Jeb needs to clear out let Rubio, Paul, Cruz, Walker and a few others...

women gonna put hillary in White going to hell

in handbasket. should have never authorized them to vote.
Yes? No?

Is she too far gone for you to save her?

A LOT of women don't like Hillary Clinton....and for good reasons

She's arrogant, condescending and a very liberal activist just like Obama.
Yep - even republican women are gonna pull it for her ..

Many chatter wives are gonna lie to their husbands and tell them they didn't, but what's one more lie in their everyday litany of them. It'll ROLL right off their tongue and they'll tell it with a smile. When chatters get wild monkey sex from their women on the first Tuesday of November, I hope they know why. Well, who cares on that, I guess. At least y'all will get something out of it. Might even quit bitching at y'all for a week or so, too, but y'all shouldn't hold your breaths on that one.
They'll vote for her anyway - the blacks originally laughed at Obama ..

and called him the halfrican till it was time for them to be told not to. Now they'll defend him till they drop dead., absent all reason for doing so. Women can often be smarter and more cunning than men in many ways, but not politically. Waycross is dead right on this one. They don't make rational decisions with politics if their emotions are played correctly by those that know what they are doing. We'll see, but I think I'm right.
Put me and all my close friends and family in that group. Can hardly

look at the woman and won't listen to her.