This Republican gets it...

The polls are crazy. There must be some sick folks answering the polling to support that scoundrel Trump. 4 years ago last week he was suggesting maybe cleansing the lungs with bleach to kill covid. What a total loser and crazy how folks could forget how bad it was with him in charge. His inaction and policies caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. And all the lying and then the insurrection. Hopefully when it really comes time to vote people will remember how bad he was.
how many covid shots have you had?
good lord
Trump is the biggest piece of sh.t out there. Do you not care about democracy? NATO? What Putin would do with Trump under his thumb (Putin has some bad sh.t he is holding over Trump)? I mean supporting a normal republican is one thing, but the Trump piece of sh.t? Give me a break. (But maybe you just watch Fox and don't know about these issues.)
Sorry man I can’t help you. Please don’t panic everything’s gonna be alright.
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Trump is the biggest piece of sh.t out there. Do you not care about democracy? NATO? What Putin would do with Trump under his thumb (Putin has some bad sh.t he is holding over Trump)? I mean supporting a normal republican is one thing, but the Trump piece of sh.t? Give me a break. (But maybe you just watch Fox and don't know about these issues.)
Fox? Are you still toting that BS too? You really dont keep up do you? Do you know Trumps opinion of Fox? Clearly you are not a person that seeks out any sort of knowledge past CNN and the Comedy Channel. And regarding Putin. He would have NEVER gone into Ukraine if Trump was President. And speaking of holding something over someone...Ukraine-Biden? China-Biden. Your head has clearly met the sand. WTFU
The polls are crazy. There must be some sick folks answering the polling to support that scoundrel Trump. 4 years ago last week he was suggesting maybe cleansing the lungs with bleach to kill covid. What a total loser and crazy how folks could forget how bad it was with him in charge. His inaction and policies caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. And all the lying and then the insurrection. Hopefully when it really comes time to vote people will remember how bad he was.
Do you play goalie?

I agree. If the best you can do is put up a guy that tried to keep his power despite the legally recognized public choice of another person, you need a new party.
Psst. We need 2 new parties and A LOT fewer bureaucrats. George Carlin recognized this decades ago, MAGA voters figured it out and started the Tea Party but were torpedoed (unconstitutionally) with the help of the Pub party and then lined up behind Trump and many Dems are beginning to realize DC is a big club and we ain't in it.
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Sounds like he is positioning himself for a corporate media job and needs to make proclamations before the job offer
Here we go. And I think this is just the start. Of all the idiotic things the cadaver has done, his screwing over of Israel and by extension the US takes the cake.

Even Romney and Fetterman are dismayed.
Fetterman is Jewish. Romney is just futilely trying to figure an angle to make himself relevant.
Like a deep state oath of allegiance.
A deep state conspiracy theorist acts on principle and goes to jail for 10 years,...a person that goes with the flow and burns down police departments and universities drinks milk shakes without issue
You have to respect a man who puts country and democracy over party. Sadly most republicans just suck up to Trump and support him because they like his tax cuts for the ultra wealthy or his promotion of white (Christian) nationalism.
This is rich coming from a poster who supports trash such as:

  1. men in female restrooms
  2. soft on crime activist DA's
  3. illegal alien murderers
  4. anti-white racism
In a job at the beginning of my career, one of the most feared executives in the company was brought in to oversee my division. That didn't sound like good news to me, but a more experienced coworker reminded me that although the guy might be an asshole, he's now OUR asshole. Turned out to be correct, as I never had a more supportive leader.

  • Haha
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You have to respect a man who puts country and democracy over party. Sadly most republicans just suck up to Trump and support him because they like his tax cuts for the ultra wealthy or his promotion of white (Christian) nationalism.
Why would I support a man who puts democracy over country?

What democracy do you speak of? Democracies elect dictators who promise the voter stuff. The elite get elected and get richer as politicians who take the power.

In a democracy, selective freedoms can be voted away if you want to control someone. Get enough votes and the mob rules the roost. A democracy voted Hitler in power. A democratic vote put Castro into power.

I assume that is what you want.

You are very foolish.
Why would I support a man who puts democracy over country?

What democracy do you speak of? Democracies elect dictators who promise the voter stuff. The elite get elected and get richer as politicians who take the power.

In a democracy, selective freedoms can be voted away if you want to control someone. Get enough votes and the mob rules the roost. A democracy voted Hitler in power. A democratic vote put Castro into power.

I assume that is what you want.

You are very foolish.
As de Tocqueville said, the failing of a democracy is that the ppl eventually realize they can vote themselves the treasury.

This is why our founders created for us a constitutional republic.
Why would I support a man who puts democracy over country?

What democracy do you speak of? Democracies elect dictators who promise the voter stuff. The elite get elected and get richer as politicians who take the power.

In a democracy, selective freedoms can be voted away if you want to control someone. Get enough votes and the mob rules the roost. A democracy voted Hitler in power. A democratic vote put Castro into power.

I assume that is what you want.

You are very foolish.
We have a constitutional republic not mob rule (democracy). Don't play the democracy game with these morons.

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