818K less jobs? Did I hear that correctly?

DOL revised their jobs created down by 800K plus? Heard that on radio a few minutes ago. Talk about fudging the #’s….
100% scripted to be announced on the Fed meeting day. The powers-that-be are dying for him to cut rates and they are pulling out every stop to force Powell's hand.

Every number they have generated is pure BS out of the BLS. (Bureau of Lies & Scams)
And this fraud comes to light AFTER his midnight DNC farewell.
Who's the dog face pony soldier now?
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The wave of blissful honeymoon momentum will continue through the end of the week. Then comes 60 days of actual policy discussion, live discussion from that super annoying voice, cackling, and hundreds of millions strategically saved the past several months that will now be spent on advertising in swing states - this video being a good one.

Kamala may end up winning, but she probably needs a really big lead in swing states right now in order to overcome the next few months.
DOL revised their jobs created down by 800K plus? Heard that on radio a few minutes ago. Talk about fudging the #’s….
Don’t forget that each month they released numbers and then revised them down the next month. Those numbers aren’t included in this number so we are closer to 1.4 million in inflated job numbers.
And then Joe and Kamala go out and continue to use the original numbers knowing they are fraudulent.
DOL revised their jobs created down by 800K plus? Heard that on radio a few minutes ago. Talk about fudging the #’s….
How do you get away with shi+ like that..missed it by almost a million…so incompetent