This is outrageous


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2016
PLEASE READ and pass on to everyone you can, this is not who we are nor is it what our Pres. was elected to endorse. God help us! Sickening, OUR (YOUR)
and our children's future are in deep jeopardy this has to be exposed, it is probably not the only such "house" in existence! !
A disturbing discovery was recently made in Scottsdale, Arizona.

A reporter for The Gateway Pundit received an interesting tip-off. Here’s what he found.

On Monday night, TGP’s Jordan Conradson investigated the Homewood Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona after receiving a tip that it was an illegal immigrant safe house. The hotel is located at 9880 N Scottsdale Rd. When Conradson arrived at the hotel, every entrance was barricaded, and he had to park down the street. He walked up to the hotel and greeted some officers.

This is incredible. There’s a safe house for illegal immigrants being secretly maintained without our knowledge – until now.

Conradson did some digging.
Conradson: what’s going on here?
LES Officer: You actually need to leave the property it’s actually a closed hotel.
Conradson: Oh, so what’s going on?
LES Officer: This is a private property man.
Conradson: But what’s going on?
LES Officer: If you want to get information for that you need to go to
Conradson: I heard that they were harboring illegal immigrants here. Is that true?
LES Officer: You can go to the website and they’ll give you as much information as they can.
Conradson: Who do you work for?
LES Officer: I’m contracted with LES, it’s a law enforcement contract service company.
Conradson: Why aren’t people allowed on the premises?
LES Officer: You can go to to get information for that other than that this is closed this is private property from the company that’s here.

Guess what the story behind Endeavors is…
ENDEAVORS.ORG is the website for Family Endeavors, a San Antonio nonprofit tied to the Biden administration . They received an $87 million no-bid contract in March to clothe and shelter illegal immigrants. They then received ANOTHER contract for $530 MILLION shortly after.

It’s all been masterminded by the Biden Administration right under the noses of Americans living in Scottsdale.

But there’s more.

A Selrico Services food van pulled out of the parking lot. Selrico is a food service company that is also based in San Antonio. They must be contracted to provide food for those in this country illegally.

So not only are these illegal aliens being housed at taxpayer expense, they’re being fed at our expense too! They get all this free and then we’re sent the bill through taxation.

Conradson wanted to find out who specifically was organizing all this Note the parts in bold.

Conradson called the local police station since he could not get any answers from the representatives at the hotel.

Conradson: I would like to know what is going on at the Homewood Suites on Scottsdale Rd. and Mountainview. Do you have any information about what’s going on there?
Dispatcher: Nothing outside of the fact that it’s being monitored by ICE and that we have police presence there from other agencies 24/7.
Conradson: Who is managing the hotel?
Dispatcher: I don’t have that information exactly
Conradson: But ICE is in there 24/7?
Dispatcher: Yeah, it’s being monitored by them and outside agencies.
Conradson: Do you know what the outside agencies are?
Dispatcher: I think it’s just a mix of all Arizona state agencies.
Conradson: Are they communicating with you on how many people they’re bringing into Scottsdale, into the hotel?
Dispatcher: I don’t have any specifics on it
Conradson: Where do I find more information?
Dispatcher: You could try to look up any of the ICE numbers online and see if they give any further.
Conradson: Do you have any information on exactly what’s going on? I mean obviously, they’re harboring illegal immigrants, but do you know anything else?
Dispatcher: No we don’t have any further.

The Deep State inside Arizona is a part of this, and so is ICE and the police. It’s all one unified effort to keep this a secret from the American people. Here’s exactly what is at stake.

This is atrocious. Over 600 MILLION DOLLARS are funding this operation to flood red counties with illegal residents and brand new Democrat voters, and it’s costing the taxpayers money and it’s putting the American people in DANGER. Instead of protecting American citizens, officers are being paid by our tax dollars to protect non-citizens who are invading our communities.

The globalist elites who govern this country are attempting to change the population so that it votes in the way that they prefer. They don’t care about any of the Americans currently living here, they just want to replace them with people from other countries. And they’re doing their best to keep it under wraps.


I hope you read this article completely. These are our tax dollars going to the Democrats can get more votes
Did you vet this at all?
I did not. Conradson just found it last night. Also, notice that the last 5 paragraphs are not something Conradson reported.
Minus that hyperbole, which I should have omitted ... there is still little doubt that this is happening. We've not heard the last of it. It is smoking gun evidence that the democRAT criminal cartel is doing exactly what we conservatives are called "crazy" for accusing them of. People better wake up, this isn't a joke. The damage is not limited to Republican voters. It is war against this country.
I did not. Conradson just found it last night. Also, notice that the last 5 paragraphs are not something Conradson reported.
Minus that hyperbole, which I should have omitted ... there is still little doubt that this is happening. We've not heard the last of it. It is smoking gun evidence that the democRAT criminal cartel is doing exactly what we conservatives are called "crazy" for accusing them of. People better wake up, this isn't a joke. The damage is not limited to Republican voters. It is war against this country.
I hadn't heard this, either, but this is the most authoritative thing I find on the first page of a google search:

Temporary immigration facility in Scottsdale​

By Scottsdale Office of Communication

June 11, 2021

Originally posted June 1; updated June 11
A federal contractor began operating a temporary hotel facility for immigrant families Saturday, May 29. The site has generated substantial public and media attention.
After nearly two weeks of operation, Scottsdale police report that the only calls for service at the location are from those operating it, due to people not associated with the site coming on to the property. Several protests attended by as many as 300 people have occurred, which have been lawful and peaceful.
The question of whether using this hotel for this purpose complies with the city's zoning ordinance has been raised. This hotel has been rented to provide temporary stays to families, and thus far the city has seen no evidence that indicates this use is not in conformance with the zoning ordinance.
The city continues to be in contact with the operator and officials from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
According to ICE officials, this site is for intact families seeking political asylum who are being processed and taken to transportation as they continue their journey to a sponsor family or organization. Families are at this location for an average of 48 hours, and the vast majority of people travel outside Arizona after processing. Medical screening (including COVID-19), meals and other services are provided on-site.
A figure of “1,200” families at the hotel in Scottsdale has been cited, which is incorrect. The federal contract provides for 1,239 beds in aggregate for all temporary facilities along the southwest border.
The city has received several hundred calls and emails regarding the facility. Immigration is a federal matter, over which the city of Scottsdale has no responsibility or oversight.
If you have further concerns, please contact your federal government representatives:
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I hadn't heard this, either, but this is the most authoritative thing I find on the first page of a google search:

Temporary immigration facility in Scottsdale​

By Scottsdale Office of Communication

June 11, 2021

Originally posted June 1; updated June 11
A federal contractor began operating a temporary hotel facility for immigrant families Saturday, May 29. The site has generated substantial public and media attention.
After nearly two weeks of operation, Scottsdale police report that the only calls for service at the location are from those operating it, due to people not associated with the site coming on to the property. Several protests attended by as many as 300 people have occurred, which have been lawful and peaceful.
The question of whether using this hotel for this purpose complies with the city's zoning ordinance has been raised. This hotel has been rented to provide temporary stays to families, and thus far the city has seen no evidence that indicates this use is not in conformance with the zoning ordinance.
The city continues to be in contact with the operator and officials from U.S. Immigration and They should be sent back acrossCustoms Enforcement.
According to ICE officials, this site is for intact families seeking political asylum who are being processed and taken to transportation as they continue their journey to a sponsor family or organization. Families are at this location for an average of 48 hours, and the vast majority of people travel outside Arizona after processing. Medical screening (including COVID-19), meals and better their situationother services are provided on-site.
A figure of “1,200” families at the hotel in Scottsdale has been cited, which is incorrect. The federal contract provides for 1,239 beds in aggregate for all temporary facilities along the southwest border.
The city has received several hundred calls and emails regarding the facility. Immigration is a federal matter, over which the city of Scottsdale has no responsibility or oversight.
If you have further concerns, please contact your federal government representatives:
That is bad enough. Tax dollars used for this is unacceptable.
What they are not saying is what happens after these people are moved on and more come in.
Who moves them, where are they moved and why??? I'll bet we already know who is paying for it.
This should not be happening at all. They should be sent back across the border.
We have huge cities full of people who do not even realize that opportunity can be available to them to better their lives; people who never had a family member as an example of why work ethic is critical ... and these people are American citizens!!! They deserve that chance. IMO immigration should be HALTED completely until our own citizens have been at least given the chance to better their lives. Maybe they won't. But they are citizens and our resources should go to that endeavour, not bringing in more people who contribute nothing.
I hadn't heard this, either, but this is the most authoritative thing I find on the first page of a google search:

Temporary immigration facility in Scottsdale​

By Scottsdale Office of Communication

June 11, 2021

Originally posted June 1; updated June 11
A federal contractor began operating a temporary hotel facility for immigrant families Saturday, May 29. The site has generated substantial public and media attention.
After nearly two weeks of operation, Scottsdale police report that the only calls for service at the location are from those operating it, due to people not associated with the site coming on to the property. Several protests attended by as many as 300 people have occurred, which have been lawful and peaceful.
The question of whether using this hotel for this purpose complies with the city's zoning ordinance has been raised. This hotel has been rented to provide temporary stays to families, and thus far the city has seen no evidence that indicates this use is not in conformance with the zoning ordinance.
The city continues to be in contact with the operator and officials from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
According to ICE officials, this site is for intact families seeking political asylum who are being processed and taken to transportation as they continue their journey to a sponsor family or organization. Families are at this location for an average of 48 hours, and the vast majority of people travel outside Arizona after processing. Medical screening (including COVID-19), meals and other services are provided on-site.
A figure of “1,200” families at the hotel in Scottsdale has been cited, which is incorrect. The federal contract provides for 1,239 beds in aggregate for all temporary facilities along the southwest border.
The city has received several hundred calls and emails regarding the facility. Immigration is a federal matter, over which the city of Scottsdale has no responsibility or oversight.
If you have further concerns, please contact your federal government representatives:

Just curious. I'm not talking only about this situation but do you trust the fed government? Do you trust the pols on either side of the aisle? If the NYT had ran a story based on an anonymous source that Trump had given a huge no bid contract to a firm that was connected to him, would you have condemned them for running the story?

My position is our press has let the citizenry down terribly over the last 2 or 3 decades by becoming part of what they should be covering. I never complain about the press aggressively covering pols I support as long as the coverage is in line with true journalistic standards. Heck, if half of the stuff they reported about Trump had been true, my support would have ended for him.

So, if there really is such a thing as a swamp and guys on both sides of the aisle are being bought, giving jobs and contracts to cronies for kickbacks and using LE and intel agencies to protect themselves, don't you think the press should be all over all of the corruption?
Trump had given a huge no bid contract to a firm that was connected to him, would you have condemned them for running the story?

So, if there really is such a thing as a swamp and guys on both sides of the aisle are being bought, giving jobs and contracts to cronies for kickbacks and using LE and intel agencies to protect themselves, don't you think the press should be all over all of the corruption?
There were those stories: for the same purpose Trump was contracting private prison companies. And I agree with this sentiment, but I am just of the side of humane channels of intake/deportation per our laws vs. incarceration.
There were those stories: for the same purpose Trump was contracting private prison companies. And I agree with this sentiment, but I am just of the side of humane channels of intake/deportation per our laws vs. incarceration.

I don't think anyone is for inhumane treatment. I'm not even sure the AZ story is not normal. The point of my post is I want anyone and everyone that has the power to tax me and spend on my behalf is held accountable. If we are housing illegals, let's do it humanly but also efficiently and let's have a press that is dedicated to following the money trail. Let's not fly these folks all over the country and give them court dates they won't honor. Let's not pretend that pols are free to spend money without being honest, transparent and held accountable.
This was covered on local news and has been a badly kept secret since late May. There was a flurry of news stories around the first week of June after they actually brought a lot of people in.

I don't know how many people are actually there, but it appears to be pretty full. There is no way this location has 1200 beds. It is one building that looks like a small condo development. There are walls along the property line, front and back to limit access.

The hotel is a Homewood Suites (Hilton property) that was having a rough go during Covid restrictions. I think it had already been closed. The road sign and any identifying marks are gone. This is in a very nice area, with a mixture of office buildings, retail and residential nearby, so it is sort of conspicuous.

The people they brought there stay inside. There's a mixture of people here. They really don't know who is a "family" and who is not. They are brought in by bus. This location is about a 4 hour drive north of the border. They are here a lot longer than 2 days. No exact numbers, but the buses don't come and go that often - once or twice in a week, max.

There were a couple of protests early on. The 300 number sounds high, but people with signs, making noise for the security and tv coverage. Most of that is gone, now. Some local groups keep an eye on the place and monitor who comes and goes.
PLEASE READ and pass on to everyone you can, this is not who we are nor is it what our Pres. was elected to endorse. God help us! Sickening, OUR (YOUR)
and our children's future are in deep jeopardy this has to be exposed, it is probably not the only such "house" in existence! !
Don't they realize, eventually the illegals will want to pursue more money and more opportunity. Once they achieve more money/opportunity...they become republicans.
Don't they realize, eventually the illegals will want to pursue more money and more opportunity. Once they achieve more money/opportunity...they become republicans.
The 'rats are in a critical stage of their political domination/bloodless coup attempt.
The % of unskilled migrants who can get out of poverty is small to begin with.
Plus the strategy is to keep them getting a check from public money to keep them on the plantation while the 'rats work to destroy what opportunity there is for them to climb past the bottom wrung of society.
That numbers game works in their favor.