Need advice

Radi Nabulsi

Nov 17, 2003
Every year I deal with carpenter bees. Usually with a tennis racquet. I need a better solution. What do you have?
From a front porch somewhere in Amity

This post was edited on 3/16 2:12 PM by Dawg4sure
Lowes should carry carpenter bee traps. Probably the easiest method.*

Re: 79 suggest this..............

Originally posted by Jaman_Dawg:
But part of the fun of the tennis racquet is the slicing and dicing of the bees. Although electrocuting the little bastards out of the air is appealing...
They love to rag the Old man, it was almost like that this morning

while my neighbors got evicted.
Re: 79 suggest this..............

Wife had one laying on the hamper and I accidently pushed the button while holding the racket to move it. Dang thing lit me up like a christmas tree.
You are on the right track. I like to entomb them...

I like to have a little fun with them for a week or two, then its time to die:

Early one morning while they are still asleep, I get out the wood putty and fill the hole openings. Only once in many many years of doing this has a bee burrowed out.
That WOOD do the TRICK...may get me one...

I noticed the LINE about adding soda and dishwashing liquid to kill Wasps and Yellow Jackets.....I need that part more
An exterminator once told me the only thing you can do... spray insecticide in the hole and then fill it with caulk/putty. Other than that, he had no solutions.
gonna try a trap...block of WOOD with three holes in it...

at the other end is a glass jar...supposedly they keep trying to escape the glass but bump themselves on the glass.
yep ,I hang fly traps out every year.It is amazing how many of .........

them critters they are.I kill 7-800 a year easy..........
Re: An exterminator once told me the only thing you can do...

Originally posted by Koogan: spray insecticide in the hole and then fill it with caulk/putty. Other than that, he had no solutions.
They get under a piece of siding way off the ground that is hard to reach with spray or caulk. The lovey that cedar siding,
Trap or badminton racquet. Tennis racquet will give you tennis elbow.

Traps are pretty effective. Block of wood will holes drilled in them with a plastic bottle screwed in the bottom. Get mine from my barber shop in Social Circle. They fly in can't get out.
sniff glue/xylene until you imagine house worse than bee...

you're welcome...
Sevin Dust or liquid spray. Might find somebody selling "traps" but have

seen Carpenter's go right by them to bore a hole, too. If kids around that's what I'd use before the poison.
Re: LOL,also found these as suggested below..........

You can get plans for making one online. I've had one up for 3 years and never caught anything but a couple ants.
Made a simple trap here in no time...they work.

Six sided wood box (looks like a birdhouse) with a plastic mayo or p-nut jar screwed to the bottom. Two holes. I hang mine over the hole they drilled in the side of a garage wall behind some bushes.

Kinda fun to check it everyday.