How many of you have not had Covid? And what did you do you to self protect?


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 3, 2019
Please keep the politics out, this is something that might help us all with future problems, especially those who live in cities.

In my mid 60's back in March 2020 I started a regimen of D-3, Vit C, Mag, and Zinc. Never took supplements before. Walking every day and doing some weight bearing work and not milling about. Eat good, generally low carb and meat/vegeatbles. Have some health issues but but have never gotten the Covid. Probably exposed to it a multitude, but have nothing more a nose run in 2+ years. Tested for the antibodies in July 2020, neg, haven't been bothered since.

Is it helpful to have the non infected post as to what they did or is this just a game of chance?
About six years younger but my situation is very similar even down to the negative antibody test mid-2020.
As far as the official statistics go, I’ve never had it. They think I had it the first week of lockdown back in March 2020 but there weren’t enough tests and it wasn’t that bad for me. Got the vaccine and the booster. My wife got it in January and I didn’t isolate at all. Tested 4 times around the same period and was negative repeatedly
Never had it and didn't really do anything to avoid it. Got the initial vaccine (no boosters) and only wore a mask when I was in a building/business that required them. And I was working as a cop, so it wasn't like I was just sitting at home every day either. Everyone in my family got it, but I never did.
in my 60’s also, never got it. only thing i did/do different is added D3 to my supplements. i worked with the public unprotected in the beginning. i never took special precautions. folks around me got it. i am lucky i guess.
ba5 just became the dominant variant in the US. Anecdotally, my lab is seeing positivity rates consistently above 15% recently, which is as high as it’s been for a while.

For reference, after delta, we dipped down to less than 3% positivity. First omicron wave we saw nearly a month at 35%, which was insane.

All of that to say, if you haven’t gotten it yet, you are very likely to get this one as it’s highly transmissible and looks like it is more immune evasive than ba2.
Please keep the politics out, this is something that might help us all with future problems, especially those who live in cities.

In my mid 60's back in March 2020 I started a regimen of D-3, Vit C, Mag, and Zinc. Never took supplements before. Walking every day and doing some weight bearing work and not milling about. Eat good, generally low carb and meat/vegeatbles. Have some health issues but but have never gotten the Covid. Probably exposed to it a multitude, but have nothing more a nose run in 2+ years. Tested for the antibodies in July 2020, neg, haven't been bothered since.

Is it helpful to have the non infected post as to what they did or is this just a game of chance?
I haven’t had it, but I can’t say that I did anything special to avoid it. It’s just a game of chance at this point. You can do things to reduce your odds of getting infected (vaccines, general things to help your immune system, masking), but it’s the luck of the draw at some point.
Please keep the politics out, this is something that might help us all with future problems, especially those who live in cities.

In my mid 60's back in March 2020 I started a regimen of D-3, Vit C, Mag, and Zinc. Never took supplements before. Walking every day and doing some weight bearing work and not milling about. Eat good, generally low carb and meat/vegeatbles. Have some health issues but but have never gotten the Covid. Probably exposed to it a multitude, but have nothing more a nose run in 2+ years. Tested for the antibodies in July 2020, neg, haven't been bothered since.

Is it helpful to have the non infected post as to what they did or is this just a game of chance?
I have taken a high end regimen of essential oil based vitamins and supplements and have taken 2 ml of Ivermectin every 10 days.

No vaccine and will not vaccine. I do believe that Ivermectin is the single best thing you can take to prevent the virus. We all have to make the best decisions for us.
No and absolutely nothing other than take my vitamins/work out/eat a balanced healthy diet.
I’ve not tested positive but may have gotten it Jan 2022.

100% sure I never got it before then.

I do moderate cardio mostly outside, light strength training, take occasional multi vitamins, eat tons of fruits and veggies, but eat way too many sweets.

I flew around the US in 2020, didn’t in 2021, wore a mask some, didn’t wear it some, but was never hand sanitizer type person.

Historically, I’ve been very resistant to viruses while more susceptible to bacteria infections. I am assuming that’s the main reason since I was around multiple people that have had it and was exposed a decent bit.
55 and very active. I’m in sales and out and about everywhere. Tested positive for it last October. Only tested because coworker had it. Felt bad 1 day. Never wore mask still don’t. Not political but I think it’s all crazy. Just read where people are testing positive for covid long. Even though they were never tested or had symptoms. How can you diagnose someone with covid long And they dont even know if or when they had it. Symptoms are fatigue , sleeplessness brain fog and other crap. If that’s case I must have had covid about 15 years ago because I’ve been dealing with those symptoms that long.
68 years old. No COVID, no injections. Green tea extract, quercetin, vitamin C, A-D-K, magnesium, zinc, black garlic extract, curcumin, omega-3, Índole-3-Carbinol, spirulina, veggies, fresh fruit, meat (heavy on fish), exercise and coffee!
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Had it the first go around in June. Wasn’t that sick antibody test was neg. Took almost 14 days to get the pos result back. By then fairly sick just real tired.
Please keep the politics out, this is something that might help us all with future problems, especially those who live in cities.

In my mid 60's back in March 2020 I started a regimen of D-3, Vit C, Mag, and Zinc. Never took supplements before. Walking every day and doing some weight bearing work and not milling about. Eat good, generally low carb and meat/vegeatbles. Have some health issues but but have never gotten the Covid. Probably exposed to it a multitude, but have nothing more a nose run in 2+ years. Tested for the antibodies in July 2020, neg, haven't been bothered since.

Is it helpful to have the non infected post as to what they did or is this just a game of chance?
Took all my shots; 79 yrs old; lucky so far.
Got it a few weeks ago for the first time. Felt worse for about two days and then some lingering symptoms for 6 or so days. No big deal.
Since some people get very mild or no symptoms I don’t know how anyone can be sure they haven’t had it. I think most have had it at some point. I’ve had it twice at least, maybe more. Once pre vaccine. At least once after. Neither were too terrible.
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Please keep the politics out, this is something that might help us all with future problems, especially those who live in cities.

In my mid 60's back in March 2020 I started a regimen of D-3, Vit C, Mag, and Zinc. Never took supplements before. Walking every day and doing some weight bearing work and not milling about. Eat good, generally low carb and meat/vegeatbles. Have some health issues but but have never gotten the Covid. Probably exposed to it a multitude, but have nothing more a nose run in 2+ years. Tested for the antibodies in July 2020, neg, haven't been bothered since.

Is it helpful to have the non infected post as to what they did or is this just a game of chance?
I’ve had it twice - take vit c and D daily - first round was like a sinus infection, 2nd round was like flu for 2 days
had it in summer of 2020
gave it to my whole fam
nothing but a runny nose
eat good workout and drink whiskey
all will be ok
its the avg flu
55 and very active. I’m in sales and out and about everywhere. Tested positive for it last October. Only tested because coworker had it. Felt bad 1 day. Never wore mask still don’t. Not political but I think it’s all crazy. Just read where people are testing positive for covid long. Even though they were never tested or had symptoms. How can you diagnose someone with covid long And they dont even know if or when they had it. Symptoms are fatigue , sleeplessness brain fog and other crap. If that’s case I must have had covid about 15 years ago because I’ve been dealing with those symptoms that long.
great post
amazing how often people test
Just do what the CDC says and you should be good.
So I’ve never tested positive for covid, but I was dog sick in mid February of 2020, throwing up, all the flu like symptoms, tested negative for flu but the urgent care gave me treatment like it was the flu.

I also was dog sick the weekend before the Clemson game that made me miss a wedding, I had a fever and was sweating bullets in the shower. I was better by Tuesday morning but had a dry throat all throughout the week and the Clemson game.

Ever since omicron started and supposedly have lesser symptoms, sometimes I wonder if my runny noses are covid or allergies, but I haven’t been “sick” sick since August.

I’m not going to say I never had it, but I do know I’m not a statistic. I’m boosted, but probably won’t get another shot.
I’ve had two people in household with it and haven’t got it yet.

Don’t eat particularly well nor take any vitamins but I work out 2 hours a day.

i was also among the first to receive vaccine as I work in healthcare and did get one booster last November
mRNA vaccine and booster.

Never had it, but there's no way I haven't been exposed to it.
The whole family is vaxxed and boostered and we escaped it until last week. Had a family and friends dinner on June 26 and six of the twelve people got it. My entire household but me has tested positive, but while I have a stuffy nose, I have tested negative five times. Everyone else has had colds, headaches, and fatigue….just so hard to figure out why some people get it and some don’t. Just glad we are vaxxed and the damage has been very minimal.
I haven’t had it, but I can’t say that I did anything special to avoid it. It’s just a game of chance at this point. You can do things to reduce your odds of getting infected (vaccines, general things to help your immune system, masking), but it’s the luck of the draw at some point.
I’m actually starting to think at this point if you haven’t had it, you may just not get it for whatever reason.

(or maybe it’s possible we’ve had it and the symptoms were so mild/non existent, we didn’t know). I’m guessing everyone has been exposed repeatedly at this point
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