Media is becoming more unhinged and will continue to ratchet it up as they think Biden is in trouble


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001

With Governor Sunune and AG Barr publicly stating they are voting for Trump and a fresh review of the polls, the media is going into panic and becoming more and more unhinged. Stephanopolus is editorializing, CNN has legal folks covering anything in trial as a new revelation and an all out assault is occurring on the Supreme Court because they are going to rule the President does have some immunity. (not absolute but immunity from some elements of Jack Smiths case which will neuter most of it) We are not even getting into continued inflation, rising gas prices and anti-Semitic rhetoric all around Biden. News coverage this summer is going hyper aggressive and partisan, Biden is in trouble and a 2nd Trump Presidency would shake the establishment. Grab some popcorn and take notice.

With Governor Sunune and AG Barr publicly stating they are voting for Trump and a fresh review of the polls, the media is going into panic and becoming more and more unhinged. Stephanopolus is editorializing, CNN has legal folks covering anything in trial as a new revelation and an all out assault is occurring on the Supreme Court because they are going to rule the President does have some immunity. (not absolute but immunity from some elements of Jack Smiths case which will neuter most of it) We are not even getting into continued inflation, rising gas prices and anti-Semitic rhetoric all around Biden. News coverage this summer is going hyper aggressive and partisan, Biden is in trouble and a 2nd Trump Presidency would shake the establishment. Grab some popcorn and take notice.
Of course, afterwards they will not be able to do anything without all of these indictments/charges. They will have nothing left, should have just left it all alone.

Won’t be able to run on the issues, that is pretty much black & white. Just gonna have to continue with the personal attacks……I learned a new one the other day, didn’t know that Trump had a bald spot on the back of his head.

But I guess that is always good to know for future reference.

On a positive note. As it gets closer, I can’t wait for it all to kick up a notch or two on here. That should be entertaining.

Win win for rivals, football season and election going on at the same time. Probably need to buy some stock.
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With Governor Sunune and AG Barr publicly stating they are voting for Trump and a fresh review of the polls, the media is going into panic and becoming more and more unhinged. Stephanopolus is editorializing, CNN has legal folks covering anything in trial as a new revelation and an all out assault is occurring on the Supreme Court because they are going to rule the President does have some immunity. (not absolute but immunity from some elements of Jack Smiths case which will neuter most of it) We are not even getting into continued inflation, rising gas prices and anti-Semitic rhetoric all around Biden. News coverage this summer is going hyper aggressive and partisan, Biden is in trouble and a 2nd Trump Presidency would shake the establishment. Grab some popcorn and take notice.
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Her response or questions are very similar to George Stephopholus - since inflation, gas prices , protest and illegal immigration don’t affect them they don’t think it’s a big deal. Yes, the replacement electorate was a huge deal, not minimizing at all, but Biden is awful and Trump’s presidency, although an a$$, wasn’t near as bad. That’s why folks are leaning toward Trump in battle ground states- Biden’s administration is horrid and he has some stage of dementia, period!!

With Governor Sunune and AG Barr publicly stating they are voting for Trump and a fresh review of the polls, the media is going into panic and becoming more and more unhinged. Stephanopolus is editorializing, CNN has legal folks covering anything in trial as a new revelation and an all out assault is occurring on the Supreme Court because they are going to rule the President does have some immunity. (not absolute but immunity from some elements of Jack Smiths case which will neuter most of it) We are not even getting into continued inflation, rising gas prices and anti-Semitic rhetoric all around Biden. News coverage this summer is going hyper aggressive and partisan, Biden is in trouble and a 2nd Trump Presidency would shake the establishment. Grab some popcorn and take notice.
You are correct, but they are most speaking in an echo chamber. The MSM doesn’t have the same influence they did thirty years ago because there are too many alternative news sources. People consume the news they want and ignore the news they don’t want. That won’t stop CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, etc from coming unhinged though.
Notice she could t deny nor refute any of the claims he stated about the left and the progressives threat to democracy

then when those are pointed out her refute is

Yeah but my claim is worse

I won’t debate your claims I’ll just list mine hahahaha
The fear mongering is going to reach unprecedented levels, soon.

"Trump is going to end democracy!"
"Freedom itself is at stake!"
"We will never be safe again!"
"He's going to kill us all!".

Just wait....

Trump = Hitler is going to be the message.
The writing is on the wall. I think the blue leaders know Biden ain’t winning this. No matter how many young social media people they pay to prop Biden up. It ain’t working.
Y'all are really setting yourself up for disappointment here
The fear mongering is going to reach unprecedented levels, soon.

"Trump is going to end democracy!"
"Freedom itself is at stake!"
"We will never be safe again!"
"He's going to kill us all!".

Just wait....

Trump = Hitler is going to be the message.
Here's a theory.

The protest consultants, marxist or just plain hate America crowd who are spinning things out of control on certain college campuses are driving more voters to Trump. And it may cost Biden the election.

Perhaps that is their objective.

Trump victory, massive protests (that they gin up) on the streets, Trump doesn't stand for it and sends in the National Guard et al, media screams, says Trump ordered attack on "mostly peaceful" protectors and we have something on our hands that makes the 1960's look calm and Trump gets blamed for America falling apart.

Not sure that's exactly what it looks like but not totally implausible either.