Am I the only one

He may be but just give him time to see what happens !

I don’t think Trump is going to start any shit but he’s not going to take any either. What do you people want, just let the cartels do what they want on the border?
I have already posted in this thread what I want.

Pressure their government to get serious with them. The Biden administration would never do that.
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We will win every single military engagement on paper.

And when it’s all said and done… we will have lost many American soldiers’ lives, spent millions, ruined our relationship with our bordering neighbor… and the drugs will still be there.

Trump said “no new wars”, if he starts this, that’s about as true as the wall he’s going to build. Lol
I had rather go down defending our country than letting Mexico and the cartels rule our country. This is supposed to be America first!