Too long, didn't read: little realistic upside & a whole lot of realistic consequences
We aren't t dealing with goat herders & cave dwellers here. These are cold blooded lifelong killers with much much better weaponry & funding. Delta Force will still out match them but they have SAMs & javelins & a lot of operators will get killed just in the combat.
They have so much protection from corrupt leadership across Mexico that the US will never get a fair shot at them on equal playing ground.
If Mexico does not allow the US into the nation to conduct these raids, we are essentially invading a sovereign nation. Those always end well for us. Are we planning on "nation building afterwards" again?
We've learned from decades of cutting the heads off high level snakes, each head is replaced by another, often worse & more violent or cunning snake. You create two terrorist for every one you kill.
Think of how many operatives these cartels have living in cities & national Forests of America. I can see a "you kill x boss, we will shoot up a school or set off a bomb in a mall" . Each of the cartel attacks in the US will be pointed right back to Trump, each time. The cartels will openly state it, proudly why they are doing it. So many opportunities for these cartel sleeper cells & associates to just start committing acts of terror & kidnappings until the SF are ordered to stand down. Americans do not have the stomach for homeland terrorism especially if the driving force behind them is our president ordered targeting of their cartel members.
Can you imagine the damage a few cartel growers already operating in our national Forest can do with a few hand lit wildfires on a windy day. Imagine, dozens & dozens of these growers getting that order all at once. We'd have zero ability to combat those fires or catch all of the arsonists.
The cartel leaders won't just take getting whacked in the dark by Delta Force quietly. Almost zero chance retaliation is not taken on the American people. & While we will kill a lot of cartel leaders, the cartels will still be present. You can't kill them (even if it's even possible) all without extreme support from Mexico which ain't happening
If you want to label the cartels as a terror group, wait till they start committing overt acts of terror on American soil