Trump probably just gained 1MM votes

Dems have grossly overshot the target. I already know ppl who didn't vote for him in 2020 and still don't like him. But they're voting Trump this time. And they're suburban women.
I’ll stand by my opinion that a weeks long trial focused on Trump’s efforts, just before the election, to silence the porn star he slept with while his wife was home with the newborn isn’t going to win him a bunch of new supporters.

Trump is not going to respond well to day after day in court, given he couldn’t make it through day one without falling asleep.

That, paired with performances like the history lesson he shared Saturday night suggests it’s going to be a very long road indeed to November.

Were you there? Boy you sure know everything about this trial.

Judge only ruled on trump's request to attend supreme court hearing on immunity (he's not required to be there or judge would've let him go). Barron's graduation ruling is pending. Unless something changed this afternoon...
I’ll stand by my opinion that a weeks long trial focused on Trump’s efforts, just before the election, to silence the porn star he slept with while his wife was home with the newborn isn’t going to win him a bunch of new supporters.

Trump is not going to respond well to day after day in court, given he couldn’t make it through day one without falling asleep.

That, paired with performances like the history lesson he shared Saturday night suggests it’s going to be a very long road indeed to November.

No. One. Cares.

They care about affordability - fuel, food, housing, and healthcare.

They care about being safe.

They want the US to look after itself again.

And all these trials, or the million over the top things Trump will say between now and then won’t make a damned bit of difference.

Folks are tired of the BS. Every article. Every commentary on the “91 indictments” - 90
Of which are bullshit.

Trump is gonna win. People’s daily lives were markedly better in 2019.
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No. One. Cares.

They care about affordability - fuel, food, housing, and healthcare.

They care about being safe.

They want the US to look after itself again.

And all these trials, or the million over the top things Trump will say between now and then won’t make a damned bit of difference.

Folks are tired of the BS. Every article. Every commentary on the “91 indictments” - 90
Of which are bullshit.

Trump is gonna win. People’s daily lives were markedly better in 2019.
He did all this while he was a Democrat. Donating to democrats. They only care now because he isn’t anymore. It is pure desperation and a horrendous look. The left is circling the drain anyway. Might as well get some popcorn and watch them do it to themselves.
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No. One. Cares.

They care about affordability - fuel, food, housing, and healthcare.

They care about being safe.

They want the US to look after itself again.

And all these trials, or the million over the top things Trump will say between now and then won’t make a damned bit of difference.

Folks are tired of the BS. Every article. Every commentary on the “91 indictments” - 90
Of which are bullshit.

Trump is gonna win. People’s daily lives were markedly better in 2019.
That is pretty much it in a nutshell.
No. One. Cares.

They care about affordability - fuel, food, housing, and healthcare.

They care about being safe.

They want the US to look after itself again.

And all these trials, or the million over the top things Trump will say between now and then won’t make a damned bit of difference.

Folks are tired of the BS. Every article. Every commentary on the “91 indictments” - 90
Of which are bullshit.

Trump is gonna win. People’s daily lives were markedly better in 2019.
2019. That honestly made me laugh. I understand how much the GOP wants to pretend Trump’s disastrous last year in office didn’t happen, but it did.

The end of Trump’s first term was most certainly not “America looking like itself”, and Trump does a great job of reminding us of that every time he praises convicted felons and promises to pardon them.

It’s no newsflash that you and the other long time Trump supporters don’t care about his lawlessness. If you did you would have dropped your support after J6. Its moderates, independents and woman who are in play and I think history will show that they do care.

I remain comfortable about my prospects regarding our wager.
what's funny about this is that the judge hasn't even officially ruled out trump attending Barron's graduation (too early to rule)...but Trump was probably asleep when they were talking about and asked for cliff notes before doing the presser at the end...
That's not what was reported today, but okay.
2019. That honestly made me laugh. I understand how much the GOP wants to pretend Trump’s disastrous last year in office didn’t happen, but it did.

The end of Trump’s first term was most certainly not “America looking like itself”, and Trump does a great job of reminding us of that every time he praises convicted felons and promises to pardon them.

It’s no newsflash that you and the other long time Trump supporters don’t care about his lawlessness. If you did you would have dropped your support after J6. Its moderates, independents and woman who are in play and I think history will show that they do care.

I remain comfortable about my prospects regarding our wager.
1.4 % inflation in his last month sure did look good to these eyes…… and they don’t even have to “pretend”.

The border crisis is the worst in American history.
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yeah, that is old. It was withdrawn as submitted under pressure. I am sure she will be questioned about it when she testifies.
ummm, yall don't believe miller right. You can't have it both ways. Either you believe both or don't believe both. \

Libs gonna hypocrite '
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I’ll stand by my opinion that a weeks long trial focused on Trump’s efforts, just before the election, to silence the porn star he slept with while his wife was home with the newborn isn’t going to win him a bunch of new supporters.

Trump is not going to respond well to day after day in court, given he couldn’t make it through day one without falling asleep.

That, paired with performances like the history lesson he shared Saturday night suggests it’s going to be a very long road indeed to November.

Rupar. Really? That’s like a white supremacist quoting David Duke or a BLM/Hamas supporter quoting Rev Wright.
Rupar. Really? That’s like a white supremacist quoting David Duke or a BLM/Hamas supporter quoting Rev Wright
Rupar posted an unaltered video from Trump’s Saturday rally, but of course you’d rather talk about that than what Trump actually said.

Here’s a transcript. It would be funny if Trump weren’t one of our two options for POTUS. He sounds like a forth grader giving a book report on a book he didn’t read.

"Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was, It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways—it represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, he said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his big general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late,"
Rupar posted an unaltered video from Trump’s Saturday rally, but of course you’d rather talk about that than what Trump actually said.

Here’s a transcript. It would be funny if Trump weren’t one of our two options for POTUS. He sounds like a forth grader giving a book report on a book he didn’t read.

"Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was, It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways—it represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, he said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his big general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late,"
Rupar is a biased hack. The dude posts nothing but Trump 24/7/365/. He’s the poster boy for TDS. You’re pretty biased too. It’s why you're blind to the double standard. This may be a different election because most of the country is able to to see this without their heads exploding. You can’t.

Mind you, 6 months ago I said that nominating Trump was a losing proposition. After what I’m seeing and the (anecdotal) information I’m hearing from known non-Trumper friends and colleagues, I don't feel that way anymore. Your side has successfully made him a sympathetic figure. Every trial lawyer is familiar with this phenomena.

Rupar is a biased hack. The dude posts nothing but Trump 24/7/365/. He’s the poster boy for TDS. You’re pretty biased too. It’s why you're blind to the double standard. This may be a different election because most of the country is able to to see this without their heads exploding. You can’t.

Mind you, 6 months ago I said that nominating Trump was a losing proposition. After what I’m seeing and the (anecdotal) information I’m hearing from known non-Trumper friends and colleagues, I don't feel that way anymore. Your side has successfully made him a sympathetic figure. Every trial lawyer is familiar with this phenomena.

Did you really just suggest that my source is too biased to repost a video from Trump‘s campaign rally and then reply with a post from Jack Posobiec? That’s amazing.

Posobiec is a proven liar and conspiracy theorist who said that the Charlottesville rally was a false flag, promoted pizza gate, the Seth Rich murder conspiracy and every crackpot 2020 election conspiracy under the sun. He’s not just biased, he’s a proven propagandist.

But back to the suggestion that the two situations are the same, which is another false equivalency.

The Clinton Campaign misclassified the Steele Dossier expense within the campaign’s financial reporting. It did not attempt to hide the expense in a private business and there is zero evidence that Hillary was personally involved in the misclassification of the expense.

The case against Trump is that he attempted to hide the payoff within his business, misclassify it as a legal expense, that this was done to interfere in the 2016 election and that Trump was the source of the plan and personally aware of and involved in the entire illegal scheme.

Of course, the prosecution now has to prove the charges outlined above, but the charges are fundamentally different in the two cases.
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2019. That honestly made me laugh. I understand how much the GOP wants to pretend Trump’s disastrous last year in office didn’t happen, but it did.

The end of Trump’s first term was most certainly not “America looking like itself”, and Trump does a great job of reminding us of that every time he praises convicted felons and promises to pardon them.

It’s no newsflash that you and the other long time Trump supporters don’t care about his lawlessness. If you did you would have dropped your support after J6. Its moderates, independents and woman who are in play and I think history will show that they do care.

I remain comfortable about my prospects regarding our wager.
In 2019, I watched probably a dozen anti Trump pundits reluctantly admit he would cruise to RE-election. Why? We were cruising economically. Across the spectrum. Goods and housing? Affordable. Food? Affordable. Success? Attainable. Credit for small business? Everywhere and available.

You can say if “made me laugh” but there is a reason the hindsight article polls are up double digits across the board regarding his Presidency. Despite J6 and all the bullshit since then? Folks are overwhelmingly positive on his presidency relative to when he left? There is only one explanation: shit has to be SOOOOO much worse for regular folks that they look past all the baggage and wish for the Delorean to take them back to the Trump years.

Laugh all you want the numbers don’t lie.

You say his last year was a shit show? That’s kind of my point. Hindsight has proven him right and the fact that folks know they were wrong is reflected in the article about how folks feel about his presidency now versus then. Let me summarize:


Virus was natiral. Lab leak theory is Trump lunatic tin hat wearers.

Trump trying to kill people by keeping schools and businesses open.

America did terrible relative to everyone else on Covid.

Trump’s vaccine is dangerous.


Virus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan

The red state policy of opening up was clearly right.

Cost of goods up 40 percent.

Cost of housing up more than that when you consider 500 bps of interest rate increases.

Wars. Everywhere.

Bad actors acting bad. Even when big Joe says “DON’T”

People vote on their own situation and experience. It is much worse now. Numbers don’t lie.

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