, and was convicted again 2020 of working as an unregistered foreign agent on behalf of China and Malaysia in an effort to quash the original charges outlined in the article above. Trump pardoned him a week after his conviction. Huh.

Always with the projection.

“In October 2020, Broidy pleaded guilty to acting as an unregistered foreign agent working for Chinese and Malaysian interests. He sought to lobby the highest levels of the U.S. Government to deport a dissident of the People's Republic of China (PRC) living in the United States, and tried to arrange meetings for a PRC Minister with the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and other high-level officials during the PRC Minister's visit to the United States, all while concealing the foreign principals he represented.[5][6] He had been charged as part of a federal probe into efforts to influence the Trump administration to stop investigations about a 1MDBMalaysian state fund fraud.[7] On January 20, 2021, Broidy was pardoned by President Donald Trump.[8]

He was just back in court two days ago talking about the scheme.

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You provided a link to an article in a national magazine that is covering the federal trial of the accused perpetrators.

If you actually spend two minutes looking at the case, the most prominent figure involved was Elliott Broidy, who was the former GOP Finance chair, was convicted of bribery in 2009, was back in 2017 and 2018 as the RNC deputy Finance chair, and was convicted again 2020 of working as an unregistered foreign agent on behalf of China and Malaysia in an effort to quash the original charges outlined in the article above. Trump pardoned him a week after his conviction. Huh.

Always with the projection.

“In October 2020, Broidy pleaded guilty to acting as an unregistered foreign agent working for Chinese and Malaysian interests. He sought to lobby the highest levels of the U.S. Government to deport a dissident of the People's Republic of China (PRC) living in the United States, and tried to arrange meetings for a PRC Minister with the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and other high-level officials during the PRC Minister's visit to the United States, all while concealing the foreign principals he represented.[5][6] He had been charged as part of a federal probe into efforts to influence the Trump administration to stop investigations about a 1MDBMalaysian state fund fraud.[7] On January 20, 2021, Broidy was pardoned by President Donald Trump.[8]

He was just back in court two days ago talking about the scheme.

As usual, if a dem is ever guilty of anything, their supporters run to the rescue, introducing extraneous and tangential facts, lies and people in an effort to cloud the issue surrounding the guilty dem.

The fact that decaprio actually showed up to tell the truth is interesting.

But the bottom line is some guy, not a US citizen, funneled money to Obama’s campaign. Somewhere between 20 and 30 million. It is illegal and the dems can’t stand the media reporting anything negative in the savior and Godless God, Obama.

You can try and cloud and confuse the landscape but the facts are simple and no, your redirect is laughable, as always.

Anyone that thinks the WaPo is a trusted source is gullible and brainwashed. Half the point of this is the disparity that exists in the media covering issues based on party. The other half is that today’s democrat is beyond corrupt.
As usual, if a dem is ever guilty of anything, their supporters run to the rescue, introducing extraneous and tangential facts, lies and people in an effort to cloud the issue surrounding the guilty dem.

The fact that decaprio actually showed up to tell the truth is interesting.

But the bottom line is some guy, not a US citizen, funneled money to Obama’s campaign. Somewhere between 20 and 30 million. It is illegal and the dems can’t stand the media reporting anything negative in the savior and Godless God, Obama.

You can try and cloud and confuse the landscape but the facts are simple and no, your redirect is laughable, as always.

Anyone that thinks the WaPo is a trusted source is gullible and brainwashed. Half the point of this is the disparity that exists in the media covering issues based on party. The other half is that today’s democrat is beyond corrupt.
The WaPo is reporting on in court, under oath testimony. Sorry that is so bothersome for you.

Yes, money was funneled to the Obama campaign. Who within his campaign or administration knew about this or was a participant in the scheme? The entire point was to make the funds appear to be legal within campaign laws. So who exactly should we be angry with?
The WaPo is reporting on in court, under oath testimony. Sorry that is so bothersome for you.

Yes, money was funneled to the Obama campaign. Who within his campaign or administration knew about this or was a participant in the scheme? The entire point was to make the funds appear to be legal within campaign laws. So who exactly should we be angry with?

They also reported on in court proceedings under oath of the Jan.6 trial. Their coverage was a joke. Sorry the truth is bothersome to you.

I know what the point was and the law was broken to accomplish the illegal donations. It’s not about being angry, but it would be nice is the media reported on this somewhere not buried behind 100 layers of google searches. You’re a dem so as always, you should be mad at trump. You will find the sorcery needed to make him culpable for Obama’s cheating.
As usual, if a dem is ever guilty of anything, their supporters run to the rescue, introducing extraneous and tangential facts, lies and people in an effort to cloud the issue surrounding the guilty dem.

The fact that decaprio actually showed up to tell the truth is interesting.

But the bottom line is some guy, not a US citizen, funneled money to Obama’s campaign. Somewhere between 20 and 30 million. It is illegal and the dems can’t stand the media reporting anything negative in the savior and Godless God, Obama.

You can try and cloud and confuse the landscape but the facts are simple and no, your redirect is laughable, as always.

Anyone that thinks the WaPo is a trusted source is gullible and brainwashed. Half the point of this is the disparity that exists in the media covering issues based on party. The other half is that today’s democrat is beyond corrupt.
You provided a link to an article in a national magazine that is covering the federal trial of the accused perpetrators.

If you actually spend two minutes looking at the case, the most prominent figure involved was Elliott Broidy, who was the former GOP Finance chair, was convicted of bribery in 2009, was back in 2017 and 2018 as the RNC deputy Finance chair, and was convicted again 2020 of working as an unregistered foreign agent on behalf of China and Malaysia in an effort to quash the original charges outlined in the article above. Trump pardoned him a week after his conviction. Huh.

Always with the projection.

“In October 2020, Broidy pleaded guilty to acting as an unregistered foreign agent working for Chinese and Malaysian interests. He sought to lobby the highest levels of the U.S. Government to deport a dissident of the People's Republic of China (PRC) living in the United States, and tried to arrange meetings for a PRC Minister with the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and other high-level officials during the PRC Minister's visit to the United States, all while concealing the foreign principals he represented.[5][6] He had been charged as part of a federal probe into efforts to influence the Trump administration to stop investigations about a 1MDBMalaysian state fund fraud.[7] On January 20, 2021, Broidy was pardoned by President Donald Trump.[8]

He was just back in court two days ago talking about the scheme.

washington post is lower than msnbc for truthfulness. LOL at you and your sources.​

As usual, if a dem is ever guilty of anything, their supporters run to the rescue, introducing extraneous and tangential facts, lies and people in an effort to cloud the issue surrounding the guilty dem.

The fact that decaprio actually showed up to tell the truth is interesting.

But the bottom line is some guy, not a US citizen, funneled money to Obama’s campaign. Somewhere between 20 and 30 million. It is illegal and the dems can’t stand the media reporting anything negative in the savior and Godless God, Obama.

You can try and cloud and confuse the landscape but the facts are simple and no, your redirect is laughable, as always.

Anyone that thinks the WaPo is a trusted source is gullible and brainwashed. Half the point of this is the disparity that exists in the media covering issues based on party. The other half is that today’s democrat is beyond corrupt.
Wrong. Dems one with actual facts and truth. Pubs bring MAGA horseshoe.
Wrong. Dems one with actual facts and truth. Pubs bring MAGA horseshoe.
Anyone who defends Democrats these days hates America because the Dims are the Marxist globalist we hate the USA party. I’m guessing you are another liberal lawyer? Notice that people who are logic driven, common sense, math science people are Republicans and the lawyers, super wealthy, artsy people are Democrats? The old Democratic Party at least had some moderates but the only one now is Manchin and he either changes parties or he’s definitely out in WV. The people there have no love for him anymore. The Dims are run by extremists whose ideals do not line up with the vast majority of the country. And the Dem policies are set to destroy us. I pray our country survives until we can get rid of the sh$t show in the WH. Not sure we will.
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Anyone who defends Democrats these days hates America because the Dims are the Marxist globalist we hate the USA party.
The haters are actually right wing Hitlerite MAGA's. All they want to is to strip everyone's freedoms.
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The haters are actually right wing Hitlerite MAGA's. All they want to is to strip everyone's freedoms.
Again you are wrong. The extreme left is far worse and enormous in number compared with the tiny number of right wing extremists. But clearly your news comes from main stream sources only. So if you are in the dem corner then I can assume you support open borders(which violates our laws) allowing terrorists, gang members and criminals to flood our country, you are happy that our youth are dying in larger numbers than Vietnam from fentanyl poisoning, you think shutting down petroleum based energy in the us while our enemies continue using it while the green energy farce of unreliable energy which makes us completely dependent on China is great. You like runaway inflation which was caused by Biden monetary policies and his chokehold on our petroleum industry. You think it’s great that the Chinese currency is moving to replace the dollar as the worlds currency which will cause economic collapse in our country. You think Joe did a great job leaving Afghanistan and like him you blame it on Trump even though Joe had been President over 7 months at that point and he reversed EVERY other Trump policy. You like the early recession we are in now which will turn fast to a depression if the dollar is replaced globally. You think it’s great if kids as young as 3-4 can have life altering surgery removing their genitals which cannot be reversed. You agree that sexually explicit books should be in public schools even at the elementary school level. You agree with abortion on demand up to the point of birth. You agree that trans women (men) should compete against women in sports which crushes the rights of all women. Out of control crime, defund the police, criminals have all rights and victims have none. THESE are the policies of the current Democratic Party. Divide and conquer-By race, gender, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation. Obama started it and Biden has taken it to a whole new level. You might not like Trump but his policies were PRO America, minorities and lower class saw rise in their real wages. Any rise now has been wiped away and then some with inflation. And things are about to get real bad. They said Trump would have us in WWIII. If he was in office Russia would not have invaded Ukraine and China would not be close to invasion of Taiwan. It is Biden and his weakness and incompetence and the Dem policies that have pushed us to the brink of nuclear war. He is weak, incompetent, stupid and demented. The world knows it. If you are honest you know it. So again, are those policies what you stand for? If not then you should reconsider your alliance.
The haters are actually right wing Hitlerite MAGA's. All they want to is to strip everyone's freedoms.
Oh and can we talk about stripping freedoms? That is YOUR party! All social media blocking and shadow banning all conservatives and it is still happening! They covered up the Hunter Biden joe got rich from influence peddling laptop, our Justice department covering up multiple Democratic crimes ( which I Will be happy to name for you if you wish) while they persecute and suppress parents rights in school, the rights for physicians to disagree with their Covid policies (and those of us who did were proven correct). Check the Twitter files release of the garbage going on behind the scenes to suppress and ban ONLY conservatives with direct instructions from the Biden White House and FBI. Your party forced untested Covid vaccines on everyone including children, the military, first responders who already had natural immunity or they lost their jobs. My body my choice? Only if it’s women murdering the unborn but not if someone wants to refuse a vaccine that many did not need. (And I am not anti vax but those with natural immunity who are healthy did not need forced vaccines) And then explain to me how the hell you think it’s Republicans suppressing speech and freedoms?? Seriously you must be kidding!! Facebook is still doing it!
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Wrong. Dems one with actual facts and truth. Pubs bring MAGA horseshoe.
Both sides have extremists, but the problem with the Dems these days is their embrace of Marxism and disdain for the country. Not sure when it started, but I vividly recall many on the Left proudly proclaiming that Trump was not their POTUS. If that’s not divisive speech that undermines any sense of unity, I don’t know what is. The ultimate joke is that not long ago Trump was a Dem who often spent time with various celebrities and Dem Pols.
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As usual, if a dem is ever guilty of anything, their supporters run to the rescue, introducing extraneous and tangential facts, lies and people in an effort to cloud the issue surrounding the guilty dem.

The fact that decaprio actually showed up to tell the truth is interesting.

But the bottom line is some guy, not a US citizen, funneled money to Obama’s campaign. Somewhere between 20 and 30 million. It is illegal and the dems can’t stand the media reporting anything negative in the savior and Godless God, Obama.

You can try and cloud and confuse the landscape but the facts are simple and no, your redirect is laughable, as always.

Anyone that thinks the WaPo is a trusted source is gullible and brainwashed. Half the point of this is the disparity that exists in the media covering issues based on party. The other half is that today’s democrat is beyond corrupt.
Sounds like he has opened his eyes