A perspective on "The Science" from one of our own

Dawg 'n IT

War Daddy
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
In reading the latest Terry newsletter this morning I came across a quote by our own Richard Watson.

“Today, we have millions of scientists, most of whom are not giants but contributors of small pieces to the giant jigsaw of scientific discovery across diverse fields,” Watson wrote in his grant application. “Scientific progress requires building upon many exponentially expanding foundations. This massive combinatorial problem of synthesizing ideas across manifold publications needs supporting technology to accelerate progress.”

Is that view on scientific collaboration still valid or are we to accept that all science is now handed down through corporate email or political press conference?
Well, if every peer review journal is compromised by big industry, and collaboration with "the wrong think-scientist" is now taboo, then there is a lot that is compromised, period. Sad times for honest scientists who have to succumb to putting in throw away sentences in their abstract so the paper won't get thrown out before peer review. This is now virtually 100%.
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So, more and more scientists are actually working on less and less?