You want a villain to blame for COVID? The "villain" is often the person who is sick and no one else. Check this video and tell me...


Hairy Cooontex
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Check this out. Tell me if you notice anything. If you are having trouble identifying a potential issue here, perhaps @WRobinsDawg can help you out...

I mean literally the story talks about all the precautions this woman took except for the only one the media cares about - her failure to get vaccinated (and I agree she *definitely* should have gotten vaccinated).

Perhaps this woman should have taken one other obvious precaution? As in, set the cheeseburger down and step away from the table?

But @RoyDawgMercer - I suppose it is Ron DeSantis fault this woman is obese and didn't get a vaccine?

We are a nation of fat ass and unhealthy people and that has *definitely* contributed to a very large chunk of deaths outside of older age groups (and deaths are still very, very clustered in the oldest age brackets). English medical research specifically said that being fat was the main reason folks under 40 end up in the hospital with COVID-19. Quote:

“Obesity is clearly associated with severe COVID-19 outcomes — hospital admission, ICU admission and death, after a positive COVID-19 test,” Carmen Piernas-Sanchez, PhD, MSc, a research lecturer in the Nuffield department of primary care health sciences at the University of Oxford, U.K., told Healio. “Our large study also allowed us to look at specific groups. We found, for example, that obesity showed a stronger association with COVID-19 outcomes among younger adults, and as age went up, the association with BMI became weaker, to the point there was no association among people aged 80 years or older. That was surprising.”

We have some folks among us such as @BDawg64 who might be able to provide some context. Any truth to the rumor that being a fat ass is far more likely to put you in the hospital with COVID-19 than living in a state with Ron DeSantis as your governor?

I personally think we need to stop the villain crap right now. It is dangerous to do that in a society that needs to actually function. But if you want to play the blame game then play it fairly and quit being PC weaklings. It is past time to call out the obese among us if we are going to keep screwing with kids' educations and slapping vaccine passports on people (both of which I obviously wish would go away).
Now the chat libs will get you banned for fat shaming! You can't call thickk girls fat! You are a body shamer!

Seriously, I think it is now LGBTQTh, and they will defend it like crazy.

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One of my unvaxed wife's "best friends" a nurse, canceled her, blaming her for the hospitals filling up. My wife hasn't been near a hospital since the pandemic started up. It must have been someone who looked like my wife.
One of my unvaxed wife's "best friends" a nurse, canceled her, blaming her for the hospitals filling up. My wife hasn't been near a hospital since the pandemic started up. It must have been someone who looked like my wife.
There's a lot of people in a lot of industries who do it for the paycheck.

Teaching and healthcare are 2 industries where passion for the work used to be the main driver, but not anymore. That's why you see so many selfish people attacking those around them while pissing on the nobility of the occupation.

There are educators mentally abusing children in the classroom over politics instead of challenging them to become educated and grow.

There are healthcare workers wishing ill on potential patients instead of being locked in on helping everyone they can to the best of their ability and actually having compassion for those in the worst shape.

The only good thing is that evil is exposing itself everywhere so no more guesswork about the people encountered.
We had obesity before Covid. No flu season ever hit the obese like this. But, in my experience, the young people (<50) who got bad symptoms with Covid with alpha were mostly obese. Most of the young hospitalized were obese. Delta is hitting more “fit” young people, but obesity is certainly a risk factor for worse respiratory disease with delta. I’m sure three is data out there. I go on Covid duty next week. Will see with my own eyes.
The fact that some people think that fats are only dying because of covid is laughable.
Fat absorbs Vit D making it unavailable to the cells/immune system. Almost all the deaths and serious illness victims "from covid" had very low levels of Vit D.
There's a lot of people in a lot of industries who do it for the paycheck.

Teaching and healthcare are 2 industries where passion for the work used to be the main driver, but not anymore. That's why you see so many selfish people attacking those around them while pissing on the nobility of the occupation.

There are educators mentally abusing children in the classroom over politics instead of challenging them to become educated and grow.

There are healthcare workers wishing ill on potential patients instead of being locked in on helping everyone they can to the best of their ability and actually having compassion for those in the worst shape.

The only good thing is that evil is exposing itself everywhere so no more guesswork about the people encountered.
We had obesity before Covid. No flu season ever hit the obese like this. But, in my experience, the young people (<50) who got bad symptoms with Covid with alpha were mostly obese. Most of the young hospitalized were obese. Delta is hitting more “fit” young people, but obesity is certainly a risk factor for worse respiratory disease with delta. I’m sure three is data out there. I go on Covid duty next week. Will see with my own eyes.
My main thought is that after 18 months of this anyone obese at any level could have made a significant dent in it if they were both aware of the link and worked on it.

I think some legitimately don't know because we spend so much bandwidth screaming about masks or other frivolities (and are scared in general to look "insensitive ") that things like a full court press on obesity which would save lives and hospitalizations do not happen.

Choosing to look busy instead of choosing to be more effective.
Utterly repulsive. We HAVE to have more fat shaming in America. People think it's a joke or a trope from me, but I couldn't be more serious.

Our nation is literally eating itself to death.
Im in Colorado right now about to pace my brother in law in an ultramarathon. 100 miles. I have no sympathy for fat asses.
Check this out. Tell me if you notice anything. If you are having trouble identifying a potential issue here, perhaps @WRobinsDawg can help you out...

I mean literally the story talks about all the precautions this woman took except for the only one the media cares about - her failure to get vaccinated (and I agree she *definitely* should have gotten vaccinated).

Perhaps this woman should have taken one other obvious precaution? As in, set the cheeseburger down and step away from the table?

But @RoyDawgMercer - I suppose it is Ron DeSantis fault this woman is obese and didn't get a vaccine?

We are a nation of fat ass and unhealthy people and that has *definitely* contributed to a very large chunk of deaths outside of older age groups (and deaths are still very, very clustered in the oldest age brackets). English medical research specifically said that being fat was the main reason folks under 40 end up in the hospital with COVID-19. Quote:

“Obesity is clearly associated with severe COVID-19 outcomes — hospital admission, ICU admission and death, after a positive COVID-19 test,” Carmen Piernas-Sanchez, PhD, MSc, a research lecturer in the Nuffield department of primary care health sciences at the University of Oxford, U.K., told Healio. “Our large study also allowed us to look at specific groups. We found, for example, that obesity showed a stronger association with COVID-19 outcomes among younger adults, and as age went up, the association with BMI became weaker, to the point there was no association among people aged 80 years or older. That was surprising.”

We have some folks among us such as @BDawg64 who might be able to provide some context. Any truth to the rumor that being a fat ass is far more likely to put you in the hospital with COVID-19 than living in a state with Ron DeSantis as your governor?

I personally think we need to stop the villain crap right now. It is dangerous to do that in a society that needs to actually function. But if you want to play the blame game then play it fairly and quit being PC weaklings. It is past time to call out the obese among us if we are going to keep screwing with kids' educations and slapping vaccine passports on people (both of which I obviously wish would go away).
I agree we need to stop making villains of people. I see that happening more, and in a more virulent fashion, with the anti-mask crowd than with the pro-vaccine crowd.

My main thought is that after 18 months of this anyone obese at any level could have made a significant dent in it if they were both aware of the link and worked on it.

I think some legitimately don't know because we spend so much bandwidth screaming about masks or other frivolities (and are scared in general to look "insensitive ") that things like a full court press on obesity which would save lives and hospitalizations do not happen.

Choosing to look busy instead of choosing to be more effective.
Obesity is the nations number one health issue, not Covid. Michelle Obama recognized this but only so much you can do vs the billion dollar processed food industry. It’s a difficult issue. Our reliance on cars, the creation of non-walkable suburbs, addiction to TV/internet, long work hours all play a part.

I do find it interesting that for someone who seems to think Covid is not a big deal, or certainly not the big deal the media makes it out to bet you have spent a lot of time posting about it. I’ll be +/- 50 threads started and 10,000 words written…
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I’ll be +/- 50 threads started and 10,000 words written…
You are way undershooting there.

And of course that's a nice little underhanded dig. Pretty much completely misrepresents what I think because I would be the biggest dumbass in the world (even bigger than Roy Dawg thinks I am) if I didn't recognize that COVID and all the things it triggered are the single most disruptive thing to happen to our country since possibly WWII.

Tens of thousands of deaths (many preventable IMO because we obsessed about those not at risk and diverted resources from those who were). Thousands of businesses and livelihoods permanently destroyed. Churches closed. Schools closed. Massive learning loss. Child suicide / abuse / drug overdoses above the baseline and directly tied to COVID policies. Social unrest. Political turmoil. Vaccine papers for a medical treatment lacking full safety approval (something to my knowledge never before done in our history).

So yeah, why would I give a flip?
Check this out. Tell me if you notice anything. If you are having trouble identifying a potential issue here, perhaps @WRobinsDawg can help you out...

I mean literally the story talks about all the precautions this woman took except for the only one the media cares about - her failure to get vaccinated (and I agree she *definitely* should have gotten vaccinated).

Perhaps this woman should have taken one other obvious precaution? As in, set the cheeseburger down and step away from the table?

But @RoyDawgMercer - I suppose it is Ron DeSantis fault this woman is obese and didn't get a vaccine?

We are a nation of fat ass and unhealthy people and that has *definitely* contributed to a very large chunk of deaths outside of older age groups (and deaths are still very, very clustered in the oldest age brackets). English medical research specifically said that being fat was the main reason folks under 40 end up in the hospital with COVID-19. Quote:

“Obesity is clearly associated with severe COVID-19 outcomes — hospital admission, ICU admission and death, after a positive COVID-19 test,” Carmen Piernas-Sanchez, PhD, MSc, a research lecturer in the Nuffield department of primary care health sciences at the University of Oxford, U.K., told Healio. “Our large study also allowed us to look at specific groups. We found, for example, that obesity showed a stronger association with COVID-19 outcomes among younger adults, and as age went up, the association with BMI became weaker, to the point there was no association among people aged 80 years or older. That was surprising.”

We have some folks among us such as @BDawg64 who might be able to provide some context. Any truth to the rumor that being a fat ass is far more likely to put you in the hospital with COVID-19 than living in a state with Ron DeSantis as your governor?

I personally think we need to stop the villain crap right now. It is dangerous to do that in a society that needs to actually function. But if you want to play the blame game then play it fairly and quit being PC weaklings. It is past time to call out the obese among us if we are going to keep screwing with kids' educations and slapping vaccine passports on people (both of which I obviously wish would go away).
As someone who has lost over 100 pounds in the last year and is vaccinated, getting vaccinated was way fucking easier than losing the weight. Also, its nice to see you finally agree that vaccines actually do work. But I do agree with have an obesity problem in this country, and personal responsibility is the biggest thing needed to fix it, but it doesn't really matter in terms of vaccinations and COVID as a whole though, we still need to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Comorbidities dont overrule the need to get rid of the thing that is making them worse, its honestly irrelevant, AIDS didn't kill a single person under this logic.

My last two days of activity as a certificate of a non lazy fat as others have mentioned.


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As someone who has lost over 100 pounds in the last year and is vaccinated, getting vaccinated was way fucking easier than losing the weight. Also, its nice to see you finally agree that vaccines actually do work. But I do agree with have an obesity problem in this country, and personal responsibility is the biggest thing needed to fix it, but it doesn't really matter in terms of vaccinations and COVID as a whole though, we still need to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Comorbidities dont overrule the need to get rid of the thing that is making them worse, its honestly irrelevant, AIDS didn't kill a single person under this logic.

My last two days of activity as a certificate of a non lazy fat as others have mentioned.


I never said vaccines didn't work. What gives you a different idea?

And hell yeah on the weight loss. A long time ago I had to loss about 45 lbs and that was not easy at all. Hat tip for taking off 100 for sure.
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