Trump afraid of DeSantis?


Diehard supporter
Jan 17, 2020
I knows he’s not declared publicly but indications point to him running. Now Trump campaign threatens anyone that works for DeSantis will not be considered for his staff or campaign?? Why? Other than playing tough guy but to me it shows insecurity in his part. I like the policies but I can do without the petty name calling and threats to anyone that threatens his run. Bottom line, I want Trump policies but with an adult behind the desk.
I knows he’s not declared publicly but indications point to him running. Now Trump campaign threatens anyone that works for DeSantis will not be considered for his staff or campaign?? Why? Other than playing tough guy but to me it shows insecurity in his part. I like the policies but I can do without the petty name calling and threats to anyone that threatens his run. Bottom line, I want Trump policies but with an adult behind the desk.
You know what? I just gave you a like for that post.
Bottom line, I want Trump policies but with an adult behind the desk.

I think every Trump supporter feels this way but also realizes that Trump is one of the very few people in America willing to take the arrows. Trump is petty, petulant and has no concept of letting his underlings do the dirty work but he's also the first Pub since Reagan that didn't cave to the establishment when they started attacking. Iows, as unsavory as Trump is, I'd take him over any milquetoast Pub that campaigns like a federalist but goes full on statist as soon as they are sworn in.
I think every Trump supporter feels this way but also realizes that Trump is one of the very few people in America willing to take the arrows. Trump is petty, petulant and has no concept of letting his underlings do the dirty work but he's also the first Pub since Reagan that didn't cave to the establishment when they started attacking. Iows, as unsavory as Trump is, I'd take him over any milquetoast Pub that campaigns like a federalist but goes full on statist as soon as they are sworn in.
I agree and will vote for him if he's the nominee. DeSantis seems to be a guy that will battle the establishment too but without the pettiness. I just wonder how many Trump supporters support him simply because of the way he's been treated by Washington and the press but deep down are tiring of his ways.
I agree and will vote for him if he's the nominee. DeSantis seems to be a guy that will battle the establishment too but without the pettiness. I just wonder how many Trump supporters support him simply because of the way he's been treated by Washington and the press but deep down are tiring of his ways.
His base loves the way he sticks it to the man on either side of the aisle. They may not vote if he’s not the nominee.
I knows he’s not declared publicly but indications point to him running. Now Trump campaign threatens anyone that works for DeSantis will not be considered for his staff or campaign?? Why? Other than playing tough guy but to me it shows insecurity in his part. I like the policies but I can do without the petty name calling and threats to anyone that threatens his run. Bottom line, I want Trump policies but with an adult behind the desk.
I have to agree on that.
Voted Trump both times, but is time to move along from him. He will be eternally attacked, hamstrung such he will not succeed. I do not believe Trump can be elected. He has rabid supporters however there are those of us who have had enough of his ego, mouth and attitude towards fellow Republicans. There is no need for him to go after DeSantis. His attacks are crude, stupid, and lies. The all about me, the nomination is mine, anyone who challenges is the enemy is so wrong.
I knows he’s not declared publicly but indications point to him running. Now Trump campaign threatens anyone that works for DeSantis will not be considered for his staff or campaign?? Why? Other than playing tough guy but to me it shows insecurity in his part. I like the policies but I can do without the petty name calling and threats to anyone that threatens his run. Bottom line, I want Trump policies but with an adult behind the desk.
Then vote DeSantis. Trump may very well be the most insecure president in US history. A confident man or leader doesn't care what anyone thinks or says and certainly doesn't get involved in teenage insults.

He's also a narcissists. He couldn’t fathom the thought of losing so obviously it would only be by fraud. Funny how he started this a year before the election. If Trump was up by 10 points in early polls instead of down you wouldn't have heard a single word about election fraud.

Like it or not character and integrity matters to some voters. You have to win over moderates and independents to win the presidency. Two groups Trump does terrible with. The faster the Republican Party moves on from the more radical elements the better their chances are to take back the White House.

DeSantis would be more like Trump policy but with an actual adult in charge.
Voted Trump both times, but is time to move along from him. He will be eternally attacked, hamstrung such he will not succeed. I do not believe Trump can be elected. He has rabid supporters however there are those of us who have had enough of his ego, mouth and attitude towards fellow Republicans. There is no need for him to go after DeSantis. His attacks are crude, stupid, and lies. The all about me, the nomination is mine, anyone who challenges is the enemy is so wrong.
I think there’s more like you and Trump knows it, that’s why he’s attacking the one man who can give him a run for the nomination.
The fundamental problem with Trump is that he energizes the Dem base more than he energizes moderate Republicans and Independent voters. That and he is his own worst enemy.
DeSantis is probably the Repubs lone hope for winning the White House. His refusal to directly engage Trump now is probably his best play for the moment.
Then vote DeSantis. Trump may very well be the most insecure president in US history. A confident man or leader doesn't care what anyone thinks or says and certainly doesn't get involved in teenage insults.

He's also a narcissists. He couldn’t fathom the thought of losing so obviously it would only be by fraud. Funny how he started this a year before the election. If Trump was up by 10 points in early polls instead of down you wouldn't have heard a single word about election fraud.

Like it or not character and integrity matters to some voters. You have to win over moderates and independents to win the presidency. Two groups Trump does terrible with. The faster the Republican Party moves on from the more radical elements the better their chances are to take back the White House.

DeSantis would be more like Trump policy but with an actual adult in charge.
I knows he’s not declared publicly but indications point to him running. Now Trump campaign threatens anyone that works for DeSantis will not be considered for his staff or campaign?? Why? Other than playing tough guy but to me it shows insecurity in his part. I like the policies but I can do without the petty name calling and threats to anyone that threatens his run. Bottom line, I want Trump policies but with an adult behind the desk.
Haven’t seen or read all of that. But all seems fair in love and politics nowadays…..and it’s has become worse through the years.

Just a WAG here, he is just trying to eliminate his perceived competition. But in my humble opinion, he’s not getting more votes for this kind of behavior……he is only alienating the supporters he has.

He still beats what we have in office now… a LONG shot.
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I think there’s more like you and Trump knows it, that’s why he’s attacking the one man who can give him a run for the nomination.
Trump is all Trump, scorched Earth. To say Charlie Crist was a better Gov than DeSantis is simply BS. What will happen is voters will stay home or they won’t vote for Pres. Maybe we can be spared if he’s indicted on the documents. It appears he may have lied to his Attys.
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Trump is all Trump, scorched Earth. To say Charlie Crist was a better Gov than DeSantis is simply BS. What will happen is voters will stay home or they won’t vote for Pres. Maybe we can be spared if he’s indicted on the documents. It appears he may have lied to his Attys.
He’s definitely not a politician, that’s what some people liked when he first ran……they were tired of the politics. It worked and it got him elected.

They voted for the devil they know/knew at the time.

My money was good back then……wages can’t keep up with inflation now. Given the choice of Trump or Biden, I’d definitely vote for Trump again. Thought he did a helluva job, only for Biden to undo most of what he did.

But honestly, I wish he would tone it down some, filter some of it….counting the days until Biden is out of office.

Hope we all make it.
He’s definitely not a politician, that’s what some people liked when he first ran……they were tired of the politics. It worked and it got him elected.

They voted for the devil they know/knew at the time.

My money was good back then……wages can’t keep up with inflation now. Given the choice of Trump or Biden, I’d definitely vote for Trump again. Thought he did a helluva job, only for Biden to undo most of what he did.

But honestly, I wish he would tone it down some, filter some of it….counting the days until Biden is out of office.

Hope we all make it.
Biden undoing all he did is why this country is in the mess it’s in to start with. Also I would vote for anyone not named Biden.
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I just wonder:
1) Is DeSantis gonna run?
2) Who, if not DeSantis, who will challenge Trump?

I think 2024 may be the biggest sh!tshow ever...and a Repub taking Diaper Dandy Joe's place will inherit the biggest mess ever. A smart man may realize that waiting until 2028 may be the best play right now.

All I know is that Trump will never be allowed to enter the WH again. He will not be elected, fair or unfair. DeSantis may just sit back and watch the sh!tshow unfold. Trump will lose or something worse. Deck is cleared in 2028.
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He’s definitely not a politician, that’s what some people liked when he first ran……they were tired of the politics. It worked and it got him elected.

They voted for the devil they know/knew at the time.

My money was good back then……wages can’t keep up with inflation now. Given the choice of Trump or Biden, I’d definitely vote for Trump again. Thought he did a helluva job, only for Biden to undo most of what he did.

But honestly, I wish he would tone it down some, filter some of it….counting the days until Biden is out of office.

Hope we all make it.
Not picking a fight at all......but do you even listen to what Trump himself is saying?
"2024 is the final battle...... Armageddon"
"Death and destruction if indicted", just to name a couple. He is even more unhinged than usual.
The "scorched earth" analogy is pretty accurate.
We both know where we stand on Trump.
You have to know most people will not vote for a man that already lost one time and even more unhinged now. These are things HE IS SAYING HIMSELF, not some "fake news" as some love to say.
I am truly hoping that the Rep party will nominate Desantis, or anyone else but DJT.
If they don't, that we be the ONLY WAY Biden (if he runs), will get a second term.
Again, this comment is meant in the most civil way possible. I know when people don't agree with some on here they go off the rails.
Have a good evening.
Not picking a fight at all......but do you even listen to what Trump himself is saying?
"2024 is the final battle...... Armageddon"
"Death and destruction if indicted", just to name a couple. He is even more unhinged than usual.
The "scorched earth" analogy is pretty accurate.
We both know where we stand on Trump.
You have to know most people will not vote for a man that already lost one time and even more unhinged now. These are things HE IS SAYING HIMSELF, not some "fake news" as some love to say.
I am truly hoping that the Rep party will nominate Desantis, or anyone else but DJT.
If they don't, that we be the ONLY WAY Biden (if he runs), will get a second term.
Again, this comment is meant in the most civil way possible. I know when people don't agree with some on here they go off the rails.
Have a good evening.
Hey I get it, but I think there is a key word in what he is saying in the death and destruction comment……and also context to be considered.

The key word is “potential” death and destruction…….and I know that can be interpreted two different ways. Regardless, I do not think I would have said it because of the controversy that would follow……and how the media and his opponents would twist it.

That is part of what I mean by filtering down what he says.

“unhinged”?? ……don’t believe it at all, for even a minute. Some hit and he hits back, twice as hard. He won’t back down…..and I like part about him. But sometimes, that can be his worst enemy.

Nonetheless, I’d vote for him again in a heartbeat beat between him and Biden……..he is definitely the lesser of the two evils. And again, my money was good then….at the rate things are going now with ole Joe, I feel like we are falling into a sinkhole.

I like Trump much, much better than the current guy……warts and all.

BTW, fighting is the lifeblood of this place, it keeps it going… keep them coming.


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I just wonder:
1) Is DeSantis gonna run?
2) Who, if not DeSantis, who will challenge Trump?

I think 2024 may be the biggest sh!tshow ever...and a Repub taking Diaper Dandy Joe's place will inherit the biggest mess ever. A smart man may realize that waiting until 2028 may be the best play right now.

All I know is that Trump will never be allowed to enter the WH again. He will not be elected, fair or unfair. DeSantis may just sit back and watch the sh!tshow unfold. Trump will lose or something worse. Deck is cleared in 2028.
Can’t afford to wait that long, the country will be owned by the CCP by then . You people need to wake up this country is on the brink of destruction.
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Since DeSantis hasn’t declared I’m not so sure the polls are accurate. It will be interesting to see if the gap narrows once he does.
I actually think DeSantis can beat Trump head to head. Trump has his core supporters but DeSantis will attract a lot of GOP votes along with independents and maybe even a few blue dog democrats that are tired of the direction of their party.
He’s definitely not a politician, that’s what some people liked when he first ran……they were tired of the politics. It worked and it got him elected.

They voted for the devil they know/knew at the time.

My money was good back then……wages can’t keep up with inflation now. Given the choice of Trump or Biden, I’d definitely vote for Trump again. Thought he did a helluva job, only for Biden to undo most of what he did.

But honestly, I wish he would tone it down some, filter some of it….counting the days until Biden is out of office.

Hope we all make it.
Excellent points. Like you if it’s Biden vs Trump, then the choice is easy. The economy is killing us, the “destroy the oil companies” mantra has gone beyond absurd. Buying oil from Venezuela, Iran but actively doing all this Admin can to destroy oil production in USA. Windmills being built along the coastline of some states, BUT not Martha’s Vineyard or Rebobeth Beach DE, while others like Fla GA NC SC want no part of it but may have it forced on them.
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Can’t afford to wait that long, the country will be owned by the CCP by then . You people need to wake up this country is on the brink of destruction.
I may already be too late.

Dems are gonna tank way he's nominated in 2024. Repubs have to deal with the Trump problem. Trump will drag DeSantis through the mudd. Dems will have no resistance replacing Biden/Harris on the ticket.

Like I said, it's gonna be a sh!tshow.......
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