Serial liar Joe Biden strikes again

I own one. I didn’t earn it. I inherited it. He has no character at all. I know what my grandfather went thru to earn it. There are just some things that should be off limits.
The Biden presidential library is going to have to have a fiction section
Go out to W's library in Dallas sometime if you want to laugh your ass off. It attempts to completely rewrite history. A total joke.
Trump is in the minor league of liars compared to your boy Dementia Joe.
Yep. That is falling on def ears. In two years, he has set presidential records. It is amazing anyone defends him. Or would vote for him. Hell I wouldn’t even admit it anymore. The guy is a security nightmare. He is the one that told the Ukrainian troopers to look for our guys in there. To prevent ww3, the staff had to issue a correction from the president’s statement. Ironically, putin most have bought this. Most would think the president maybe slipped up, and just outed some covert ops. Instead, the Russians just assumed it was our idiot president not actually having a clue what was going on. Lol.


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