So, Basically the Confederate flag has been abolished commercially, my


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Aug 25, 2011
question is this: Over/under on how long it takes for them to turn their attention to Stone Mountain?
question is this: Over/under on how long it takes for them to turn their attention to Stone Mountain?

comes up every 15 yrs or so....
what they gonna do? ...
close that Awesome Park or destroy a Georgia Monument!?
question is this: Over/under on how long it takes for them to turn their attention to Stone Mountain?
I was just thinking the same thing. Do they put a GIANT curtain over the carving? Do they grind it off the side of the mountain? This is just another attempt to distract the nitwits from the important topics of the day. 18 trillion dollar debt and runaway entitlements? Wide open southern border with barely literate illegals streaming in? Islamist radicals that grow more powerful by the day? Nah, let's not talk about any of that. Let's talk about an offensive symbol that needs to go away, and while we're at it, let's forget about some great military leaders who happened to fight on the wrong side. While I'm at it, do any of us know RL Lee's politics, or Stonewall's? The only Confederate commander we really know about was Forrest.​
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I was just thinking the same thing. Do they put a GIANT cutain over the carving? Do they grind it off the side of the mountain? This is just another attempt to distract the nitwits from the important topics of the day. 18 trillion dollar debt and runaway entitlements? Wide open southern border with barely literate illegals streaming in? Islamist radicals that grow more powerful by the day? Nah, let's not talk about any of that. Let's talk about an offensive symbol that needs to go away, and while we're at it, let's forget about some great military leaders who happened to fight on the wrong side. While I'm at it, do any of us know RL Lee's politics, or Stonewall's? The only Confederate commander we really know about was Forrest.​

Does the laser show still show them riding off mountain. Man I've been lit crying looking at that before
I can tell exactly what will go up. It will be covered up with a third world mural like the one at the top of the escalator at Hartsfield. Damn, that thing is ugly. Is it still there?
Sorry for the language but this caught my attention:

First they came for the Dukes of Hazzard, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a Duke boy.

Then they came for Smokey and the Bandit, and I did not speak out --- because I was having a Diablo sammich and a Dr. Pepper.

Then they came for BJ and the Bear, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a chimpanzee named for Coach Bryant.

Then they came for me, and there was no poor white trash left articulate enough to speak for me...
First they came for the Dukes of Hazzard, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a Duke boy.

Then they came for Smokey and the Bandit, and I did not speak out --- because I was having a Diablo sammich and a Dr. Pepper.

Then they came for BJ and the Bear, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a chimpanzee named for Coach Bryant.

Then they came for me, and there was no poor white trash left articulate enough to speak for me...
Am I wrong for laughing?
First they came for the Dukes of Hazzard, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a Duke boy.

Then they came for Smokey and the Bandit, and I did not speak out --- because I was having a Diablo sammich and a Dr. Pepper.

Then they came for BJ and the Bear, and I did not speak out --- because I was not a chimpanzee named for Coach Bryant.

Then they came for me, and there was no poor white trash PRETEND college professors left articulate enough to speak for me...


Poor white trashhttp://
question is this: Over/under on how long it takes for them to turn their attention to Stone Mountain?

That idiot nut-job kid in SC has given a green light now to pursue every item on their let's "get rid of agenda" from guns to flags, without having to answer for any of their policy failures for the past 50 years or talk about the "real" issues we face in 2015. And none of em, including Obama and Hillary, had the respect to wait until those nine innocent people were buried, before they starting using their deaths as an excuse to advance their beliefs and political agenda. Of course Hillary didn't mind standing next to the bodies of those killed in Benghazi and telling the families a lie as to the events surrounding their deaths, so it's not surprising she'd use this to try to advance her "stagnant" campaign.
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That idiot nut-job kid in SC has given a green light now to pursue every item on their let's "get rid of agenda" from guns to flags, without having to answer for any of their policy failures for the past 50 years or talk about the "real" issues we face in 2015. And none of em, including Obama and Hillary, had the respect to wait until those nine innocent people were buried, before they starting using their deaths as an excuse to advance their beliefs and political agenda. Of course Hillary didn't mind standing next to the bodies of those killed in Benghazi and telling the families a lie as to the events surrounding their deaths, so it's not surprising she'd use this to try to advance her "stagnant" campaign.

Good Lord, you complain about everything!
I can't believe they haven't done more to Stone Mountain. I was born and raised in the South and when I moved to Atlanta and saw it for the first time I was like "Really". Nothin says redneck like having 3 Confederate icons carved on the side of the mountain where the KKK was reborn, not to mention all the streets are confederate themed. I mean, the surrounding area of Stone Mountain is mostly black and you just have this giant F U right in the middle. I can't believe it hasn't attracted more national attention. It's kind of impressive.
I can't believe they haven't done more to Stone Mountain. I was born and raised in the South and when I moved to Atlanta and saw it for the first time I was like "Really". Nothin says redneck like having 3 Confederate icons carved on the side of the mountain where the KKK was reborn, not to mention all the streets are confederate themed. I mean, the surrounding area of Stone Mountain is mostly black and you just have this giant F U right in the middle. I can't believe it hasn't attracted more national attention. It's kind of impressive.

Well look, that's who you are, you're a tryant type. You 're bleeding heart who believes everything you like should be forced on ppl and everything you don't like should be banned. You're the worst sort of sub human. You DGAS about black ppl, you only care about power and having things your way. Funny thing is, you're going to have an issue with your black liberal friends on this gay marriage BS.......Thats a room I'd like to be in LON
Well look, that's who you are, you're a tryant type. You 're bleeding heart who believes everything you like should be forced on ppl and everything you don't like should be banned. You're the worst sort of sub human. You DGAS about black ppl, you only care about power and having things your way. Funny thing is, you're going to have an issue with your black liberal friends on this gay marriage BS.......Thats a room I'd like to be in LON

Who do you think has been the worst "tryant" in history? Mao, Stalin, Napoleon, Hitler?
Who do you think has been the worst "tryant" in history? Mao, Stalin, Napoleon, Hitler?

You must be desperate if the best you can do is latch on to an obvious typo. I know Rolo among others has busted your chops pretty good, but you're starting to look pretty weak. As far as your comments about my complaints, I don't tolerate idiots, even educated ones who happened to serve in the military and I especially despise politicians who pit one group against another for political gain. Rich against poor, black against white, gay versus straight, it's always the same game plan. When you have nothing to offer you play the politics of division. It's sad and I think you're smart enough to see it, but may be too much of a liberal "follower" at this point to ever admit it.
I can't believe they haven't done more to Stone Mountain. I was born and raised in the South and when I moved to Atlanta and saw it for the first time I was like "Really". Nothin says redneck like having 3 Confederate icons carved on the side of the mountain where the KKK was reborn, not to mention all the streets are confederate themed. I mean, the surrounding area of Stone Mountain is mostly black and you just have this giant F U right in the middle. I can't believe it hasn't attracted more national attention. It's kind of impressive.

I think your youth may be on full display. You may have been born in the South but you are obviously a product of our "failed" educational system if you were never taught why those guys were carved on the face of Stone Mountain. It really has nothing to do with "rednecks" or the "Duke Boys" and if I tried to explain it I'm afraid it probably wouldn't register. FWIW, the demographics of cities and neighborhoods do change over time. They obviously never covered that either in whatever "failing" school you attended. BTW, did you have an instructor nick-named White Pug somewhere along the way?
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I can't believe they haven't done more to Stone Mountain. I was born and raised in the South and when I moved to Atlanta and saw it for the first time I was like "Really". Nothin says redneck like having 3 Confederate icons carved on the side of the mountain where the KKK was reborn, not to mention all the streets are confederate themed. I mean, the surrounding area of Stone Mountain is mostly black and you just have this giant F U right in the middle. I can't believe it hasn't attracted more national attention. It's kind of impressive.

You're about as sharp as a runny turd. Perhaps you should educate yourself before you have another assplosion of ignorance for all the world to see...
You must be desperate if the best you can do is latch on to an obvious typo. I know Rolo among others has busted your chops pretty good, but you're starting to look pretty weak. As far as your comments about my complaints, I don't tolerate idiots, even educated ones who happened to serve in the military and I especially despise politicians who pit one group against another for political gain. Rich against poor, black against white, gay versus straight, it's always the same game plan. When you have nothing to offer you play the politics of division. It's sad and I think you're smart enough to see it, but may be too much of a liberal "follower" at this point to ever admit it.

Rolo hasn't busted my chops one bit. He has been wrong on basic historical facts that are easily verifiable. I have called him out on it, but he remains willfully ignorant. Is that your problem as well?
I think your youth may be on full display. You may have been born in the South but you are obviously a product of our "failed" educational system if you were never taught why those guys were carved on the face of Stone Mountain. It really has nothing to do with "rednecks" or the "Duke Boys" and if I tried to explain it I'm afraid it probably wouldn't register. FWIW, the demographics of cities and neighborhoods do change over time. They obviously never covered that either in whatever "failing" school you attended. BTW, did you have an instructor nick-named White Pug somewhere along the way?

The carving was commissioned by the UDC. They ran out of money during the late 1920s, so the carving remained unfinished until Governor Marvin Griffin pushed the General Assembly to purchase Stone Mountain from its racist owners in 1958. The state commissioned two men to finish the work, and the carving was completed in 1972.

But did you know that a reiteration of the original KKK held a ceremony to mark its creation on top of Stone Mountain on November 25, 1915?
The carving was commissioned by the UDC. They ran out of money during the late 1920s, so the carving remained unfinished until Governor Marvin Griffin pushed the General Assembly to purchase Stone Mountain from its racist owners in 1958. The state commissioned two men to finish the work, and the carving was completed in 1972.

But did you know that a reiteration of the original KKK held a ceremony to mark its creation on top of Stone Mountain on November 25, 1915?

And were you aware that the KKK was created after the Civil War by the Democratic Party(Nathan Forrest) in Tennessee as a way to intimidate both blacks AND white Republicans? Why is this little nugget always conveniently left out? Wouldn't want the African Americans to realize they are still slaves to the government now would we? Whites are well on the way to being government slaves as well. Fundamental transformation! Hope and Change! Forward!
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And were you aware that the KKK was created after the Civil War by the Democratic Party(Nathan Forrest) in Tennessee as a way to intimidate both blacks AND white Republicans? Why is this little nugget always conveniently left out? Wouldn't want the African Americans to realize they are still slaves to the government now would we? Whites are well on the way to being government slaves as well. Fundamental transformation! Hope and Change! Forward!

Lord a Mercy Boy,
you been sucked in like no other....
can't you see the blatant random BS you have encountered...
stay with those that have a few more posts under their belt...
I've found they good guys...
Lord a Mercy Boy,
you been sucked in like no other....
can't you see the blatant random BS you have encountered...
stay with those that have a few more posts under their belt...
I've found they good guys...

I know it's BS Pug. Facts are only convenient for Libs when they can be ignored or manipulated.
I know it's BS Pug. Facts are only convenient for Libs when they can be ignored or manipulated.
I cannot characterize myself in those terms...I am considered far left on a few issues, and far right on others...makes me a moderate, right!! :cool:
Rolo hasn't busted my chops one bit. He has been wrong on basic historical facts that are easily verifiable. I have called him out on it, but he remains willfully ignorant. Is that your problem as well?

LOL holy shit pal, I noticed you never responded to Black Confederates. You got schooled there, you got schooled on the Constitution. I have no doubt you're a college educator, and I also have no doubt its because of dipshits like you our colleges are turning out a bunch of stupid fcks that know all about "global warming" , American imperalism and nothing about math, science or history.
LOL holy shit pal, I noticed you never responded to Black Confederates. You got schooled there, you got schooled on the Constitution. I have no doubt you're a college educator, and I also have no doubt its because of dipshits like you our colleges are turning out a bunch of stupid fcks that know all about "global warming" , American imperalism and nothing about math, science or history.

LOL Spanked again. Good job Rolo.
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LOL holy shit pal, I noticed you never responded to Black Confederates. You got schooled there, you got schooled on the Constitution. I have no doubt you're a college educator, and I also have no doubt its because of dipshits like you our colleges are turning out a bunch of stupid fcks that know all about "global warming" , American imperalism and nothing about math, science or history.

You haven't responded to my challenge. Produce a confederate unit roster or pay records for African-American confederate soldiers. Until you can do that, your claim that black men fought for the confederacy is extremely suspect.
You haven't responded to my challenge. Produce a confederate unit roster or pay records for African-American confederate soldiers. Until you can do that, your claim that black men fought for the confederacy is extremely suspect.
I gave you the link dipshit....LOL your just mad I again handed you your fat ass.
I gave you the link dipshit....LOL your just mad I again handed you your fat ass.

You don't know what you are talking about. I am not mad at you, actually I feel pity for low information people like yourself who are deluded into thinking you are intelligent.
You don't know what you are talking about. I am not mad at you, actually I feel pity for low information people like yourself who are deluded into thinking you are intelligent.
LOL.....what's that word you LIBS like to use......projecting ! That's it....yep, projecting
You haven't responded to my challenge. Produce a confederate unit roster or pay records for African-American confederate soldiers. Until you can do that, your claim that black men fought for the confederacy is extremely suspect.
Am I reading this correctly, you are saying that no blacks fought in for the south in the Civil War? Are you serious?
Wow.. and you are a professor...smdh
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No white is arguing the point of confederate blacks during the Civil War. While there were blacks that fought for the confederacy in the Civil War, the number is small and insignificant. Blacks on the other hand played a significant roll in fighting for the Union Army and Union Navy from the very beginning. The small number of confederate blacks doesn't justify the South's use of slavery. The fact of the matter is, that the south depended heavily upon slavery and had no intentions what so ever to end the practice. No matter what Rolo says or wishes will every change that crucial and TRUE point.

Now back to Rolo's point of blacks fighting in the Civil War, sure there were a SMALL tiny amount that wished to fight but didn't take up arms until the very end of the war because the confederate congress repeatedly shot down the idea to arm free or slave black southerners. It wasn't until the last few months that of the war that they finally started arming blacks after the repeated instance from Robert E. Lee.

To try and use this to show the nobility of the south is a joke. Hey Rolo, there were Jews that profited from the Nazi's in WWII, does that justify the Holocaust? You southern revisionist are a sad sad joke. Southerner's attempting to revise the role that slavery played in the cause of the Civil War only gives us Libs more ammo to show what ignorant fools you revisionist are.
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No white is arguing the point of confederate blacks during the Civil War. While there were blacks that fought for the confederacy in the Civil War, the number is small and insignificant. Blacks on the other hand played a significant roll in fighting for the Union Army and Union Navy from the very beginning. The small number of confederate blacks doesn't justify the South's use of slavery. The fact of the matter is, that the south depended heavily upon slavery and had no intentions what so ever to end the practice. No matter what Rolo says or wishes will every change that crucial and TRUE point.

Now back to Rolo's point of blacks fighting in the Civil War, sure there were a SMALL tiny amount that wished to fight but didn't take up arms until the very end of the war because the confederate congress repeatedly shot down the idea to arm free or slave black southerners. It wasn't until the last few months that of the war that they finally started arming blacks after the repeated instance from Robert E. Lee.

To try and use this to show the nobility of the south is a joke. Hey Rolo, there were Jews that profited from the Nazi's in WWII, does that justify the Holocaust? You southern revisionist are a sad sad joke. Southerner's attempting to revise the role that slavery played in the cause of the Civil War only gives us Libs more ammo to show what ignorant fools you revisionist are.
Umm , wrong, while most were support troops, many were combat regulars. And the difference in them and black union troops was , they were integrated , not put in separate units to be used as cannon fodder. Hadley's raiders under Nathan Bedford Forrest was a group of 45 blacks the the union but a bounty one because of their raids that put fear in the union troops. There are monuments erected to black confederates all over the south.
You haven't responded to my challenge. Produce a confederate unit roster or pay records for African-American confederate soldiers. Until you can do that, your claim that black men fought for the confederacy is extremely suspect.
No white is arguing the point of confederate blacks during the Civil War. While there were blacks that fought for the confederacy in the Civil War, the number is small and insignificant. Blacks on the other hand played a significant roll in fighting for the Union Army and Union Navy from the very beginning. The small number of confederate blacks doesn't justify the South's use of slavery. The fact of the matter is, that the south depended heavily upon slavery and had no intentions what so ever to end the practice. No matter what Rolo says or wishes will every change that crucial and TRUE point.

Now back to Rolo's point of blacks fighting in the Civil War, sure there were a SMALL tiny amount that wished to fight but didn't take up arms until the very end of the war because the confederate congress repeatedly shot down the idea to arm free or slave black southerners. It wasn't until the last few months that of the war that they finally started arming blacks after the repeated instance from Robert E. Lee.

To try and use this to show the nobility of the south is a joke. Hey Rolo, there were Jews that profited from the Nazi's in WWII, does that justify the Holocaust? You southern revisionist are a sad sad joke. Southerner's attempting to revise the role that slavery played in the cause of the Civil War only gives us Libs more ammo to show what ignorant fools you revisionist are.

Are you a history professor as well? I believe 1861 was around the start of the war, not the end. It's possible that since I am a conservative I am probably wrong, or it will get twisted to prove I'm wrong.
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Are you a history professor as well? I believe 1861 was around the start of the war, not the end. It's possible that since I am a conservative I am probably wrong, or it will get twisted to prove I'm wrong.

Ok Zoso you've found one black unit formed under the confederates that was disbanded a year later by the Louisiana legislature. The reason they were disbanded, well maybe you didn't get that far in the Wikipedia article, was because the legislature created a law that only "free white males capable of bearing arms" serve. Do you realize that you've found an article that proves my point and totally discredits everything you just said. They created a unit of blacks to fight for them but a year later then disband said unit because they were black. What a freaking idiot!!!!!!!!

Now this one unit doesn't even begin to compared to the union that had over 160 black units and north of 160K black troops serve for the union. Again you Civil War revisionist come out looking like idiots.

And Rolo as for this Hadley's Raiders claim, please provide a reference. I'm not saying you're full of $#it but...........I find no reference at all of this unit. And if you're going to sit here and tell me that the first grand wizard of the KKK (Nathan Bedford Forrest) lead a unit of black soldiers during the Civil War then you best provide some facts. Otherwise you're full of $#it.