Hitler invaded Poland because of climate change*

He also was a big gun control advocate.
Jews could not stop his forces unarmed, and he knew that in advance of the confiscations.
Our current tyrant has taken a good bit out of hitlers playbook.
Rolo, your theory may hold water at least with the left. I seem to recall that the hottest year of the 20th century was 1934.
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He's not leading anybody, other than a bunch of Parasites. He and his ilk keep them whipped into a frenzy by beating the social justice drum constantly. As for those of us who are net producers, we're pretty much on our own, getting up every day, and fighting the fight to provide for our family, all while being told that we're bad people. Here's a novel approach: Keep our borders safe, keep the potholes filled, keep our neighborhoods safe, and don't spend too much of our money. That's all I ask. On this list, his grade is an F.

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