What recession?


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2016
"The biggest impact on home sales this year? Higher mortgage rates driven by the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes, the central bank’s fastest rate-hike cycle since the 1980s. The Fed is seeking to slow unacceptably high inflation by bringing down demand for everything – including housing."
"The biggest impact on home sales this year? Higher mortgage rates driven by the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes, the central bank’s fastest rate-hike cycle since the 1980s. The Fed is seeking to slow unacceptably high inflation by bringing down demand for everything – including housing."
You do know why the Fed is raising rates, don’t you? Or do I have to explain that to you as well?

Libs absolutely abhor success and the free enterprise competition that breeds success. In your stupid little world everyone gets a trophy and only the elites win.
You do know why the Fed is raising rates, don’t you? Or do I have to explain that to you as well?

Libs absolutely abhor success and the free enterprise competition that breeds success. In your stupid little world everyone gets a trophy and only the elites win.
It becomes humorous after awhile. This guy can't think past the surface enough to ask "why".
Why does the Fed raise rates? Because the democRATs printed a ton of money and gave it to fools to buy their votes and caused raging inflation. They used covid as a smoke screen for destroying people's businesses and creating new, permanent poor. They are still sending stimulus checks to democRAT voters, even now.
The RATs claim the economy is fine and there are more jobs than people to fill them. That is because over 7 million males completely dropped out of the job market.
I don't like Bill Clinton but he had one thing right. Welfare ought to be a program requiring the recipient to attend training for skills to help himself out of poverty.
But don't try to tell this genius that. You'd be a racist for sure.
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It becomes humorous after awhile. This guy can't think past the surface enough to ask "why".
Why does the Fed raise rates? Because the democRATs printed a ton of money and gave it to fools to buy their votes and caused raging inflation. They used covid as a smoke screen for destroying people's businesses and creating new, permanent poor. They are still sending stimulus checks to democRAT voters, even now.
The RATs claim there are more jobs than people to fill them. That is because over 7 million males completely dropped out of the job market.
I don't like Bill Clinton but he had one thing right. Welfare ought to be a program requiring the recipient to attend training for skills to help himself out of poverty.
But don't try to tell this genius that. You'd be a racist for sure.
These fools are paying people not to work they want them to stay on the Plantation.
buying votes yet could care less about those folks
get them votes and stay poor, kill each other, deal drugs to each other just as long as you vote dem we will give you money.
libs must be proud
Give me some specific examples where currently, the dems are giving out this money.
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Give me some specific examples where currently, the dems are giving out this money.
Dude. EBT accepted here. Free everything for illegals. Reparations are being proposed in states where slavery never occurred. Blue States like Illinois and CA had unfunded pensions and basically were broke from decades of mismanagement and utopian welfare programs. Under the cover of Covid, they were bailed out, so they’ll continue the handouts. Plenty of whistleblowers who state they were paid for their mail-in ballots.

I’m curious of your news source.
What payments ? Be specific.
Welfare, food stamps, rent subsidized housing and Medicaid. Many others on Social Security disability. Not that they are actually disabled. Pretty much takes care of millions of folks basic needs. Can usually make a little under the table here and there but will forever be ”needy” and beholden to the federal government for their survival. Exactly where Democrat politicians need them to stay to help maintain power. Gotta have a needy underclass. I run a clinical testing company and come in contact with these people every day. Come in every month or so to make $70 - $100. Don’t want to make over $600 year testing with us for fear of getting a 1099 and having to report income. Can’t do anything to impact those government checks. You guys must live in some kind of dream world if you don’t know how things work out in the “real world”.
Dude. EBT accepted here. Free everything for illegals. Reparations are being proposed in states where slavery never occurred. Blue States like Illinois and CA had unfunded pensions and basically were broke from decades of mismanagement and utopian welfare programs. Under the cover of Covid, they were bailed out, so they’ll continue the handouts. Plenty of whistleblowers who state they were paid for their mail-in ballots.

I’m curious of your news source.
Welfare, food stamps, rent subsidized housing and Medicaid. Many others on Social Security disability. Not that they are actually disabled. Pretty much takes care of millions of folks basic needs. Can usually make a little under the table here and there but will forever be ”needy” and beholden to the federal government for their survival. Exactly where Democrat politicians need them to stay to help maintain power. Gotta have a needy underclass. I run a clinical testing company and come in contact with these people every day. Come in every month or so to make $70 - $100. Don’t want to make over $600 year testing with us for fear of getting a 1099 and having to report income. Can’t do anything to impact those government checks. You guys must live in some kind of dream world if you don’t know how things work out in the “real world”.
How much profit does your clinical testing company make off each underclass person that you pay $70 a month, then mock online?
How much profit does your clinical testing company make off each underclass person that you pay $70 a month, then mock online?
Not mocking. A little reality for you liberals as to how years of government “Help” has actually done more harm than good. Just letting you know there’s a world of people out there who are permanent residents of the government plantation. Actually proud we’re one of the few places they can pick up a little extra spending money. They get $70 - $100 for about 4 hours of their time BTW. Most can’t consider a regular job. Thus destined to barely get by with almost no real chance to better their lives. We treat our employees well too, as we just paid $84,000 in Christmas bonuses to our 13 employees. I don’t need to apologize to anyone.
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Welfare, food stamps, rent subsidized housing and Medicaid. Many others on Social Security disability. Not that they are actually disabled. Pretty much takes care of millions of folks basic needs. Can usually make a little under the table here and there but will forever be ”needy” and beholden to the federal government for their survival. Exactly where Democrat politicians need them to stay to help maintain power. Gotta have a needy underclass. I run a clinical testing company and come in contact with these people every day. Come in every month or so to make $70 - $100. Don’t want to make over $600 year testing with us for fear of getting a 1099 and having to report income. Can’t do anything to impact those government checks. You guys must live in some kind of dream world if you don’t know how things work out in the “real world”.
could not have said it better
keep them votes and keep minorities down
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Not mocking. A little reality for you liberals as to how years of government “Help” has actually done more harm than good. Just letting you know there’s a world of people out there who are permanent residents of the government plantation. Actually proud we’re one of the few places they can pick up a little extra spending money. They get $70 - $100 for about 4 hours of their time BTW. Most can’t consider a regular job. Thus destined to barely get by with almost no real chance to better their lives. We treat our employees well too, as we just paid $84,000 in Christmas bonuses to our 13 employees. I don’t need to apologize to anyone.
Nice word salad for profiting off of the welfare state. Your outrage almost believable.

Your business depends upon taking advantage of the very same people you hate.

What’s your mark up on the blood samples?
Not mocking. A little reality for you liberals as to how years of government “Help” has actually done more harm than good. Just letting you know there’s a world of people out there who are permanent residents of the government plantation. Actually proud we’re one of the few places they can pick up a little extra spending money. They get $70 - $100 for about 4 hours of their time BTW. Most can’t consider a regular job. Thus destined to barely get by with almost no real chance to better their lives. We treat our employees well too, as we just paid $84,000 in Christmas bonuses to our 13 employees. I don’t need to apologize to anyone.
Yeah you do ... you need to beg Mr. Aintgotaclue nimrod dipstick to accept your apology.
Because he is reeeeal smart.
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I went to my daughter's home in Tampa yesterday for Christmas. They had invited a homeless man to dinner. His name is John. He was very intelligent. He told me that he got hit by a truck and lost his business because he could not work for over two years. He was a custom knife maker with clients nationwide. Now he is able to work again but he has lost his contacts and clients.
He is afraid to start working again because it will take a year to get his shop in order and his network of referrals and clients re-established. He is afraid to try to do that because if they catch him working, he will lose his federal check and free health care.
He works some under the table. But of course, it is not ever enough to make him comfortable enough to risk leaving the plantation.
This guy was not a covid scam victim but the result is the same. He is caught in the democRAT trap. He is part of the permanent poor, government dependent who are now enslaved. Because, he now sees it as being in his best interest NOT to work.
May God have mercy on this country.
Nice word salad for profiting off of the welfare state. Your outrage almost believable.

Your business depends upon taking advantage of the very same people you hate.

What’s your mark up on the blood samples?
LOL…..I’ve probably already shared too much with your stupid ass. Once again you assume wrong. We test consumer products and I have more respect for our test panelists than I do for misguided liberals like you who aren’t nearly as knowledgeable as you think you are. But I’d suggest it’s politicians who’ve profited off the welfare state and keeping folks trapped there. That and “insider trading”. 🙄
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Not mocking. A little reality for you liberals as to how years of government “Help” has actually done more harm than good. Just letting you know there’s a world of people out there who are permanent residents of the government plantation. Actually proud we’re one of the few places they can pick up a little extra spending money. They get $70 - $100 for about 4 hours of their time BTW. Most can’t consider a regular job. Thus destined to barely get by with almost no real chance to better their lives. We treat our employees well too, as we just paid $84,000 in Christmas bonuses to our 13 employees. I don’t need to apologize to anyone.
Hey look, 76% of people on “welfare” are white, but keep on with the racist comments…

That’s what happens when Biden try’s to destroy the white middle class and it is only going to get worse.
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That’s what happens when Biden try’s to destroy the white middle class and it is only going to get worse.
The data is till 2020…but it would be quite the feat for Biden to shift the demographics of welfare that much in 2 years…
He’s done one hell of a job on the middle class, and he just started to destroy our economy.
Destroy our economy? We added more jobs in 2022 than any other year in history…hardly call it destroyed
Give me some specific examples where currently, the dems are giving out this money.
A single mother of two can get a total of 84K if you know how to work the system. We are letting in 1 million people a month. Do you think they all have jobs waiting. Your parents tax dollars are buying them food, housing and clothing and medical. This type of untethered immigration leds to a strong country according to you. Let me ask you to explain why the policy does not bother you?
So your examples are TEMPORARY unemployment benefits for a family of four with both parents unemployed (which is not a Federal program) and includes non-cash health insurance to make the point that Biden is handing out money...also, the CARES Act increased the unemployment payments in May 2020...and was signed by Trump, 8 months before Biden was in office.

Also, you do realize people pay for unemployment insurance while they are working? It's not some program that normally comes from the Federal government except in the midst of a pandemic where millions of people lost their jobs overnight...