Seems that upholding and enforcing the law is logical to me

Here you go mitchell,,,, you have proven again that you are easily swayed by the vapors of the left...... from the NYT... quotes of his speech.

In Veterans Day Speech, Trump Promises to ‘Root Out’ the Left​

The former president said that threats from abroad were less concerning than liberal “threats from within” and that he was a “very proud election denier.”

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Donald J. Trump in a navy blue suit as he’s giving a speech.

“I’m a very proud election denier,” former President Donald J. Trump said during a nearly two-hour speech on Saturday.Credit...Sophie Park for The New York Times

Donald J. Trump in a navy blue suit as he’s giving a speech.

Michael Gold
By Michael Gold
Michael Gold is following the Trump campaign and reported from Claremont, N.H.
Nov. 11, 2023
Former President Donald J. Trump, on a day set aside to celebrate those who have defended the United States in uniform, promised to honor veterans in part by assailing what he portrayed as America’s greatest foe: the political left.
Using incendiary and dehumanizing language to refer to his opponents, Mr. Trump vowed to “root out” what he called “the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”
“The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within,” Mr. Trump said Saturday in a nearly two-hour Veterans Day address in Claremont, N.H.
Mr. Trump accused Democrats and President Biden of trying to roll back his efforts to expand veteran access to health care, causing soaring inflation, pushing the country to the brink of World War III, endangering the troops in Afghanistan and of lying and rigging elections.

He also promised to care for America’s veterans, reviving a hyperbolic claim that he made throughout his 2016 campaign that Democrats “treat the illegal aliens just pouring into our country better than they treat our veterans.”
And he said he would divert money currently earmarked “for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens” to instead provide shelter and treatment for homeless military veterans.

Lets see,,, all the dims pols call the gop/turmp supporters fascist, threats to America etc. If I have too because I know you won't admit it I will go get a copy of speech where biden did the exact same thing. Where killay did the exact same thing. This is another fine people effort by the left to portray trump as evil..... He is just acting like a dim and dims can't stand it.

You need to stop getting so whipped out of shape by snowflake dims and their vapors over being treated the way they treat everyone.
Hell the Dems are the ones acting like Nazis the way they are treating the Jews.
I'm calling out and questioning what you are doing. Do you say these things because you don't actually read things very carefully and/or jump to conclusions, are you trying to be intentionally misleading, or just repeating a slanted view that you read and wanted to be true?

I'm not getting into a word parsing discussion that will take too much time and just be denied without consideration by someone with a preconceived judgment to defend. I've walked into that boondoggle before.

Let me use an example that you might relate to more easily. There's a quote of Joe Biden saying "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

Political opponents have said that Joe was simply "saying the quiet part out loud" and bragging about fraud. Any honest listener knows that it was a poor choice of words and he's really claiming to have organized a broad base to fight voter fraud. Using that quote against him is either politically disingenuous, an attempt at humor, or to question his cognitive abilities.

A more cynical view is that some folks don't believe what he was trying to say, and therefore using it against him is fair game. I'm not a fan of that one, either. Do you think that approach is fair?
So what was Trump trying to convey when he posted on Truth Social on Veteran’s Day that the political opposition is “vermin”. That’s a very specific and not widely used word, particularly in a political context.

What exactly was Trump trying to convey when he recently told The National Pulse during an interview that illegal immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country”. Again, that’s very unusual and specific language. There are a thousand different ways to describe the threat of illegal immigration. Why use language that echos language used by Hitler and the Nazis?

You can’t deny that he said these things recently. Do you want to try and tell us these comments are taken out of context? That there is not a history of using these words to dehumanize and inflame?

It’s right in front of your face. The same guy who decided he was going to remain in power regardless of the outcome of the election (see Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis’s just released proffer session videos) is now using the kind of language that has historically indicated a hard move to authoritarianism.

None of this is new. Trump didn’t invent this kind of language. The historical analogs are very well documented and more importantly very consistent about what they indicate.
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So what was Trump trying to convey when he posted on Truth Social on Veteran’s Day that the political opposition is “vermin”. That’s a very specific and not widely used word, particularly in a political context.

What exactly was Trump trying to convey when he recently told The National Pulse during an interview that illegal immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country”. Again, that’s very unusual and specific language. There are a thousand different ways to describe the threat of illegal immigration. Why use language that echos language used by Hitler and the Nazis?

You can’t deny that he said these things recently. Do you want to try and tell us these comments are taken out of context? That there is not a history of using these words to dehumanize and inflame?

It’s right in front of your face. The same guy who decided he was going to remain in power regardless of the outcome of the election (see Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis’s just released proffer session videos) is now using the kind of language that has historically indicated a hard move to authoritarianism.

None of this is new. Trump didn’t invent this kind of language. The historical analogs are very well documented and more importantly very consistent about what they indicate.
You can go back and compare language used by both sides and compare it to Hitler. That is out there now because Hillary keeps using that word to describe him. It is the new fear Porn from the left. You think djt is going to have concentration camps out there. Rounding up lefties. More likely he will have the fbi raid a bunch of lefties in a response to what ridiculous action? I bet he will have the irs audit the big ticket Dems. Kind of like what happened to pubs in the last four years. It is stupid to compare anyone to Hitler. Especially with what is happening out there right now. You lefties are having to look yourself in the mirror. There is only one party mirroring nazis at the moment.

The blood comment is the replacing of voters the border opening was hoping to accomplish. You bought into the fear comment. He said live like vermin. Not are vermin. Or deplorables or actual straight up name calling. Which he or others from the left aren’t above.

This is a childish comparison and narrative. Especially ironic since you guys are the ones who built cages most recently. (Obama at the border)

Trump is not going to be a uniter. We sorely need that. But he hopefully will fix if elected, the economy. And certainly undo some of the most asinine policy decisions in the history of our country.

Hopefully the gop comes to their senses by the primary. So rhetoric like this will be less common. It isn’t like the gop created trump. That is all you guys.
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They won't answer.....will just bring up Biden.
Most of the Trump cult never even listen to what he actually says.......I do, and I believe what he says. That's why I will never vote for him again.
Just over the weekend how he gushes over Putin, and other dictators, you can see him wanting to have the same control.
Please look and listen for yourself and take him at his word!

Both sides do this stupid comparison. It isn’t just a Biden thing either.

The last one is hilarious. Apparently in Vermont at this time bill Clinton was the second most evil man ever in the last century. Barely getting clipped by Hitler in the vote. Interesting, that bill and Hillary both beat saddam Hussein, dahmer and Ted bundy on the evil list.

Can we get away from this stupid comparison. It doesn’t work for either side.
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You can go back and compare language used by both sides and compare it to Hitler. That is out there now because Hillary keeps using that word to describe him. It is the new fear Porn from the left. You think djt is going to have concentration camps out there. Rounding up lefties. More likely he will have the fbi raid a bunch of lefties in a response to what ridiculous action? I bet he will have the irs audit the big ticket Dems. Kind of like what happened to pubs in the last four years. It is stupid to compare anyone to Hitler. Especially with what is happening out there right now. You lefties are having to look yourself in the mirror. There is only one party mirroring nazis at the moment.

The blood comment is the replacing of voters the border opening was hoping to accomplish. You bought into the fear comment. He said live like vermin. Not are vermin. Or deplorables or actual straight up name calling. Which he or others from the left aren’t above.

This is a childish comparison and narrative. Especially ironic since you guys are the ones who built cages most recently. (Obama at the border)

Trump is not going to be a uniter. We sorely need that. But he hopefully will fix if elected, the economy. And certainly undo some of the most asinine policy decisions in the history of our country.

Hopefully the gop comes to their senses by the primary. So rhetoric like this will be less common. It isn’t like the gop created trump. That is all you guys.
When I suggested months before the 2020 election that DJT was sending signals that he was not going to accept a loss I was roundly mocked. We now know that ALL of his senior advisors told him at the time that he had lost. We also know he sat in front of the TV and watched J6 unfold and didn’t do anything to stop it for hours.

Even I didn’t think he would be that craven in his efforts to steal the election.

Zinger, blaming Trump on the Dems is like suggesting that it’s the mouthy wife’s fault that her husband hit her. The GOP had the perfect opportunity to move on from Trump after J6. Leadership talked a big game for about 48 hours before they started flying to MarALago to kiss the ring again because without Trump’s rabid supporters, the electoral math looks very tough for the GOP.

Are you really telling me that you think if Trump is elected that this time he will honor his oath to the Constitution? He’s already openly outlined a plan for a political loyalty test for thousands of federal workers. Again, it’s all out in the open.

The reason his efforts to steal the election didn’t work was because of a small number of the right people (DOJ and DOD) who refused to play along, but Trump made every effort to install loyalists at the Pentagon like Chris Miller and Kash Patel and attempted to install currently indicted Jeffrey Clark as AG.

These were all moves that took place after election day when he knew that he had lost.

He’s not going to wait before installing the needed team next time and he now understands that the entire leadership has to play along, it can’t just be a few people. Lessons learned.

Do I think Trump is going to fire up the ovens and commit genocide? I do not. Do I think he is looking at how other authoritarians seized power to help inform his actions? Absolutely. There is a reason he saves his highest praise for world leaders for other authoritarians across the globe.
When I suggested months before the 2020 election that DJT was sending signals that he was not going to accept a loss I was roundly mocked. We now know that ALL of his senior advisors told him at the time that he had lost. We also know he sat in front of the TV and watched J6 unfold and didn’t do anything to stop it for hours.

Even I didn’t think he would be that craven in his efforts to steal the election.

Zinger, blaming Trump on the Dems is like suggesting that it’s the mouthy wife’s fault that her husband hit her. The GOP had the perfect opportunity to move on from Trump after J6. Leadership talked a big game for about 48 hours before they started flying to MarALago to kiss the ring again because without Trump’s rabid supporters, the electoral math looks very tough for the GOP.

Are you really telling me that you think if Trump is elected that this time he will honor his oath to the Constitution? He’s already openly outlined a plan for a political loyalty test for thousands of federal workers. Again, it’s all out in the open.

The reason his efforts to steal the election didn’t work was because of a small number of the right people (DOJ and DOD) who refused to play along, but Trump made every effort to install loyalists like at the Pentagon like Chris Miller and Kash Patel and attempted to install currently indicted Jeffrey Clark in the DOJ.

These were all moves that took place after election day when he knew that he had lost.

Do I think Trump is going to fire up the ovens and commit genocide? I do not. Do I think he is looking at how other authoritarians seized power to help inform his actions? Absolutely. There is a reason he saves his highest praise for world leaders for other authoritarians across the globe.
He has already been in office once. We saw what he would do. He will spend a third of the time working. A third of the time playing golf. And a third of the time fighting his enemies.

We weren’t in any wars when he was in office. To my knowledge he didn’t round anyone up. The cages were already built by Obama.

What he did on jan 6th, and what a part of the pub party did that day is beyond stupid. It was in response to sitting on their hands the entire summer of love. Jan 6th was 100 percent created by what happened that summer. His election reaction is what I would expect from a businessman who isn’t above breaking the rules. Fighting dirty to try to get back what he has lost. Shocking. By the way we all know the Dems weren’t conceding either. Hillary’s media tour told you that. Along with the early declaration of victory by Biden.

Right now it looks likely he will be the president. I don’t like it, but it is where we are. Biden isn’t going anywhere. And he is getting worse. You really think he will kill 1 million people. The same guy who managed to stay out of any wars for four years. Will. He is a democrat at heart. He always was. Hell he governed like a middle leaning pub at worst. I don’t think either side should be compared to Hitler. That is disgusting and childish. Marjorie Taylor greene did that with Biden. You want to throw in with her now I guess. That is the level you are at.

Dems did create djt. He was his whole life. Till all his friends turned on him when he had a difference of opinion on Obama. that is a fact man.

The better comparison is blaming your son for punching you in the mouth after abusing him his entire childhood. I don’t think who created trump can be argued. He is barely a Republican. I am voting for someone else in the primary. I will do my part. Right now I would swear you guys are wanting him to be the candidate. The Dems are playing with fire. They think he is the easiest to beat. That may be true. But if you lose, you get trump as president.

(Not to mention, if somehow he does get elected, trump will be a lame duck the back half of his term. Going to be hard to do what you fear under these circumstances imo)
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He has already been in office once. We saw what he would do. He will spend a third of the time working. A third of the time playing golf. And a third of the time fighting his enemies.

We weren’t in any wars when he was in office. To my knowledge he didn’t round anyone up. The cages were already built by Obama.

What he did on jan 6th, and what a part of the pub party did that day is beyond stupid. It was in response to sitting on their hands the entire summer of love. Jan 6th was 100 percent created by what happened that summer. His election reaction is what I would expect from a businessman who isn’t above breaking the rules. Fighting dirty to try to get back what he has lost. Shocking. By the way we all know the Dems weren’t conceding either. Hillary’s media tour told you that. Along with the early declaration of victory by Biden.

Right now it looks likely he will be the president. I don’t like it, but it is where we are. Biden isn’t going anywhere. And he is getting worse. You really think he will kill 1 million people. The same guy who managed to stay out of any wars for four years. Will. He is a democrat at heart. He always was. Hell he governed like a middle leaning pub at worst. I don’t think either side should be compared to Hitler. That is disgusting and childish. Marjorie Taylor greene did that with Biden. You want to throw in with her now I guess. That is the level you are at.

Dems did create djt. He was his whole life. Till all his friends turned on him when he had a difference of opinion on Obama. that is a fact man.

The better comparison is blaming your son for punching you in the mouth after abusing him his entire childhood. I don’t think who created trump can be argued. He is barely a Republican. I am voting for someone else in the primary. I will do my part. Right now I would swear you guys are wanting him to be the candidate.
You can keep blaming J6 on the summer riots but the facts don’t support your position.

Over 200 people have either pled guilty or been found guilty in trial of felonies associated with their actions on J6 and they have been very consistent about why they were violent participants in the events of the day. They were told the election was being stolen, they were called to come to DC specifically on the day of certification, they were told Mike Pence could delay certification and was betraying his party by not doing it and that they had to fight to save their country. They were told all of this directly by DJT and felt it was their patriotic duty to storm the Capitol. This is very well documented in their testimonies and their plea deals.

The people who pled guilty to misdemeanors have generally attributed their actions to the same factors.

If you can find anyone who blamed the summer riots for their actions, I’m guessing its limited to handful of people, compared to the hundreds who have blamed Trump and his outright lies about election fraud and certification.

I’ll offer up another friendly wager. If Trump becomes the next president, you win, if Trump serves time in prison, I win. If neither outcome happens, it’s a push.

That’s got to be a compelling wager for you, right? Even if he gets convicted there is a great chance he will be pardoned before serving time.

A decent bottle of whisky ($50) goes to the winner.
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You can keep blaming J6 on the summer riots but the facts don’t support your position.

Over 200 people have either pled guilty or been found guilty in trial of felonies associated with their actions on J6 and they have been very consistent about why they were violent participants in the events of the day. They were told the election was being stolen, they were called to come to DC specifically on the day of certification, they were told Mike Pence could delay certification and was betraying his party by not doing it and that they had to fight to save their country. They were told all of this directly by DJT and felt it was their patriotic duty to storm the Capitol. This is very well documented in their testimonies and their plea deals.

The people who pled guilty to misdemeanors have generally attributed their actions to the same factors.

If you can find anyone who blamed the summer riots for their actions, I’m guessing its limited to handful of people, compared to the hundreds who have blamed Trump and his outright lies about election fraud and certification.

I’ll offer up another friendly wager. If Trump becomes the next president, you win, if Trump serves time in prison, I win. If neither outcome happens, it’s a push.

That’s got to be a compelling wager for you, right? Even if he gets convicted there is a great chance he will be pardoned before serving time.

A decent bottle of whisky ($50) goes to the winner.
I would like to take the bet. But I am betting on something I don’t want to happen. Lol. Half of it I want. Biden wouldn’t be president. You know what I mean. Ok. We will have to clarify serving time. A day to a week doesn’t count. He may do that just to make himself even more of a martyr.

I keep telling you it was a response to the summer of love. I was getting text messages in the hospital about jan 6 happening. Think about that for a second. Before it happened. 80 percent of them said it is our turn to protest. Now. You can continue to think otherwise. But that just isn’t true will. Some said trump will be president by Jan 7th. Which is just as bad. But without a doubt it was a response to the summer of love. There is no denying it.

That also begs the question. How did our intelligence agencies or the fbi not know? It would be impossible not to know. Why was very little prep done?

Let’s put your tds aside for a second. The one fact I can verify for you was the texts I received. You can’t tell me that isn’t some shady shit. What were they trying to accomplish if they weren’t prepared. You put that together with several strange happenings that day. Not to mention the shaman tour pre protest, when he was just announced by Wray as being part of the most dangerous domestic groups threatening our country’s national security. Come on brother. That is some tinfoil hat stuff that needs to be answered.
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I would like to take the bet. But I am betting on something I don’t want to happen. Lol. Half of it I want. Biden wouldn’t be president. You know what I mean. Ok. We will have to clarify serving time. A day to a week doesn’t count. He may do that just to make himself even more of a martyr.

I keep telling you it was a response to the summer of love. I was getting text messages in the hospital about jan 6 happening. Think about that for a second. Before it happened. 80 percent of them said it is our turn to protest. Now. You can continue to think otherwise. But that just isn’t true will. Some said trump will be president by Jan 7th. Which is just as bad. But without a doubt it was a response to the summer of love. There is no denying it.

That also begs the question. How did our intelligence agencies or the fbi not know? It would be impossible not to know. Why was very little prep done?

Let’s put your tds aside for a second. The one fact I can verify for you was the texts I received. You can’t tell me that isn’t some shady shit. What were they trying to accomplish if they weren’t prepared. You put that together with several strange happenings that day. Not to mention the shaman tour pre protest, when he was just announced by Wray as being part of the most dangerous domestic groups threatening our country’s national security. Come on brother. That is some tinfoil hat stuff that needs to be answered.
Fair enough. We will agree to disagree on J6.

It’s been a big day for republicans on Capitol Hill. Republican Senator Mark Wayne Mullin tried to provoke a physical fight with a Teamsters leader during a hearing and the former Speaker of the House delivered a hard elbow to the back of one of the republicans who voted for his ouster while passing him in the hallway.

I’m curious, is this coarsening of the GOP also the fault of the Dems or at some point are people responsible for their own actions?

Fair enough. We will agree to disagree on J6.

It’s been a big day for republicans on Capitol Hill. Republican Senator Mark Wayne Mullin tried to provoke a physical fight with a Teamsters leader during a hearing and the former Speaker of the House delivered a hard elbow to the back of one of the republicans who voted for his ouster while passing him in the hallway.

I’m curious, is this coarsening of the GOP also the fault of the Dems or at some point are people responsible for their own actions?

Glad to see some Pubs get a little backbone about them. Maybe they have gotten tired of cowering down to these crooked Dems and their cohorts.
Fair enough. We will agree to disagree on J6.

It’s been a big day for republicans on Capitol Hill. Republican Senator Mark Wayne Mullin tried to provoke a physical fight with a Teamsters leader during a hearing and the former Speaker of the House delivered a hard elbow to the back of one of the republicans who voted for his ouster while passing him in the hallway.

I’m curious, is this coarsening of the GOP also the fault of the Dems or at some point are people responsible for their own actions?

Showing some fight. About time. I can spin it for you and blame Dems. Since you blame everything on trump. This is what created trump. Truth be told. Along with him hating on Obama. Telling people how they should think. And what they should do.

I find this ironic for two reasons. He promotes the ufc and fighting. And the man had a public wife slapping exhibition. Either way, his answer is correct. And certainly a reason why the elite liberals can go f themselves.

I think the Jan 6 difference of opinion comes from when they entered the capital. Yes. That makes it different. And no longer makes it a protest. Mostly peaceful right? I think you had bad apples who have been arrested who went there for a bad purpose. I will grant you that is different. But that is only a few. Most of them protested. And please don’t tell me the summer of love wasn’t incredibly violent.

There were also a lot of bad apples paid to destroy stuff in the summer of love too. Summoned to cause havoc. Amongst some that were just protesting. Not everyone there was there for the wrong reasons.
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Showing some fight. About time. I can spin it for you and blame Dems. Since you blame everything on trump. This is what created trump. Truth be told. Along with him hating on Obama. Telling people how they should think. And what they should do.

I find this ironic for two reasons. He promotes the ufc and fighting. And the man had a public wife slapping exhibition. Either way, his answer is correct. And certainly a reason why the elite liberals can go f themselves.

I think the Jan 6 difference of opinion comes from when they entered the capital. Yes. That makes it different. And no longer makes it a protest. Mostly peaceful right? I think you had bad apples who have been arrested who went there for a bad purpose. I will grant you that is different. But that is only a few. Most of them protested. And please don’t tell me the summer of love wasn’t incredibly violent.

There were also a lot of bad apples paid to destroy stuff in the summer of love too. Summoned to cause havoc. Amongst some that were just protesting. Not everyone there was there for the wrong reasons.
Now we have James Comer losing his mind when questioned about his business dealings with his brother.

The GOP seems stressed today. I wonder what we are about to find out?

Now we have James Comer losing his mind when questioned about his business dealings with his brother.

The GOP seems stressed today. I wonder what we are about to find out?

Looks like joe is showing some fight too. Holy shit. Good to hear him show some life. Oh wait. That was in 2020. You see a difference?
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Fair enough. We will agree to disagree on J6.

It’s been a big day for republicans on Capitol Hill. Republican Senator Mark Wayne Mullin tried to provoke a physical fight with a Teamsters leader during a hearing and the former Speaker of the House delivered a hard elbow to the back of one of the republicans who voted for his ouster while passing him in the hallway.

I’m curious, is this coarsening of the GOP also the fault of the Dems or at some point are people responsible for their own actions?

You can keep blaming J6 on the summer riots but the facts don’t support your position.

Over 200 people have either pled guilty or been found guilty in trial of felonies associated with their actions on J6 and they have been very consistent about why they were violent participants in the events of the day. They were told the election was being stolen, they were called to come to DC specifically on the day of certification, they were told Mike Pence could delay certification and was betraying his party by not doing it and that they had to fight to save their country. They were told all of this directly by DJT and felt it was their patriotic duty to storm the Capitol. This is very well documented in their testimonies and their plea deals.

The people who pled guilty to misdemeanors have generally attributed their actions to the same factors.

If you can find anyone who blamed the summer riots for their actions, I’m guessing its limited to handful of people, compared to the hundreds who have blamed Trump and his outright lies about election fraud and certification.

I’ll offer up another friendly wager. If Trump becomes the next president, you win, if Trump serves time in prison, I win. If neither outcome happens, it’s a push.

That’s got to be a compelling wager for you, right? Even if he gets convicted there is a great chance he will be pardoned before serving time.

A decent bottle of whisky ($50) goes to the winner.
I tell you what. I just heard a nice story. I am altering the bet. Trump goes to prison. I got your bottle of whiskey.

If you lose, you can donate the 50 dollars to any of the dead prisoner’s family in the Fulton county jail. (Not prison). 23 over the last year had been killed awaiting indictment. Some have been waiting over a year. 80 percent have been waiting over 90 days. This kind of back log leading to these deaths along with the backlog of cases that haven’t been touched. Leaving people in a really dangerous jail for crimes they haven’t been indicted for or even found guilty yet. The Fulton county justice system is in absolute shambles. It is a tragedy. Not to mention the jail is falling apart. This is what happens when you elect someone to do a job with only one goal. Which has nothing to do with her actual job.

Who is in charge of this? Why is this happening? Your old friend Fani. She found time to indict trump. Get in front of every camera within a 60 mile radius. But she has left the people who voted for her to rot. I know the tds circle jerk you and Mitchell and others have going on here is important. So important. Who cares about who it really effects. Let’s make sure we get camera time. Let’s be sure to prosecute something that will likely never stick. Or be pardoned.

That will make the bet worth it for me. We can use your tds for a good cause instead.
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Perhaps it’s because the same person who promises camps and deportations is currently referring to anyone who would dare oppose him as “vermin”, which is exactly the same word Hitler used to describe the Jews, and we know how that worked out.

If you still stand behind your left wing criminals in the White House you are the problem. And btw they ARE vermin! The only people acting like hitler is on your side! The Dems are pushing the antisemitism. Do you think these pro Hamas rallies are full of L liberals or conservatives? The answer is clear. It’s the loser liberals.
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