After rewatching this debate again…

One of my fundamental issues with Joe Biden is his refusal to accept responsibility for what has happened on his watch.

Inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office. It is now 3.3%
Gas was $2.39 per gallon when Biden took office. It is now $3.50
Average rate on a 30 year fixed mortgage was 2.7% when Biden took office . It is now 6.4%

Yet Biden stated the current economic problems are because of the mess Trump left. That narrative can be disproven after searching for 2 min. on the internet. It just isn't true. Biden has been in charge for 3 years.

Biden can't defend his economy, so he deflects.
Last night was an unrecoverable disaster for Biden. I generally don’t feel a lot of sympathy for national politicians given what is required to succeed in that world, and that view hasn’t changed after last night. Biden is an adult and he should be well aware of his ability to serve another four years. His handlers and family deserve all of the ire they are getting right now.

But let’s be fair about last night. It was an embarrassment for the country, not just the Dems. Trump performed about as poorly as I thought he would. Nearly every statement was a lie, he flat out refused to answer several difficult questions (and the CNN moderators that everyone said were in the bag for Biden didn’t hold his feet to the fire at all). He wandered, he bloviated, said outrageous things about abortion, Ukraine, J6 and then lied some more. An opponent with a pulse would have crushed him. Instead we had Weekend at Bernie’s at the other podium.

Neither of these two guys should be within one hundred miles of the WH. Did any of the Trump supporters objectively feel good about his performance? Sure, you will definitely vote for him, but is that a guy you are comfortable with in the WH for the next four years?
Jill Biden should be ashamed of trotting her husband out there like that to be embarrassed on World wide television. That man is POTUS and deserves more respect than that from his family first and his party 2nd.

Shame on them and shame on the left wing media for peddling a lie of Joe being of sound mind and body. That is clearly not the case at all. The charade is officially up on that front.

That said I don't think Trump did all that great either. He sidestepped direct questions....Tapper even gave him a 2nd chance directly on 2 of them and he failed to answer. Just lay out your plans. Biden will torpedo himself, just let him talk, then answer your side with policy and plans. But it is what it is.

It's Trump way. Its his show, he's running it. Not the same with Joe. Not a chance in hell that man is actually a decision maker.

I'm disappointed overall that our countries top 2 choices were on tv arguing about golf handicaps at a debate. I thought I was watching Grumpy Old Men.....which is a great movie by the way
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One of my fundamental issues with Joe Biden is his refusal to accept responsibility for what has happened on his watch.

Inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office. It is now 3.3%
Gas was $2.39 per gallon when Biden took office. It is now $3.50
Average rate on a 30 year fixed mortgage was 2.7% when Biden took office . It is now 6.4%

Yet Biden stated the current economic problems are because of the mess Trump left. That narrative can be disproven after searching for 2 min. on the internet. It just isn't true. Biden has been in charge for 3 years.

Biden can't defend his economy, so he deflects.
My feelings actually softened towards Biden. We knew he was incompetent, unqualified, mentally compromised. We knew this, tonight proved it.

The human, Christian in me felt sorry for this man. His family doesn’t give a damn about him. No wife would let their husband take the stage in his condition. No son would, no brother or any other family member would. Iden has done nothing, NOTHING in his life to deserve the presidency or holding a position in senate, but it’s also clear nobody truly cares for this man either. He’s been and is being used. He’s too dumb and/or too feeble to know it.

It was painful to watch, even for someone that can’t stand him. How could his family not step in before his weakness, feebleness and mental disability were put on full display for the world to see. I’m convinced now the dems had no intention of protecting him, just giving him the means to destroy himself so they could go a different direction.

I don’t know what happens now but this debate illustrated a lot of what’s wrong with people. Greedy family and party using a geriatric with compromised cognition to acquire power, money, control.

Honestly I feel our country is more vulnerable than ever. This man is the Commander in Chief. This is who stands between us and the Russians that the dems have all of a sudden developed a dislike for. Our country’s financial standing and power has been decimated by this guy. The petro dollar is no more. BRICS has expanded and even testing their own CBDC, our dollar is under attack universally. Money printing is out of control. Can this guy stop any of this which has accelerated under his reign.

We knew this was coming, the dems knew this was coming but they ignored it because they wanted power, the hell with the country and its inhabitants.

I don’t even think Biden is lying anymore which I have accused him of many times. He’s too mentally gone to distinguish a lie from truth. The media are liars, the democrats are Liars and his family are Liars. He’s worse than Jimmy Carter. This man is and was UNFIT for anything other than diapers and ice cream. The media and dem party are complicit for putting a senile, confused unqualified man in charge of our and our children’s lives and futures.
Very well written, you are so right.
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My feelings actually softened towards Biden. We knew he was incompetent, unqualified, mentally compromised. We knew this, tonight proved it.

The human, Christian in me felt sorry for this man. His family doesn’t give a damn about him. No wife would let their husband take the stage in his condition. No son would, no brother or any other family member would. Iden has done nothing, NOTHING in his life to deserve the presidency or holding a position in senate, but it’s also clear nobody truly cares for this man either. He’s been and is being used. He’s too dumb and/or too feeble to know it.

It was painful to watch, even for someone that can’t stand him. How could his family not step in before his weakness, feebleness and mental disability were put on full display for the world to see. I’m convinced now the dems had no intention of protecting him, just giving him the means to destroy himself so they could go a different direction.

I don’t know what happens now but this debate illustrated a lot of what’s wrong with people. Greedy family and party using a geriatric with compromised cognition to acquire power, money, control.

Honestly I feel our country is more vulnerable than ever. This man is the Commander in Chief. This is who stands between us and the Russians that the dems have all of a sudden developed a dislike for. Our country’s financial standing and power has been decimated by this guy. The petro dollar is no more. BRICS has expanded and even testing their own CBDC, our dollar is under attack universally. Money printing is out of control. Can this guy stop any of this which has accelerated under his reign.

We knew this was coming, the dems knew this was coming but they ignored it because they wanted power, the hell with the country and its inhabitants.

I don’t even think Biden is lying anymore which I have accused him of many times. He’s too mentally gone to distinguish a lie from truth. The media are liars, the democrats are Liars and his family are Liars. He’s worse than Jimmy Carter. This man is and was UNFIT for anything other than diapers and ice cream. The media and dem party are complicit for putting a senile, confused unqualified man in charge of our and our children’s lives and futures.
and boom
this will really upset some libs
nevemnd they are already here mad as hell
My feelings actually softened towards Biden. We knew he was incompetent, unqualified, mentally compromised. We knew this, tonight proved it.

The human, Christian in me felt sorry for this man. His family doesn’t give a damn about him. No wife would let their husband take the stage in his condition. No son would, no brother or any other family member would. Iden has done nothing, NOTHING in his life to deserve the presidency or holding a position in senate, but it’s also clear nobody truly cares for this man either. He’s been and is being used. He’s too dumb and/or too feeble to know it.

It was painful to watch, even for someone that can’t stand him. How could his family not step in before his weakness, feebleness and mental disability were put on full display for the world to see. I’m convinced now the dems had no intention of protecting him, just giving him the means to destroy himself so they could go a different direction.

I don’t know what happens now but this debate illustrated a lot of what’s wrong with people. Greedy family and party using a geriatric with compromised cognition to acquire power, money, control.

Honestly I feel our country is more vulnerable than ever. This man is the Commander in Chief. This is who stands between us and the Russians that the dems have all of a sudden developed a dislike for. Our country’s financial standing and power has been decimated by this guy. The petro dollar is no more. BRICS has expanded and even testing their own CBDC, our dollar is under attack universally. Money printing is out of control. Can this guy stop any of this which has accelerated under his reign.

We knew this was coming, the dems knew this was coming but they ignored it because they wanted power, the hell with the country and its inhabitants.

I don’t even think Biden is lying anymore which I have accused him of many times. He’s too mentally gone to distinguish a lie from truth. The media are liars, the democrats are Liars and his family are Liars. He’s worse than Jimmy Carter. This man is and was UNFIT for anything other than diapers and ice cream. The media and dem party are complicit for putting a senile, confused unqualified man in charge of our and our children’s lives and futures.
After what he has done to this country and, most importantly, to the working poor, I have zero sympathy for him and hope he goes down hard in waves of hate and derision. He has not one ounce of empathy for the families who can’t afford groceries. He caused the rise in grocery prices by his joke spending bills and transportation problems unaddressed by his mayor/freak secretary who spent the supply chain catastrophe home breast feeding his kids on rubber tits. Screw him. He deserves to die in prison.
After what he has done to this country and, most importantly, to the working poor, I have zero sympathy for him and hope he goes down hard in waves of hate and derision. He has not one ounce of empathy for the families who can’t afford groceries. He caused the rise in grocery prices by his joke spending bills and transportation problems unaddressed by his mayor/freak secretary who spent the supply chain catastrophe home breast feeding his kids on rubber tits. Screw him. He deserves to die in prison.
Don't hold back; tell us how you really feel.
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When my mother started her mental decline with dementia, there came a point where her son (me), had to make the day-to-day decisions. It is very hard to see a loved one in such decline, but the family has a responsibility to do what is necessary.
Going through that right now. I am Mom's caregiver - only child (brother has passed).
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Going throught that right now. I am Mom's caregiver - only child (brother has passed).
I’ve been there. It is the toughest thing imaginable. Try not to say or do anything you’ll regret later. Overall I did passable but there’s a few things I would say/do differently. I was the only caregiver too. All the best dealing with it.
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My feelings actually softened towards Biden. We knew he was incompetent, unqualified, mentally compromised. We knew this, tonight proved it.

The human, Christian in me felt sorry for this man. His family doesn’t give a damn about him. No wife would let their husband take the stage in his condition. No son would, no brother or any other family member would. Iden has done nothing, NOTHING in his life to deserve the presidency or holding a position in senate, but it’s also clear nobody truly cares for this man either. He’s been and is being used. He’s too dumb and/or too feeble to know it.

It was painful to watch, even for someone that can’t stand him. How could his family not step in before his weakness, feebleness and mental disability were put on full display for the world to see. I’m convinced now the dems had no intention of protecting him, just giving him the means to destroy himself so they could go a different direction.

I don’t know what happens now but this debate illustrated a lot of what’s wrong with people. Greedy family and party using a geriatric with compromised cognition to acquire power, money, control.

Honestly I feel our country is more vulnerable than ever. This man is the Commander in Chief. This is who stands between us and the Russians that the dems have all of a sudden developed a dislike for. Our country’s financial standing and power has been decimated by this guy. The petro dollar is no more. BRICS has expanded and even testing their own CBDC, our dollar is under attack universally. Money printing is out of control. Can this guy stop any of this which has accelerated under his reign.

We knew this was coming, the dems knew this was coming but they ignored it because they wanted power, the hell with the country and its inhabitants.

I don’t even think Biden is lying anymore which I have accused him of many times. He’s too mentally gone to distinguish a lie from truth. The media are liars, the democrats are Liars and his family are Liars. He’s worse than Jimmy Carter. This man is and was UNFIT for anything other than diapers and ice cream. The media and dem party are complicit for putting a senile, confused unqualified man in charge of our and our children’s lives and futures.
Joe’s an angry old man that’s arrogant and thinks the dem establishment would never leave him…he probably doesn’t understand he’s been taking orders from the Obama clan.
My feelings actually softened towards Biden. We knew he was incompetent, unqualified, mentally compromised. We knew this, tonight proved it.

The human, Christian in me felt sorry for this man. His family doesn’t give a damn about him. No wife would let their husband take the stage in his condition. No son would, no brother or any other family member would. Iden has done nothing, NOTHING in his life to deserve the presidency or holding a position in senate, but it’s also clear nobody truly cares for this man either. He’s been and is being used. He’s too dumb and/or too feeble to know it.

It was painful to watch, even for someone that can’t stand him. How could his family not step in before his weakness, feebleness and mental disability were put on full display for the world to see. I’m convinced now the dems had no intention of protecting him, just giving him the means to destroy himself so they could go a different direction.

I don’t know what happens now but this debate illustrated a lot of what’s wrong with people. Greedy family and party using a geriatric with compromised cognition to acquire power, money, control.

Honestly I feel our country is more vulnerable than ever. This man is the Commander in Chief. This is who stands between us and the Russians that the dems have all of a sudden developed a dislike for. Our country’s financial standing and power has been decimated by this guy. The petro dollar is no more. BRICS has expanded and even testing their own CBDC, our dollar is under attack universally. Money printing is out of control. Can this guy stop any of this which has accelerated under his reign.

We knew this was coming, the dems knew this was coming but they ignored it because they wanted power, the hell with the country and its inhabitants.

I don’t even think Biden is lying anymore which I have accused him of many times. He’s too mentally gone to distinguish a lie from truth. The media are liars, the democrats are Liars and his family are Liars. He’s worse than Jimmy Carter. This man is and was UNFIT for anything other than diapers and ice cream. The media and dem party are complicit for putting a senile, confused unqualified man in charge of our and our children’s lives and futures.
His daughter confirmed the legitimacy of her diary in respect to his sexual inappropriate contact with her in the shower, Joe is a pedophile and a thief and a bitter angry man who's been colluding with evil his entire career. Bidens son is also a pedophile and evil man and Joe defends him constantly calling him a great person, this is literally calling evil good. Do you really feel bad for someone like this? Joe has been extremely blasphemous toward christianity, he has openly made fun of nationalists and the constitution. I feel bad that hes our illegitimate president, I feel bad that hes caused the death of so many women and children because his administration are the biggest sex trafficking organization on the planet. Grace is always available to Joe from the Lord but so far he has rejected it and blasphemed what we christians believe in. Seems hes made is bed.
His daughter confirmed the legitimacy of her diary in respect to his sexual inappropriate contact with her in the shower, Joe is a pedophile and a thief and a bitter angry man who's been colluding with evil his entire career. Bidens son is also a pedophile and evil man and Joe defends him constantly calling him a great person, this is literally calling evil good. Do you really feel bad for someone like this? Joe has been extremely blasphemous toward christianity, he has openly made fun of nationalists and the constitution. I feel bad that hes our illegitimate president, I feel bad that hes caused the death of so many women and children because his administration are the biggest sex trafficking organization on the planet. Grace is always available to Joe from the Lord but so far he has rejected it and blasphemed what we christians believe in. Seems hes made is bed.
Yeah, the definition of "good guy" must be a lot different in DC than it is on Main St. Just the kiddie diddling and episode from his daughter's diary would disqualify anyone on Main St. from being referred to as a good guy. Some pols in DC honored Ted Kennedy, Jesse Helms, Robert Byrd, etc as great men and even Mitch McConnell has defended Joe's character. Imo, having a nice smile and the ability to get elected doesn't automatically make you a good guy.
the best description I have seen. Absolutely, cannot understand a wife that let's him do this. I have long suspected her as the one wearing the pants. She is evil to allow her husband to be manipulated. Maybe she does not love him. But loves the power. It was obvious back in 2020 the dems were perfectly happy for a compromised and weak person (Biden) to run so he could be their puppet. Well.. can't say it any better than you did.
I think the only reason Biden ran in the first place was to protect his family. They have all enriched themselves off of his position and sold out their country.
My feelings actually softened towards Biden. We knew he was incompetent, unqualified, mentally compromised. We knew this, tonight proved it.

The human, Christian in me felt sorry for this man. His family doesn’t give a damn about him. No wife would let their husband take the stage in his condition. No son would, no brother or any other family member would. Iden has done nothing, NOTHING in his life to deserve the presidency or holding a position in senate, but it’s also clear nobody truly cares for this man either. He’s been and is being used. He’s too dumb and/or too feeble to know it.

It was painful to watch, even for someone that can’t stand him. How could his family not step in before his weakness, feebleness and mental disability were put on full display for the world to see. I’m convinced now the dems had no intention of protecting him, just giving him the means to destroy himself so they could go a different direction.

I don’t know what happens now but this debate illustrated a lot of what’s wrong with people. Greedy family and party using a geriatric with compromised cognition to acquire power, money, control.

Honestly I feel our country is more vulnerable than ever. This man is the Commander in Chief. This is who stands between us and the Russians that the dems have all of a sudden developed a dislike for. Our country’s financial standing and power has been decimated by this guy. The petro dollar is no more. BRICS has expanded and even testing their own CBDC, our dollar is under attack universally. Money printing is out of control. Can this guy stop any of this which has accelerated under his reign.

We knew this was coming, the dems knew this was coming but they ignored it because they wanted power, the hell with the country and its inhabitants.

I don’t even think Biden is lying anymore which I have accused him of many times. He’s too mentally gone to distinguish a lie from truth. The media are liars, the democrats are Liars and his family are Liars. He’s worse than Jimmy Carter. This man is and was UNFIT for anything other than diapers and ice cream. The media and dem party are complicit for putting a senile, confused unqualified man in charge of our and our children’s lives and futures.
biden has been lying to America for 50 years. He may not know anymore but he is deep down nothing without his lies. I pray for his sole but I do not pity him for what he is going through. He is a despicable human being.
His daughter confirmed the legitimacy of her diary in respect to his sexual inappropriate contact with her in the shower, Joe is a pedophile and a thief and a bitter angry man who's been colluding with evil his entire career. Bidens son is also a pedophile and evil man and Joe defends him constantly calling him a great person, this is literally calling evil good. Do you really feel bad for someone like this? Joe has been extremely blasphemous toward christianity, he has openly made fun of nationalists and the constitution. I feel bad that hes our illegitimate president, I feel bad that hes caused the death of so many women and children because his administration are the biggest sex trafficking organization on the planet. Grace is always available to Joe from the Lord but so far he has rejected it and blasphemed what we christians believe in. Seems hes made is bed.

I agree, don’t get me wrong. I have personally despised this man and all he represents. For that reason alone, he deserves prayer and empathy. It’s the lords job to judge him. But I can’t help but despise the man.

When I saw him on that stage the first time, I figured the country would be better off with him dead. But the dens would replace him with someone just as bad. The second time I watched, I felt sorrow. Seeing this old man, unable to clearly think or reason, being handled Like a grade schooler, marched out by those around him in order to fill their own desires. He’s surrounded by a pack of hyenas that aren’t going to let go.

What is not paid for in this life will be paid for in the next, and I’ve never seen Biden face justice or show any type of contrition publicly but that’s between him and the real “big guy”. It’s sad to see a person with the ability to do so much good, do so much bad. It’s sad to see a feeble old man be taken advantage of in this way. Also saddening to think there is anyone in this country that could vote for such a person. But we know they will.

Don’t mistake sorrow for weakness. It was shameful For him, his family, his party and most of all our country at large.