Trump: “No, I would not protect you; I would encourage …..


Gold Member
Jan 24, 2003
them (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) to do whatever the Hell they want;” what Trump said about protecting NATO countries if they are attacked by the Axis of Evil. My My! I realize that some countries have not paid their full 2%, but Trump is an extremist on this question just like he is on every other question. He is so unfit to be president of the USA.

them (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) to do whatever the Hell they want;” what Trump said about protecting NATO countries if they are attacked by the Axis of Evil. My My! I realize that some countries have not paid their full 2%, but Trump is an extremist on this question just like he is on every other question. He is so unfit to be president of the USA.

If you are so concerned about other countries, then you can help contribute to their cause.

Me, I sure as shat don’t want to help fund others…..and have no problem with Trump wanting the countries not paying their “fair share” to do so.

Now, get back under your rock…
Speaking to supporters at a rally in South Carolina, Trump recounted an exchange from his time in office with the leader of a “big country” who asked whether it would be protected if Russia attacked.

Trump said he told the leader that the U.S. government would not protect the bloc if it didn’t pay its fair share in defense spending.

“I said: ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’” Trump recalled. “No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

This is what Trump actually said and guess what, it actually strengthened NATO because Germany upped their contribution. It reminds me of when I was about 10 yrs old and our next door neighbor's home caught on fire but the fire dept did not fight that fire but sprayed water on our house and the house on the other side to keep embers from starting a fire on our property.

When I asked my dad why they didn't put out the neighbor's fire he said it was because the neighbor had been asked repeatedly to buy fire protection but refused. My dad explained that if the fire department, that depended on homeowners funding the dept at that time, performed for those that didn't pay, pretty soon nobody would pay, the dept would fail and then nobody would have protection.
them (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) to do whatever the Hell they want;” what Trump said about protecting NATO countries if they are attacked by the Axis of Evil. My My! I realize that some countries have not paid their full 2%, but Trump is an extremist on this question just like he is on every other question. He is so unfit to be president of the USA.


Go check up on Taylor and Kelsey's latest happenings.
them (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) to do whatever the Hell they want;” what Trump said about protecting NATO countries if they are attacked by the Axis of Evil. My My! I realize that some countries have not paid their full 2%, but Trump is an extremist on this question just like he is on every other question. He is so unfit to be president of the USA.

Let's review. Spend treasure and blood on Turkey or on us?

NATO ain't what it used to be.
“I said: ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’” Trump recalled. “No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”
First off, he completely made up that story, but I's quite rich of him to tell a country to pay their bills when he's declared bankruptcy four times to wipe away debts he wasn't going to pay.
If you are so concerned about other countries, then you can help contribute to their cause.

Me, I sure as shat don’t want to help fund others…..and have no problem with Trump wanting the countries not paying their “fair share” to do so.

Now, get back under your rock…

hey bud,
are you a Chiefs fan?
if so, congrats.
I dislike both teams.
them (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) to do whatever the Hell they want;” what Trump said about protecting NATO countries if they are attacked by the Axis of Evil. My My! I realize that some countries have not paid their full 2%, but Trump is an extremist on this question just like he is on every other question. He is so unfit to be president of the USA.


Being an extremist is a good thing if you are on the right side, and he is on the right side of this
If you are so concerned about other countries, then you can help contribute to their cause.

Me, I sure as shat don’t want to help fund others…..and have no problem with Trump wanting the countries not paying their “fair share” to do so.

Now, get back under your rock…
WOW, he got a lot of likes for his post…lol
First off, he completely made up that story, but I's quite rich of him to tell a country to pay their bills when he's declared bankruptcy four times to wipe away debts he wasn't going to pay.
Maybe he made it up but we know he created a shitstorm amongst the statist when he insisted the NATO partners pay their agreed upon share but was later praised by the same people when the partners actually paid more and that is the point. All of the smart people that have been getting screwed (or screwing us) for decades and paying the lions share for other wealthy western democracies were sure Trump was going to destroy NATO. Turns out, he made NATO stronger.

As far as his bankruptcies, I'm sure he understood when he filed that it meant he was no longer entitled to the benefits of the contracts he was defaulting against. You want to play, you got to pay is a lesson the EU nations needed to learn.
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my wife was All about Kelsy and Taylor.
very soft 49'ers for me.
Thinks Kelce showing his azz is what changed my mind on who to pull for. Shoving his head coach and screaming at him, you just don’t do that kinda shat…..and if you do, something should have been done about it.

No problem with Taylor, that is on the media & the camera guys.
Thinks Kelce showing his azz is what changed my mind on who to pull for. Shoving his head coach and screaming at him, you just don’t do that kinda shat…..and if you do, something should have been done about it.

No problem with Taylor, that is on the media & the camera guys.
completely agree.

I'd a benched his azz.,
attention, ego...
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Maybe he made it up but we know he created a shitstorm amongst the statist when he insisted the NATO partners pay their agreed upon share but was later praised by the same people when the partners actually paid more and that is the point. All of the smart people that have been getting screwed (or screwing us) for decades and paying the lions share for other wealthy western democracies were sure Trump was going to destroy NATO. Turns out, he made NATO stronger.

As far as his bankruptcies, I'm sure he understood when he filed that it meant he was no longer entitled to the benefits of the contracts he was defaulting against. You want to play, you got to pay is a lesson the EU nations needed to learn.
Bit of revisionist history considering the NATO allies agreed to meet the 2% target over 10 years at the 2014 Summit in Wales and while many did not, they then increased again after Trump left office when Putin invaded Ukraine. And it's now 2024 and Putin is the catalyst for NATO spending...Trump deserves zero credit.
  • Haha
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Bit of revisionist history considering the NATO allies agreed to meet the 2% target over 10 years at the 2014 Summit in Wales and while many did not, they then increased again after Trump left office when Putin invaded Ukraine. And it's now 2024 and Putin is the catalyst for NATO spending...Trump deserves zero credit.
Do you want a list of the revisionist history biden spews? No you don't because you don't care. Just go on and help the dims destroy the country.
If you are so concerned about other countries, then you can help contribute to their cause.

Me, I sure as shat don’t want to help fund others…..and have no problem with Trump wanting the countries not paying their “fair share” to do so.

Now, get back under your rock…
Trump is looking for an excuse to pull us out of NATO. What would happen to Europe then?
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them (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) to do whatever the Hell they want;” what Trump said about protecting NATO countries if they are attacked by the Axis of Evil. My My! I realize that some countries have not paid their full 2%, but Trump is an extremist on this question just like he is on every other question. He is so unfit to be president of the USA.

Saw Palmetto helps relieve prostate swelling.

I swear!
Trump is looking for an excuse to pull us out of NATO. What would happen to Europe then?
Then they'd really have to pony up to provide for their mutual defense. Seems like the wise path would be to meet their obligations under NATO and avoid that situation. Failing to do so only weakens NATO and every member country, including the USA.
them (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) to do whatever the Hell they want;” what Trump said about protecting NATO countries if they are attacked by the Axis of Evil. My My! I realize that some countries have not paid their full 2%, but Trump is an extremist on this question just like he is on every other question. He is so unfit to be president of the USA.

NATO countries do not PAY NATO. They are to maintain a military funded at their 2% of their GDP. You'd think a former President would know that.
them (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc) to do whatever the Hell they want;” what Trump said about protecting NATO countries if they are attacked by the Axis of Evil. My My! I realize that some countries have not paid their full 2%, but Trump is an extremist on this question just like he is on every other question. He is so unfit to be president of the USA.

Tucker's interview with Putin tells a lot. Putin said that Poland gave Hitler no choice to invade, He also mentioned Poland over 30 times. Do you wonder why?
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Love the lack of understanding on what 2% of their GDP on defense really means. I'm sure each of you are experts in global economies and that 2% is nothing in the grand scheme of things in tiny minds. Read a book or at very least something other than Fox News.

Comedy Central Win GIF by Lights Out with David Spade
Bit of revisionist history considering the NATO allies agreed to meet the 2% target over 10 years at the 2014 Summit in Wales and while many did not, they then increased again after Trump left office when Putin invaded Ukraine. And it's now 2024 and Putin is the catalyst for NATO spending...Trump deserves zero credit.
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Love the lack of understanding on what 2% of their GDP on defense really means. I'm sure each of you are experts in global economies and that 2% is nothing in the grand scheme of things in tiny minds. Read a book or at very least something other than Fox News.

Comedy Central Win GIF by Lights Out with David Spade

Better stop throwing stones. You guys helped make Fox News more popular. That applies to the independents too. Just sayin.
NATO countries do not PAY NATO. They are to maintain a military funded at their 2% of their GDP. You'd think a former President would know that.
Let me see if I can explain it so you'll understand. As of 2016 the U.S. was spending right at 3.6% of GDP on defense. Germany otoh was spending right at 1.2 and was party to an agreement that each country helps with the defense of others. Iows, Germany was getting all of the advantages of you and me helping to pay 3.6% of our GDP on the collective defense while they were able to keep about 2.4% more of their GDP to invest in infrastructure and social projects. Maybe if Canada, Italy, France and Germany all paid 2.5% of their GDP on defense, we could cut some defense spending and use that money here.
If you are so concerned about other countries, then you can help contribute to their cause.

Me, I sure as shat don’t want to help fund others…..and have no problem with Trump wanting the countries not paying their “fair share” to do so.

Now, get back under your rock…
I could not of responded any better, well said!!! These woketards are so out of touch on politics. Hell IF this person works for a living, do they not realize their tax dollars goes to these countries that DGAS about USA...
Trump is a piece of sh.t. He could care less about American national security. Putin talks - Trump jumps. To think any intelligent person, who cares about our democracy and freedomes, could support that lying loser piece of sh.t blows my mind. I just don't get it. Do they support him because he hates the people they hate? Is it he lets them be racist themselves by su[orting him without having to say it? Crazy! Bizarre!
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Trump is a piece of sh.t. He could care less about American national security. Putin talks - Trump jumps. To think any intelligent person, who cares about our democracy and freedomes, could support that lying loser piece of sh.t blows my mind. I just don't get it. Do they support him because he hates the people they hate? Is it he lets them be racist themselves by su[orting him without having to say it? Crazy! Bizarre!
How much less could you care??
Trump could stop funding. He could also tell the military to do nothing.
See United States under “contemplated withdrawals”:

Still say he is posturing…..he was asked what I thought was a challenging question and he answered.

People hit and he hits back twice as hard… was a crazy/insulting question to start with.

Whoever asked it was testing him.
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I could not of responded any better, well said!!! These woketards are so out of touch on politics. Hell IF this person works for a living, do they not realize their tax dollars goes to these countries that DGAS about USA...
Over 30% of the allied deaths in Afghanistan were suffered by non-US NATO countries who came to our aid and supported operations in Afghanistan after 9/11. They provided this support, despite any concerns about invading the "Graveyard of Empires", because of their commitment to NATO.

This isn't even ancient history, given it was just over twenty years ago and was the first and only time that NATO invoked the mutual defense clause in its founding treaty.

People need to get their heads out of their asses and at least try and understand what's occurred during their lifetime. It might help inform their opinions about what and who we should support moving forward.
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Let me see if I can explain it so you'll understand. As of 2016 the U.S. was spending right at 3.6% of GDP on defense. Germany otoh was spending right at 1.2 and was party to an agreement that each country helps with the defense of others. Iows, Germany was getting all of the advantages of you and me helping to pay 3.6% of our GDP on the collective defense while they were able to keep about 2.4% more of their GDP to invest in infrastructure and social projects. Maybe if Canada, Italy, France and Germany all paid 2.5% of their GDP on defense, we could cut some defense spending and use that money here.
Let me see if I can explain it so you'll understand. As of 2016 the U.S. was spending right at 3.6% of GDP on defense. Germany otoh was spending right at 1.2 and was party to an agreement that each country helps with the defense of others. Iows, Germany was getting all of the advantages of you and me helping to pay 3.6% of our GDP on the collective defense while they were able to keep about 2.4% more of their GDP to invest in infrastructure and social projects. Maybe if Canada, Italy, France and Germany all paid 2.5% of their GDP on defense, we could cut some defense spending and use that money here.
Read somewhere the other day that only 11 of the 30 or 31 countries are paying/investing at least 2%.

I’d say that is an issue and needs to be addressed.