The BIG, Huge, Enormous LIE……….


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
N of shithole
Good data in a simplistic format we can all understand . Does it prove voter fraud,
but it looks very unsavory. Non verification of absentee ballots played some part in this change, how much we will NEVER know….
Yes, I agree, we will never know, but if it smells like a skunk, there’s a good probability it is a skunk.
It’s simply amazing how people still believe he won. If it was so, don’t you think he would have prevailed in one of the dozens of cases he brought in our Courts? He lost every single one. Most of the lawyers who represented him have been disbarred for advancing blatantly false nonsense in their filings. Couple of them are going to jail and at least one is bankrupt.

It’s just lame. At this stage, you folks are about as serious in society as flat earthers.
It’s simply amazing how people still believe he won. If it was so, don’t you think he would have prevailed in one of the dozens of cases he brought in our Courts? He lost every single one. Most of the lawyers who represented him have been disbarred for advancing blatantly false nonsense in their filings. Couple of them are going to jail and at least one is bankrupt.

It’s just lame. At this stage, you folks are about as serious in society as flat earthers.
true biden lover. Lol
It’s simply amazing how people still believe he won. If it was so, don’t you think he would have prevailed in one of the dozens of cases he brought in our Courts? He lost every single one. Most of the lawyers who represented him have been disbarred for advancing blatantly false nonsense in their filings. Couple of them are going to jail and at least one is bankrupt.

It’s just lame. At this stage, you folks are about as serious in society as flat earthers.
Many of us never said Trump won, however data above does make you wonder exactly what occurred in Fulton County, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philly. Just to remind you, there has NEVER been a signature audit of absentee ballots in any of these locations. There was one done in Cobb county and it was very clean but they has sophisticated software that checked signatures against registration data. This was not done in Fulton County , fairly sure it would have been a complete mess. Enough to flip Georgia, who knows . I’m not a conspiracy theorist but the absentee ballot verification process was highly questionable in the 2020 election to say the least, I think most would agree with that statement…..
It’s simply amazing how people still believe he won. If it was so, don’t you think he would have prevailed in one of the dozens of cases he brought in our Courts? He lost every single one. Most of the lawyers who represented him have been disbarred for advancing blatantly false nonsense in their filings. Couple of them are going to jail and at least one is bankrupt.

It’s just lame. At this stage, you folks are about as serious in society as flat earthers.
Give up man. Trump said (and still says) he won, so it's so.
To them, everything he says is gospel.
I have never seen so many crybabies in all my life. Snowflakes on steroids.
Maybe Trump will win and the natives won't be so restless.
I won't vote for him, but if he does win, I will pray he does well and what's best for the country.
I will not be on here bitching every day about any and everything he does. He will be my President just like Biden is today.
My biggest issue with the '20 election were the Democrat governed states that changed voter laws "for Covid" which was long past being an issue, by their Governors without those measures ever passing their respective State Houses. I still think Trump lost but the idea that in the US of freakin America there are real reasons for the doubt is frightening.
Give up man. Trump said (and still says) he won, so it's so.
To them, everything he says is gospel.
I have never seen so many crybabies in all my life. Snowflakes on steroids.
Maybe Trump will win and the natives won't be so restless.
I won't vote for him, but if he does win, I will pray he does well and what's best for the country.
I will not be on here bitching every day about any and everything he does. He will be my President just like Biden is today.
Bull crap
It’s simply amazing how people still believe he won. If it was so, don’t you think he would have prevailed in one of the dozens of cases he brought in our Courts? He lost every single one. Most of the lawyers who represented him have been disbarred for advancing blatantly false nonsense in their filings. Couple of them are going to jail and at least one is bankrupt.

It’s just lame. At this stage, you folks are about as serious in society as flat earthers.
He lost in court, not in legal forensic audited recounts.

The courts could not and would not allow a catastrophic election to become legally recognized.

The correction has to happen moving forward to seal off fraud.

1) Too many open early dates to vote
2) Machine ballots
3) Third party vote harvesting
4) drop boxes

Without harvesting and drop boxes, Biden loses.

The other issue is the huge voting registration centers built in urban areas and strong minority based rural towns. You don’t see them built, manned and funded in high income areas…….imagine that.

And they might as well allow children to vote. If they have the mental awareness to their nuts cut off, they have the mental awareness to vote.

Oh, and the Irish should never be allowed to vote, ever.
Give up man. Trump said (and still says) he won, so it's so.
To them, everything he says is gospel.
I have never seen so many crybabies in all my life. Snowflakes on steroids.
Maybe Trump will win and the natives won't be so restless.
I won't vote for him, but if he does win, I will pray he does well and what's best for the country.
I will not be on here bitching every day about any and everything he does. He will be my President just like Biden is today.
Are you proud of your President?
It’s simply amazing how people still believe he won. If it was so, don’t you think he would have prevailed in one of the dozens of cases he brought in our Courts? He lost every single one. Most of the lawyers who represented him have been disbarred for advancing blatantly false nonsense in their filings. Couple of them are going to jail and at least one is bankrupt.

It’s just lame. At this stage, you folks are about as serious in society as flat earthers.
It’s coming out that the Democrats cheated in the election. You are ignorantly ignoring the fact that 100 percent of nursing homes patients voted for Biden. Do you actually believe that bs. This supposedly happened in Ga.
I think the democrats outsmarted pubs in 2020. They used a pandemic and a massive ground game to win the election. I think anyone claiming there weren’t some things wrong with the rules made in 2020 have an agenda. Or hate trump so much they won’t entertain any different thought. Which is Mitchell. He is the poster child for this. Hashed and rehashed.

22 million more people voted in that election than in 2016. That is 200 percent increase over the amount ever from one election to another. Nothing like that had ever happened.

17 records for voter participation were set. During a pandemic. Especially for the elderly.

Families were not visiting each other for thanksgiving or Christmas for fear of death. This was near the absolute height on new daily cases and reported deaths. Any elderly parents or grandparents were staying home. Yet came out in droves to vote for the weakest candidate since Michael Dukakis. Who during his campaign used covid as an excuse for incredibly low turnout. While having record turnout for the election. Supreme Court said day one, we are not touching this election. Don’t bring it to us.

Democrat experts. Not republican experts, changed a vote from a dominion voting machine in less than five minutes in a courtroom. Using just a pen to do so. Supposedly there is real evidence on may 7th coming out about real fraud in ga. I will not hold my breath.

These are all facts. Trump was cocky and got burnt by it.
Are you proud of your President?
Don't care for Biden, even less for trump.
I am a proud American that thinks we can do better than the 2 choices we have.
Biden is my President, and unless you live in another country, he is yours too.
Trump will be my President if he wins. It's pretty simple really.
So, to answer your question, I would not be "proud" to call biden or trump President, but that doesn't make any difference. They would still be my President.
Don't care for Biden, even less for trump.
I am a proud American that thinks we can do better than the 2 choices we have.
Biden is my President, and unless you live in another country, he is yours too.
Trump will be my President if he wins. It's pretty simple really.
So, to answer your question, I would not be "proud" to call biden or trump President, but that doesn't make any difference. They would still be my President.
If you don’t like either one, why do you use the laughing emoji in derision on many pro-Trump posts but never on pro-Biden posts? It seems to me that as well as TDS you have a bad case of disingenuity which comes across as sneering and smart-assed. And why is your support unanimously in the court of the most ardent Biden supporters on this board as evidenced by your liking their nearly-every posts? Like others here, maybe you should consider coming out of the liberal closet. Your actions make “Don’t care for Biden” seem to be a lie.
If you don’t like either one, why do you use the laughing emoji in derision on many pro-Trump posts but never on pro-Biden posts? It seems to me that as well as TDS you have a bad case of disingenuity which comes across as sneering and smart-assed. And why is your support unanimously in the court of the most ardent Biden supporters on this board as evidenced by your liking their nearly-every posts? Like others here, maybe you should consider coming out of the liberal closet. Your actions make “Don’t care for Biden” seem to be a lie.
you feel better?

As I have said before.....(not that it matters), never voted dem, voted for trump in 16, did not vote for either in 20, won't vote for either in 24.
If you can't see how when trump won in 16, we all laughed at the "snowflakes" that could not believe he won, now compare that to the way some of you act.....yes, you are one, yall put the snowflakes to shame. Bitching and moaning EVERY day. Hell, yall still stuck on the election fraud of 20 bs.

Trump won in 16, he lost in 20, I would say he stands a very good chance this time.
Hell, even his VP pick want to bees, won't even say they will concede this time if biden wins. It's a litmus test for trump to see just how loyal they will be.

I laugh at the "election was stolen", because 4 years later it deserves to be laughed at.
It’s simply amazing how people still believe he won. If it was so, don’t you think he would have prevailed in one of the dozens of cases he brought in our Courts? He lost every single one. Most of the lawyers who represented him have been disbarred for advancing blatantly false nonsense in their filings. Couple of them are going to jail and at least one is bankrupt.

It’s just lame. At this stage, you folks are about as serious in society as flat earthers.
I can see biden and harris have your vote again
how sad
you feel better?

As I have said before.....(not that it matters), never voted dem, voted for trump in 16, did not vote for either in 20, won't vote for either in 24.
If you can't see how when trump won in 16, we all laughed at the "snowflakes" that could not believe he won, now compare that to the way some of you act.....yes, you are one, yall put the snowflakes to shame. Bitching and moaning EVERY day. Hell, yall still stuck on the election fraud of 20 bs.

Trump won in 16, he lost in 20, I would say he stands a very good chance this time.
Hell, even his VP pick want to bees, won't even say they will concede this time if biden wins. It's a litmus test for trump to see just how loyal they will be.

I laugh at the "election was stolen", because 4 years later it deserves to be laughed at.
I guess you are incapable of answering my two questions, not that you’re obligated to do so.
you feel better?

As I have said before.....(not that it matters), never voted dem, voted for trump in 16, did not vote for either in 20, won't vote for either in 24.
If you can't see how when trump won in 16, we all laughed at the "snowflakes" that could not believe he won, now compare that to the way some of you act.....yes, you are one, yall put the snowflakes to shame. Bitching and moaning EVERY day. Hell, yall still stuck on the election fraud of 20 bs.

Trump won in 16, he lost in 20, I would say he stands a very good chance this time.
Hell, even his VP pick want to bees, won't even say they will concede this time if biden wins. It's a litmus test for trump to see just how loyal they will be.

I laugh at the "election was stolen", because 4 years later it deserves to be laughed at.
Vote harvesting should be laughed at. Without vote harvesting, the election changes.

Wasn’t stolen but manipulated. That is about as factual as could be stated.
No he did not.
Biden won through the governments manipulation of how we vote. At no point in rational comprehension do I believe 81,000,000 voters voluntarily chose Biden. And I don’t believe you do either.

Legal vote harvesting won that election. It is embarassing how stupid we look in the world stage.

Power for powers sake creates strange laws and regulations to guide agenda. The cottage industries and money spent to harvest AND manipulate votes was silly to experience.

Biden won because we created unenforceable and unmanageable rules in the guise of fairness.

Our country sells its freedom and discards logic for a promise.
Biden won through the governments manipulation of how we vote. At no point in rational comprehension do I believe 81,000,000 voters voluntarily chose Biden. And I don’t believe you do either.

Legal vote harvesting won that election. It is embarassing how stupid we look in the world stage.

Power for powers sake creates strange laws and regulations to guide agenda. The cottage industries and money spent to harvest AND manipulate votes was silly to experience.

Biden won because we created unenforceable and unmanageable rules in the guise of fairness.

Our country sells its freedom and discards logic for a promise.
I absolutely do believe 81 mil voters chose Biden.

But it doesn't really matter what my belief is, does it? Because that's what happened. Elections aren't based on beliefs. I KNOW that Trump hasn't won a popular vote yet, and I don't BELIEVE he'll win one this year.
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If your ass is in the USA, registered to vote, and you cannot show up on election day to vote in person with an id, ... then you are a "non-voter",...which is fine,..not voting is still a vote

But it seems a lot of "non voters" become Democrats these days,...with extended voting periods and relinquishment of voter integrity and money to hire organizers to get the non-voters voting

A person that at least physically shows up at a booth on election with an id means they have a degree of conviction in their opinion and are not having their arm twisted

The mantra that "just go out and vote" is bullshit,..."go out and learn what's going on" should be the mantra, ...and if a lesser percentage of the population is voting, then that is an indictment of the political parties, candidates, and campaigns being poorly run on both sides, virtue in voting purely for its own sake
Give up man. Trump said (and still says) he won, so it's so.
To them, everything he says is gospel.
I have never seen so many crybabies in all my life. Snowflakes on steroids.
Maybe Trump will win and the natives won't be so restless.
I won't vote for him, but if he does win, I will pray he does well and what's best for the country.
I will not be on here bitching every day about any and everything he does. He will be my President just like Biden is today.
Yes you will quit lying.
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I absolutely do believe 81 mil voters chose Biden.

But it doesn't really matter what my belief is, does it? Because that's what happened. Elections aren't based on beliefs. I KNOW that Trump hasn't won a popular vote yet, and I don't BELIEVE he'll win one this year.
Dude I’m serious why are y’all rehashing old stuff?
Does it really matter?
Hasn’t Joe Biden already been President for three damn years? Why do y’all care anymore. All of you.
What I would like to hear from every true believer on this thread that thinks that Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes is their opinion on how their champion, their President, has performed.
I just really wanna see how brainwashed you guys really are. Let’s hear it.
Dude I’m serious why are y’all rehashing old stuff?
Does it really matter?
Hasn’t Joe Biden already been President for three damn years? Why do y’all care anymore. All of you.
What I would like to hear from every true believer on this thread that thinks that Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes is their opinion on how their champion, their President, has performed.
I just really wanna see how brainwashed you guys really are. Let’s hear it.
Seriously if you liberals don’t understand your true role in the Machiavellian pursuits of liberal politicians, then they have you exactly where they want you. I would invite you to consider their record of
1) how they’ve served all those poor downtrodden people they promised you they’d serve
2) how they’ve served you
3) how they’ve served themselves.
Evaluate all those things objectively and get back to us. Show us you haven’t been brainwashed. We’re waiting.
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If you don’t like either one, why do you use the laughing emoji in derision on many pro-Trump posts but never on pro-Biden posts? It seems to me that as well as TDS you have a bad case of disingenuity which comes across as sneering and smart-assed. And why is your support unanimously in the court of the most ardent Biden supporters on this board as evidenced by your liking their nearly-every posts? Like others here, maybe you should consider coming out of the liberal closet. Your actions make “Don’t care for Biden” seem to be a lie.

Don't care for Biden, even less for trump.
I am a proud American that thinks we can do better than the 2 choices we have.
Biden is my President, and unless you live in another country, he is yours too.
Trump will be my President if he wins. It's pretty simple really.
So, to answer your question, I would not be "proud" to call biden or trump President, but that doesn't make any difference. They would still be my President.
You sure talked an awful lot about Donald Trump when I didn’t ask one thing about him. Joe Biden’s your President right now. He’s your President. You said he was. So I asked if are you proud of him. Because he’s yours. Isn’t that what you said?
Trust me- you can have his corrupt lying hair sniffing daughter shower taking vascular dementia self. I don’t want him. You can have him all to yourself.
I promise to share Trump when God willing, the whole GD world ain’t on fire any more like it is right now. Because of your President.
You sure talked an awful lot about Donald Trump when I didn’t ask one thing about him. Joe Biden’s your President right now. He’s your President. You said he was. So I asked if are you proud of him. Because he’s yours. Isn’t that what you said?
Trust me- you can have his corrupt lying hair sniffing daughter shower taking vascular dementia self. I don’t want him. You can have him all to yourself.
I promise to share Trump when God willing, the whole GD world ain’t on fire any more like it is right now. Because of your President.
But you don’t have TDS though right, because you didn’t just go and spew off about how badly you hate DonaldTrump even when no one brought him up at all. Right?
You sure talked an awful lot about Donald Trump when I didn’t ask one thing about him. Joe Biden’s your President right now. He’s your President. You said he was. So I asked if are you proud of him. Because he’s yours. Isn’t that what you said?
Trust me- you can have his corrupt lying hair sniffing daughter shower taking vascular dementia self. I don’t want him. You can have him all to yourself.
I promise to share Trump when God willing, the whole GD world ain’t on fire any more like it is right now. Because of your President.
Clap clap clap
Clap clap clap
Why thank you sir.
All liberals are intellectually dishonest.
Every last one of them.
It’s just usually not quite so easy as “Joe Biden’s the President, what do you think about his performance?”
So, Rosie Riveter the patriot who’s all in for the guy in charge no matter what,
I’ll ask one more time:
What do you think of the performance of the guy currently in charge of the United States of America, Joseph Robinette Biden?
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