Remember when people were afraid Covid was going to wipe out the human population

I don't remember any person or organization that stated it would wipe out the population. The highest mortality rate predictions I recall were 5-10% based on an initial outbreak in Italy that killed that many people.

The initial two boosters saved at least 100,000 lives and prevented even more serious cases, but understanding that might require having some "common sense".
How many of yall geniuses fell for that one and took 5 booster shots. lol.

It is so sad or it would be comical how many people lack common sense.

The media doesn't even talk about it anymore.
I didn’t believe it would wipe out the entire population……..but I did take a calculated risk, or what I thought was a calculated risk with the information I had at the time…..I took 2 shots. So did my family and most all if not all of my friends.

None of us have been sick & still kicking like a chicken… least for now.

If it kills us all, which I believe is around 70% or so that took it here in the US…..looks like the remainder will win the lottery.

Y’all just don’t spend it all in one place….and vote Republican, but that can be fluid too (history).

Now, based on what I know now (vaccine)…..not sure if I would do it all over with again.
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I didn’t believe it would wipe out the entire population……..but I did take a calculated risk, or what I thought was a calculated risk with the information I had at the time…..I took 2 shots. So did my family and most all if not all of my friends.

None of us have been sick & still kicking like a chicken… least for now.

If it kills us all, which I believe is around 70% or so that took it here in the US…..looks like the remainder will win the lottery.

Y’all just don’t spend it all in one place….and vote Republican, but that can be fluid too (history).

Now, based on what I know now (vaccine)…..not sure if I would do it all over with again.
At least you're honest about your feelings and not digging in.
I don't remember any person or organization that stated it would wipe out the population. The highest mortality rate predictions I recall were 5-10% based on an initial outbreak in Italy that killed that many people.

The initial two boosters saved at least 100,000 lives and prevented even more serious cases, but understanding that might require having some "common sense".
LRA, I disagree with you in the non-vaccine saving lives. Ivermectin saved more lives globally than the Pfizer magic serum did.

That is my opinion based on areas where ivermectin was widely used and distributed.

But again, if ABC news promotes it, I run. If MSNBC says it, I run away faster. When MSNBC, ABC and CNN agree, I quit listening. All while Fauci got rich.

Pfizer made billions and is milking it still today. I mean, a VACCINE that didn’t stop you from getting it or transmitting it. Yet we made people get it to protect others…… yep, my common sense checked out.

I don’t have any common sense, so I don’t wear a mask either.

But I do respect your opinion. But your common sense comment was a sorry attempt at contempt.

My 87 year old father in law has had 3 boosters. Hope he makes it to 89.
How many of yall geniuses fell for that one and took 5 booster shots. lol.

It is so sad or it would be comical how many people lack common sense.

The media doesn't even talk about it anymore.
The only thing that lacks common sense is this ridiculous post. There isn't a fact within a thousand miles of your post.

I do know that two of my perfectly healthy fifty year old friends died on ventilators. The ignorance to the seriousness of covid in the early days is staggering. Why were hospitals overwhelmed with patients?

Nobody said you couldn't get covid if you were vaccinated. Hospital data, not political agendas, showed the vaccine to be very effective early on in preventing serious illness and that is a fact. Now, maybe not as effective. I do realize, however, that this is the conspiracy vent.
How many lives did the vaccinations cost? Also, what will the long term effects be on people’s health ?
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The only thing that lacks common sense is this ridiculous post. There isn't a fact within a thousand miles of your post.

I do know that two of my perfectly healthy fifty year old friends died on ventilators. The ignorance to the seriousness of covid in the early days is staggering. Why were hospitals overwhelmed with patients?

Nobody said you couldn't get covid if you were vaccinated. Hospital data, not political agendas, showed the vaccine to be very effective early on in preventing serious illness and that is a fact. Now, maybe not as effective. I do realize, however, that this is the conspiracy vent.
Don’t bother. This is an intellectual tadpole pond. Despicable people saying ignorant things.
How many of yall geniuses fell for that one and took 5 booster shots. lol.

It is so sad or it would be comical how many people lack common sense.

The media doesn't even talk about it anymore.
I had the 5 and plan on another if it comes.
“Geniuses don't become geniuses until they find the right moron to compare themselves to.”
The only thing that lacks common sense is this ridiculous post. There isn't a fact within a thousand miles of your post.

I do know that two of my perfectly healthy fifty year old friends died on ventilators. The ignorance to the seriousness of covid in the early days is staggering. Why were hospitals overwhelmed with patients?

Nobody said you couldn't get covid if you were vaccinated. Hospital data, not political agendas, showed the vaccine to be very effective early on in preventing serious illness and that is a fact. Now, maybe not as effective. I do realize, however, that this is the conspiracy vent.
Biden and the head of the CDC both said at least once in front of millions of viewers if you were vaccinated you wouldn't get covid.
Biden and the head of the CDC both said at least once in front of millions of viewers if you were vaccinated you wouldn't get covid.
And they were wrong. Never heard anyone during Trumps time during covid say anything like that.
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The only thing that lacks common sense is this ridiculous post. There isn't a fact within a thousand miles of your post.

I do know that two of my perfectly healthy fifty year old friends died on ventilators. The ignorance to the seriousness of covid in the early days is staggering. Why were hospitals overwhelmed with patients?

Nobody said you couldn't get covid if you were vaccinated. Hospital data, not political agendas, showed the vaccine to be very effective early on in preventing serious illness and that is a fact. Now, maybe not as effective. I do realize, however, that this is the conspiracy vent.

From the very first, the models coming from the smart guys at Stanford, predicted a > 99.7% survival rate. Hardly justifying the panic. What was the final survivability rate? > 99.7%.

And yes, a vaccine is supposed to prevent contraction of the disease. At least it was until the government changed the definition in the dead of night so they, and you could claim a vaccine was not intended to prevent the disease. It wasn’t until they were backed in a corner that they admitted the vaccine did not prevent infection. Oh they also said the vaccine would prevent transmission and demonized the smart people that avoided the vaccine. So no COVID prevention and no help for the transmission. Oops.

They kicked people out of the military, fired people, refused admission to public facilities and made people lie in bed and die alone based on the bullshit tyrannical political narrative.

All for a so called “vaccine” that bypassed most every one of the FDA’s standards for approving a vaccine safe and effective. Tom’s of new billionaires were created, generational family businesses were wiped out and the govt ran roughshod over anyone that merely asked for an explanation, when “follow the science” wasn’t good enough.

OP is correct and I’m glad people at least got a first hand glimpse and education on government abuse of power.
Don’t bother. This is an intellectual tadpole pond. Despicable people saying ignorant things.
If I don’t agree with you I am despicable?

Just wanted to understand where I stood on this.

I will not get the shot. My choice. I chose other options. Never had the virus so I will keep doing what I have been doing.

My father in law has had three boosters and twice had Covid. We live in the same house.

If you trust the system, get the shot. I don’t, so I haven’t. The government is no longer designed to protect you and me. So I don’t rely on their counsel when it comes to me and my family.

If that makes me despicable, so be it.
If I don’t agree with you I am despicable?

Just wanted to understand where I stood on this.

I will not get the shot. My choice. I chose other options. Never had the virus so I will keep doing what I have been doing.

My father in law has had three boosters and twice had Covid. We live in the same house.

If you trust the system, get the shot. I don’t, so I haven’t. The government is no longer designed to protect you and me. So I don’t rely on their counsel when it comes to me and my family.

If that makes me despicable, so be it.
I mean in all honesty that’s usually their tactic.

Even funnier is they are still clinging to their grandiose visions of vast intelligence and moral superiority.

The funny thing is they just throw out comments that couldn’t be further from the truth.

What’s really said is when you talk to someone who got sick after being forced to take the shot when they are in the medical field and were very much aware it wasn’t a good idea to take it.

It would breaks my heart. I am glad I made the choice to not take it and many of my family members didn’t as well.
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The only thing that lacks common sense is this ridiculous post. There isn't a fact within a thousand miles of your post.

I do know that two of my perfectly healthy fifty year old friends died on ventilators. The ignorance to the seriousness of covid in the early days is staggering. Why were hospitals overwhelmed with patients?

Nobody said you couldn't get covid if you were vaccinated. Hospital data, not political agendas, showed the vaccine to be very effective early on in preventing serious illness and that is a fact. Now, maybe not as effective. I do realize, however, that this is the conspiracy vent.
Very sorry about your friends, so ongoing conversations move from that.

When someone doesn’t go with a central gov controlled line, it is a conspiracy?

The question becomes of what this vaccine does to you for your duration of life. I chose options that had been used for years, proven safe for human consumption.

I chose an option that was working in other parts of the world where it was made readily available. That isn’t a conspiracy.

My problem with the vaccine and mandates is there is always a money trail to work through. My problem with a central government mandate that follows the money trail and hints of totalitarianism, gives me pause.

Science be damned in this process. We were fed, in my opinion, what the government wanted us to have and watched them demonize those who questioned.

The whole Covid issue changed our world. It wasn’t a mistake, and in this process provided more power to the central gov and less freedom for the citizen. That is bad on all accounts.

Much of what you said sounded like a repeat of the nightly news. Of course the “flu” magically disappeared during the pandemic, amazing. The media had every single person with a sniffle running to the hospitals. So yes, they were under siege. Ever been to an emergency room in a big city downtown hospital? They are overwhelmed every single day. Tell people they are sick and panic sets in.

Not everyone being treated in the hospitals were on vents and near death. That is misinformation. And the highest percentage of deaths fit health categories this people had. Very few normally healthy people died of Covid. The percentages closely mimic the affect flu has on those health issues.

I have taken 2ml Ivermectin every 10 days since Covid showed up. I don’t mask and didn’t unless requested. I worked in a school system, took students on class trips to Washington and Florida right on top of Covid. Never had the virus.

My father-in-law has had three boosters and Covid three times. He went down his path, I went mine. I am 65 years old.

Oh, and with Ivermectin, I know it has been safely used for over 40 years.

Just wanted to offer my take. Thanks
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Very sorry about your friends, so ongoing conversations move from that.

When someone doesn’t go with a central gov controlled line, it is a conspiracy?

The question becomes of what this vaccine does to you for your duration of life. I chose options that had been used for years, proven safe for human consumption.

I chose an option that was working in other parts of the world where it was made readily available. That isn’t a conspiracy.

My problem with the vaccine and mandates is there is always a money trail to work through. My problem with a central government mandate that follows the money trail and hints of totalitarianism, gives me pause.

Science be damned in this process. We were fed, in my opinion, what the government wanted us to have and watched them demonize those who questioned.

The whole Covid issue changed our world. It wasn’t a mistake, and in this process provided more power to the central gov and less freedom for the citizen. That is bad on all accounts.

Much of what you said sounded like a repeat of the nightly news. Of course the “flu” magically disappeared during the pandemic, amazing. The media had every single person with a sniffle running to the hospitals. So yes, they were under siege. Ever been to an emergency room in a big city downtown hospital? They are overwhelmed every single day. Tell people they are sick and panic sets in.

Not everyone being treated in the hospitals were on vents and near death. That is misinformation. And the highest percentage of deaths fit health categories this people had. Very few normally healthy people died of Covid. The percentages closely mimic the affect flu has on those health issues.

I have taken 2ml Ivermectin every 10 days since Covid showed up. I don’t mask and didn’t unless requested. I worked in a school system, took students on class trips to Washington and Florida right on top of Covid. Never had the virus.

My father-in-law has had three boosters and Covid three times. He went down his path, I went mine. I am 65 years old.

Oh, and with Ivermectin, I know it has been safely used for over 40 years.

Just wanted to offer my take. Thanks
I'm not for government shutdowns or vaccination mandates. People are free to do whatever they choose. The op's take on this, though, is just silly.
I just think natural immunity deniers are hilarious considering that even the Covid shots depend on natural immunity to work.

Kids suffered alot more sickness than normal after the covid lockdown because of this very issue.

We prevented them from being exposed to things they normally would.

Seems like the left has mostly ignored the actually science and went with the Fauci political propaganda and get rich schemes.

We had actually scientist and doctors being silenced.

Then we had these BRAVE "Be a hero. Take the vacience types" wanting a cookie for their ignorance of science.
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you guys hearing about this evolved H5N1 with reportedly 50% mortality rate in people?

i had less than 1% fear of COVID at my most naive state for anyone other than protecting my family but this bird flu thing sounds real bad potentially
The only thing that lacks common sense is this ridiculous post. There isn't a fact within a thousand miles of your post.

I do know that two of my perfectly healthy fifty year old friends died on ventilators. The ignorance to the seriousness of covid in the early days is staggering. Why were hospitals overwhelmed with patients?

Nobody said you couldn't get covid if you were vaccinated. Hospital data, not political agendas, showed the vaccine to be very effective early on in preventing serious illness and that is a fact. Now, maybe not as effective. I do realize, however, that this is the conspiracy vent.
Vacs should have been targeted (preexisting cond) and not mandated
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