The Saints late TD vs. Falcons


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2003
I know its been talked about for days, and is getting to be old news, but hear me out.

I am amazed at the amount of support I've seen for Jameis Winston and the decision to defy the Saints coach. Even more surprising is the logic used to defend what happened. One line of defense simply doesn't take the whole situation into account. The Saints were in "Victory Formation". They were signaling that they were not going to run a play, and the game was over. So "Play till the end" or"Stop them" really don't hold water as defenses of what took place.

The more concerning line of thinking, to me, is that "Class, ethics, respect, and trust should not be expected in professional sports".

I heard a former NFL running back say as much on a show this morning. According to him, what took place was perfectly acceptable. The Saints wanted the running back to score, and if etiquette and decency have to be sacrificed, to get what they want, so be it.

It is sad to me, that we have reached a day, when people think decency is for losers.
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I know its been talked about for days, and is getting to be old news, but hear me out.

I am amazed at the amount of support I've seen for Jameis Winston and the decision to defy the Saints coach. Even more surprising is the logic used to defend what happened. One line of defense simply doesn't take the whole situation into account. The Saints were in "Victory Formation". They were signaling that they were not going to run a play, and the game was over. So "Play till the end" or"Stop them" really don't hold water as defenses of what took place.

The more concerning line of thinking, to me, is that "Class, ethics, respect, and trust should not be expected in professional sports".

I heard a former NFL running back say as much on a show this morning. According to him, what took place was perfectly acceptable. The Saints wanted the running back to score, and if etiquette and decency have to be sacrificed, to get what they want, so be it.

It is sad to me, that we have reached a day, when people think decency is for losers.
take cover buddy
I agree 100 with ya
If the coach said to take a knee, he should have. Otherwise, if it put the nail in Smith's coffin, then I'm cool with it.
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