House fails to impeach DHS Secretary thanks to GOP defections....


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
May 3, 2003
Finally, some bipartisanship to come out of the GOP-controlled House.

In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile priority
Finally, some bipartisanship to come out of the GOP-controlled House.

In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile priority
The GOP House is really unserious about fixing America's problems.
Finally, some bipartisanship to come out of the GOP-controlled House.

In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile priority
It is not dramatic. They fail at pretty much every opportunity to do their jobs.
The GOP House is really unserious about fixing America's problems.
It is the difference between the gop and the left. Some guys have a conscience. They will vote what they think. Dems only vote party lines. Period. They are whores for the party and don’t govern for anyone but themselves. This is the issue. This is why Biden has such a low approval rating. They don’t give a shit about most of the country. Just the elites, and do just enough from keeping the majority of their base from flipping. Keep them in fear. This is why the border deal is sitting. Some are just sick to death of the bs.
Finally, some bipartisanship to come out of the GOP-controlled House.

In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile priority
The Donald will not be happy.
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It is the difference between the gop and the left. Some guys have a conscience. They will vote what they think. Dems only vote party lines. Period. They are whores for the party and don’t govern for anyone but themselves. This is the issue. This is why Biden has such a low approval rating. They don’t give a shit about most of the country. Just the elites, and do just enough from keeping the majority of their base from flipping. Keep them in fear. This is why the border deal is sitting. Some are just sick to death of the bs.
The Dems don’t think for themselves they think for the party. That’s the way they are programmed.
That we agree with. They see their job as serving MAGA and Trump instead of the American people.
Whoops. You over stepped on this one. Why the split then. And why did no Democrat question the bill at all. 100 percent love it huh. Sound like to me that is straight party line garbage. Which does nothing for the American people. Only the Democrat party.
This is why I don't think any Republican will win the Presidential election.

The Democrats may bicker, but when the time comes, they speak with one voice.
Worries me too. Rarely hear a Democrat say anything bad about Biden. I don’t think I have ever met a pub who doesn’t have some issues with Trump. Biden could piss on a paraplegic in public, and the Dems would cover for him.
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This is why I don't think any Republican will win the Presidential election.

The Democrats may bicker, but when the time comes, they speak with one voice.
Yeah, the politicians stick together, but hopefully the people will wake up. Trump will do better with minorities than any other repub has ever done.
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Worries me too. Rarely hear a Democrat say anything bad about Biden. I don’t think I have ever met a pub who doesn’t have some issues with Trump. Biden could piss on a paraplegic in public, and the Dems would cover for him.
It's because the Democrats practice patronage. Their voters actually get rewarded for casting ballots and taking political action. Republicans are content to let their voters waste away in jail for years before being tried in front of a lefty judge and sentenced to prison for decades.

Trump has some vague notion of this which is part of the reason the base loves him.
Worries me too. Rarely hear a Democrat say anything bad about Biden. I don’t think I have ever met a pub who doesn’t have some issues with Trump. Biden could piss on a paraplegic in public, and the Dems would cover for him.

But the country has to be protected from the "MAGA Cult". Ironic. How often are there dissenting votes among Congressional Democrats?
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Finally, some bipartisanship to come out of the GOP-controlled House.

In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile priority

Couldn’t happen to such a little man syndrome POS..he’s such a disgrace to be even called an American…what total destruction him and Joe Biden have done to our once secure border

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Bump for the dims
Great. They passed an impeachment by one vote that is DOA in the Senate, while blocking debate on the most comprehensive border bill in decades.

And here is an illustration of the core problem the Republicans have. Serving Trump and MAGA voters will get you crushed in the general, but losing the MAGA voters will also result in a loss. There is no solution.
Great. They passed an impeachment by one vote that is DOA in the Senate, while blocking debate on the most comprehensive border bill in decades.

And here is an illustration of the core problem the Republicans have. Serving Trump and MAGA voters will get you crushed in the general, but losing the MAGA voters will also result in a loss. There is no solution.
Which begs the question I always have had in this situation. Why worry about the maga voters? I think the Dems may find out their base is getting splintered. We will see. Who are maga voters going to change it up and vote for. Biden? That isn’t happening.
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Great. They passed an impeachment by one vote that is DOA in the Senate, while blocking debate on the most comprehensive border bill in decades.

And here is an illustration of the core problem the Republicans have. Serving Trump and MAGA voters will get you crushed in the general, but losing the MAGA voters will also result in a loss. There is no solution.
You were mocking the GOP just last week for not having the votes dude.

Now the spin is that Mayorkas did not commit a single "high crime nor misdemeanor."

I suppose LYING to Congress each time he was under oath before them isn't a crime..........unless you are a Conservative.
Which begs the question I always have had in this situation. Why worry about the maga voters? I think the Dems may find out their base is getting splintered. We will see. Who are maga voters going to change it up and vote for. Biden? That isn’t happening.
I think the answer is right in our own backyard. If Trump had enthusiastically supported the GA GOP Senate candidates in 2020 instead of effectively suppressing the vote through his insistence that the system was rigged, the GOP would have won at least one, and possibly two of the Georgia Senate seats. Maga voters will never vote for Biden, but they also might not show up and vote if they are not properly courted.

It will be a close election again and small numbers could make a huge difference in the outcome.
You were mocking the GOP just last week for not having the votes dude.

Now the spin is that Mayorkas did not commit a single "high crime nor misdemeanor."

I suppose LYING to Congress each time he was under oath before them isn't a crime..........unless you are a Conservative.
I was rightfully mocking the GOP for bringing the vote to the floor when they didn’t have the votes to win. That’s the kind of basic parliamentary incompetence this group of republicans have made themselves known for.

The fact that MTG was put in charge of whipping the votes and failed the most basic function of that role is both unsurprising and highly humorous.
Which begs the question I always have had in this situation. Why worry about the maga voters? I think the Dems may find out their base is getting splintered. We will see. Who are maga voters going to change it up and vote for. Biden? That isn’t happening.
Love it when Trump makes my point for me in real time…

The strategy of putting this crew front and center in a failed impeachment trial does not seem likely to play out well for the GOP. Serve MAGA and alienate independents and moderates.

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Love it when Trump makes my point for me in real time…

The strategy of putting this crew front and center in a failed impeachment trial does not seem likely to play out well for the GOP. Serve MAGA and alienate independents and moderates.

We aren’t talking about a local election will. Not everyone votes locally. Not nearly as much. So staying home isn’t as big a shock there. It proves absolutely nothing. You will likely vote for president. Even if you don’t like the candidate so much and it fits your policy. That is the biggest debate too with the abortion issue. Do you really lose the ultra Christian vote if you compromise on abortion? What percentage. Maybe for state elections. Certainly for local elections, but I can’t imagine they could go in a booth and vote for slojoe.
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Finally, some bipartisanship to come out of the GOP-controlled House.

In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile priority
Democrats united against on basically anything republican…it’s obvious mayorkas is not following the law with the border crisis and the dims don’t care. The plan from this administration is being carried out as planned and wanted. Rhino’s are gonna rhino and America continues its decline.
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Citing Rupar. 🙄

As I said yesterday, absolutely no self awareness.
Are you being intentionally obtuse or is it really that hard to get a simple point? The fact that Rupar tweeted the FOX screen cap of the GOP impeachment managers has nothing to do with my observation that trotting out that particular group of congressmen to represent your party while you lose a very public impeachment trial is likely not a winner for the party. MAGA will love it, independents probably not.

We aren’t talking about a local election will. Not everyone votes locally. Not nearly as much. So staying home isn’t as big a shock there. It proves absolutely nothing. You will likely vote for president. Even if you don’t like the candidate so much and it fits your policy. That is the biggest debate too with the abortion issue. Do you really lose the ultra Christian vote if you compromise on abortion? What percentage. Maybe for state elections. Certainly for local elections, but I can’t imagine they could go in a booth and vote for slojoe.
I guess we will see. There is no guarantee that an unenthused MAGA base will turn out, just as there is no guarantee that an uninspired black vote will turn out. Every vote will be important and every time the GOP feeds the MAGA crowd they are alienating moderates and independents. I think that's been proven more than once.
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I was rightfully mocking the GOP for bringing the vote to the floor when they didn’t have the votes to win. That’s the kind of basic parliamentary incompetence this group of republicans have made themselves known for.

The fact that MTG was put in charge of whipping the votes and failed the most basic function of that role is both unsurprising and highly humorous.

Democrats united against on basically anything republican…it’s obvious mayorkas is not following the law with the border crisis and the dims don’t care. The plan from this administration is being carried out as planned and wanted. Rhino’s are gonna rhino and America continues its decline.
What law is he breaking?