Favorite places to eat while in school at Georgia?

Forgot T Stand - still eat there at least once per week *

I concur ,but the article was.........

about CW closing
whatever coupons we could muster from TANSTAAFL*

The Happy Giner! I may have gone there a few times with you. Haven't...

heard that name in a while. I do remember your love for the Mr. Pibb!
my apologies...locked in on the admission process thread....

took one quick look and had carry over.
Agree. Their stuffed pizza was da bomb. Filtiest restrooms I've ever seen

Strickland's, the Mayflower (same people still there after 40 yrs) ...

Varsity, Taco Stand, Krystal on Prince. Strickland's had BBQ'd goat on Thursdays. Damn good any day.

Dang. Haven't thought about the TANSTAAFL in a long time. Didn't know

what that stood for for a long time.
I lived across the street from Lump Sq in the brick house by the ...

old folks apartment complex.
I worked for them...they got me into business

Still talk to one of the old owners. Those were good times.

There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch.
The Jimbo sammich from Sons! Man, springtime on the Sons porch/deck with a cold brew and a little Panic playing in the background. Those were the days...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Whatever that pizza place was in mid90s...delivered 4 large's for $20...

Till 3am. Swore many a late nights it was best pizza ever.

It wasn't.
You must not have frequented the Uptown Lounge ...

Its bathroom made the bathroom in Trainspotting look good.
hmmm. Add, Walter's, Thrasher's, Sonny's AUCE, Grit, Taco Stand. *

Re: Is TANSTAAFL still around

Stopped publishing in early 90's iirc.
I had a franchise in Savannah for a few yrs.
I produced a Cover Position for Gumby's in TANSTAAFL

Me in the Gumby Suit driving an old Caddy Convertible with 2 hot blondes in the front seat with me.
I could have loved them.

Best Coupon was the

Gumby Dammit
1 Large 1 Topping Pizza