It's already happening! Biden's armed IRS agents shown assaulting a suburban home


The Dawgfather
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Savannah, GA
It's one thing to increase the budget to audit people more efficiently, it's another to have this armed IRS division.

Let's apply some common sense to the situation. What type of crime does the IRS investigate? Isn't it tax evasion?

I mean first they must detect the discrepancy which is done at a desk with computers. If something is found, doesn't the IRS send out a notice and assess penalties? From there, the party of interest can respond directly, through an accountant, or even a lawyer.

Let's say the party of interest opposes the audit, rightly or otherwise. In what world does it make sense for armed IRS agents to confront the party with guns? I mean do we assume all people who have a tax dispute are sitting on cash and the IRS is bringing a van to load it up? What's the recovery process? What happened to garnishments and seizing bank accounts?

Even in cases of arrest, how often do you see the party of interest waging war? Why isn't the FBI responsible for potentially violent confrontation? Aren't they the federal police?

And given the digital automation available with regards to payroll, banking transactions, and the tax code, it seems any significant capital investment would go towards technology and the people who manage it, not 87K humans.

Just doesn’t add up.
Al Sharpton has owed millions for decades now. No punishment for him since he's a Democrat.
I love how Candice handles him. Paraphrasing her: How does he know or understand the suffering that is going on in the hood. He has millions in back taxes due. Do you know how much money you have to make to have millions in back taxes due.
Left will push an armed conflict with Americans as much as they possibly can so they can have an excuse to label everyone terrorists and start the purge of Americans.


Kari is an ex-Community Organizer who writes about Voter Engagement, Cultural Marxism and Campaigns. She has been a grassroots volunteer with the GOP, on and off for 18 years. She is a Homeschool Mom in North Carolina and loves Photojournalism and Citizen Journalism.

Looks legit.


Kari is an ex-Community Organizer who writes about Voter Engagement, Cultural Marxism and Campaigns. She has been a grassroots volunteer with the GOP, on and off for 18 years. She is a Homeschool Mom in North Carolina and loves Photojournalism and Citizen Journalism.

Looks legit.
So the photo of the armed IRS agent is a fabrication? lol
But George Stephanopoulos is an unbiased news guy in your mind! lol
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those of you that think all this is a hoax go read the damn IRS publication, that is where all this crap came from this is from their own publications its not some conspiracy theory, kinda like you know the WEF publications and all thats being carried out to destroy energy and food etc, its all in plain view for those that aren't lazy and can read.
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Amazing how people jump to conclusions without even knowing hardly any of the facts. Organized crime figures are often arrested for tax evasion and it would only make sense to have armed agents. There could be a good reason for it, or not, you just don't know.
There have been IRS agents armed with guns for decades. Notice where the stuff is coming from. There are legit conservative news sources on the internet, but they're not Fox Mulder enough for some of these guys.

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Amazing how people jump to conclusions without even knowing hardly any of the facts. Organized crime figures are often arrested for tax evasion and it would only make sense to have armed agents. There could be a good reason for it, or not, you just don't know.
They have always had armed agents when they apprehend tax evaders. I've assisted them on several occasions when I was a Risk Mgt supervisor.
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