America first , unless you’re American

Seriously what is the actual benefit of being an American citizen in 2024?
Then take your own advice that you give the libs and head out if you don’t like it. I personally love college football and Chick-Fil-A too much.

Oregon’s crunchy as hell, but it’s a state program. I’d figure the party of state’s rights would say, not really our thing, but let’s let the voters of Oregon handle it.

If this was a federal program, I’d have a completely different opinion.
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Then take your own advice that you give the libs and head out if you don’t like it. I personally love college football and Chick-Fil-A too much.

Oregon’s crunchy as hell, but it’s a state program. I’d figure the party of state’s rights would say, not really our thing, but let’s let the voters of Oregon handle it.

If this was a federal program, I’d have a completely different opinion.
*Ask for a benefit for being an American citizen*

*Response: college football and chic fila*

My memory is a little hazy but the last time I walked in Sanford stadium or went through a chic fila drive through I don’t recall being asked to show America citizenship.
*Ask for a benefit for being an American citizen*

*Response: college football and chic fila*

My memory is a little hazy but the last time I walked in Sanford stadium or went through a chic fila drive through I don’t recall being asked to show America citizenship.
And I told you to take off if you don’t like it, but I bet you’re not packing your bags are you? Tells me you can answer your own question.
And I told you to take off if you don’t like it, but I bet you’re not packing your bags are you? Tells me you can answer your own question.
You’re Utley right?… why the name change?… where did you grow up?… where do you live now?… what years were you at UGA and what degree did you get?… what do you do for work?… are you married?… do you have kids?… peace, my fellow American friend.
You’re Utley right?… why the name change?… where did you grow up?… where do you live now?… what years were you at UGA and what degree did you get?… what do you do for work?… are you married?… do you have kids?… peace, my fellow American friend.
LOL. I don’t know who Utley is, but no way in hell I’m telling you loons anything about myself. Not gonna have y’all doxing my ass and trying to tank my business.
LOL. I don’t know who Utley is, but no way in hell I’m telling you loons anything about myself. Not gonna have y’all doxing my ass and trying to tank my business.
You can’t answer those questions or you don’t want to?… not asking for specifics… I’m just trying to wrap my head around what makes you Dems think/believe/feel the way you do right now… it can’t be all Trump hatred… I know y’all are smarter than us rednecks, but I just can’t understand it… I’ll go then… I grew up in Stone Mountain… I live in Roswell now… I was at UGA in late 90s to early 00s… I do landscape/hardscape installations around metro Atl and have an exploding ever expanding 15 acre tree farm in Twiggs Co… I’m married and have a 10 yo son… see it’s easy… lol at whatever doxing is and tanking your business… I’m too busy to do anything but work and drive my kid to practices lol… When you're ready… we're all good here… Peace, my fellow American friend.
As stated above:

It's a state issue. Let them sort it out. Don't like it? Don't live in or visit Oregon. Then YOUR taxes don't fund this program. Problem solved. It's your choice...
You can’t answer those questions or you don’t want to?… not asking for specifics… I’m just trying to wrap my head around what makes you Dems think/believe/feel the way you do right now… it can’t be all Trump hatred… I know y’all are smarter than us rednecks, but I just can’t understand it… I’ll go then… I grew up in Stone Mountain… I live in Roswell now… I was at UGA in late 90s to early 00s… I do landscape/hardscape installations around metro Atl and have an exploding ever expanding 15 acre tree farm in Twiggs Co… I’m married and have a 10 yo son… see it’s easy… lol at whatever doxing is and tanking your business… I’m too busy to do anything but work and drive my kid to practices lol… When you're ready… we're all good here… Peace, my fellow American friend.
I keep telling yall, and you keep not believing me, that just because I don’t like what the Republican Party has become, it doesn’t make me a democrat. My voting history supports that.

Fine. Moved around a lot as a kid, always ended up back in the metro. Live in Alabama. At UGA roughly the same time as you. I have 2 degrees, including one in political science/international affairs. Not going to tell you what I do, except to say I’m a small business owner with 6 employees. Married (to a lib!), 2 girls (15 & 11).
What the Republican Party has become?… so it is Trump?… one party is trying to break away from the bloated bureaucracy and the other party is bathing in it wanting more and more… letting in thousands of new poor uneducated disenfranchised people for the sole reason of dangling a free stuff carrot in front of them for their vote… it’s obvious if you wake up… I hate it’s Trump that’s doing it, pero es lo que es… get over him… Well your smart to be a lib if your wife is lol… I’m sure your current beliefs have been shaped by wanting to keep her happy… you’ve convinced yourself Orange man bad in order to have happy wife, happy life… also, noticing more guys with daughters are anti Trump too… I assume to show their daughters they don’t approve of his past behaviors with women and that they themselves aren’t anything like that… I somewhat understand that and think Trumps a dick, but ya gotta get over it man… so what is your voting history?… Clinton, Bush, Obama, Hillary, Joe…?
As stated above:

It's a state issue. Let them sort it out. Don't like it? Don't live in or visit Oregon. Then YOUR taxes don't fund this program. Problem solved. It's your choice...
You and I both know this is a test run for the rest of the country. But we shall see, let’s hope the Liberal Oregon Mind Virus stays out there l
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What are you, my therapist? Want me to talk about my parents too?

On the political spectrum, I’m a centrist. My problem is that the GOP has moved so far to the right, and I’m still where I’ve always been. Trust me, the Democrats have their own problems.

My wife’s a lib only in the sense that she’s liberal . . . for Alabama. My daughters? I tell them that they don’t have to be beholden to any one party. You can be deeply conservative on one issue, but liberal on another. Just think for yourselves.

Bush twice. Obama twice (primarily because I thought a shake up after W would be a good thing, but came pretty close to voting for McCain). Hillary (primarily because I thought she was really smart and qualified to do the job and she was running against a game show host), and Biden. But fear not, I live in Alabama, so my vote is worth nothing because of the electoral college.
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What are you, my therapist? Want me to talk about my parents too?

On the political spectrum, I’m a centrist. My problem is that the GOP has moved so far to the right, and I’m still where I’ve always been. Trust me, the Democrats have their own problems.

My wife’s a lib only in the sense that she’s liberal . . . for Alabama. My daughters? I tell them that they don’t have to be beholden to any one party. You can be deeply conservative on one issue, but liberal on another. Just think for yourselves.

Bush twice. Obama twice (primarily because I thought a shake up after W would be a good thing, but came pretty close to voting for McCain). Hillary (primarily because I thought she was really smart and qualified to do the job and she was running against a game show host), and Biden. But fear not, I live in Alabama, so my vote is worth nothing because of the electoral college.
Sure… why did your parents move you around a lot growing up?… you were born in US though?… so in your opinion, the Repubs have moved much farther right than the Dems have moved left?… interesting… what is far right to you, like the religious Christian wing?… or is it just Trump?… what does a Alabama liberal believe differently than one from San Fran?… open borders, abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, trans normalization, etc?… what kind of small business does someone start in Alabama with a degree in political science/international affairs?… again, I’m just trying to wrap my brain around how people can think like Dems and I am truly trying to put myself in their shoes to see if I would “feel” differently… cheers!
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spanish time GIF
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Then take your own advice that you give the libs and head out if you don’t like it. I personally love college football and Chick-Fil-A too much.

Oregon’s crunchy as hell, but it’s a state program. I’d figure the party of state’s rights would say, not really our thing, but let’s let the voters of Oregon handle it.

If this was a federal program, I’d have a completely different opinion.
So you wait until it is at your door before you do anything. That usually does not work out well.
Well you have your hand in the sand. I am willing to actually debate and talk and try to without emotion and bias. When you are ready let me know. I know I am not always right and I know that both sides usually have valid points. You can have fun with your memes and pictures.
This reminds me of the those boys down on the Gulf in $400,000 center consoles, flying MAGA flags and just BEGGING for America to be great again and complaining about the price of fuel at the marina.
It's a real shame because CA & OR are beautiful states in a race to the bottom. Policy & the useful idiots who keep voting for it are killing both states
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This reminds me of the those boys down on the Gulf in $400,000 center consoles, flying MAGA flags and just BEGGING for America to be great again and complaining about the price of fuel at the marina.
Congrats you met a few hypocritical conservatives. I meet hypocritical libs weekly
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This reminds me of the those boys down on the Gulf in $400,000 center consoles, flying MAGA flags and just BEGGING for America to be great again and complaining about the price of fuel at the marina.
If they are anything like the $400k CC owners in Charleston, that boat is likely their only asset of value. Coincidentally, the federal government is currently working to restrict the speed of all recreational vessels running offshore to 10MPH. In order to protect pilot whales and other species that sometimes get the business end of a sporty or a center console running offshore. That makes sense. That wouldn't totally decimate the entire boating and recreational offshore fishing industry.
If they are anything like the $400k CC owners in Charleston, that boat is likely their only asset of value. Coincidentally, the federal government is currently working to restrict the speed of all recreational vessels running offshore to 10MPH. In order to protect pilot whales and other species that sometimes get the business end of a sporty or a center console running offshore. That makes sense. That wouldn't totally decimate the entire boating and recreational offshore fishing industry.
Where are you seeing this? How in the world are you supposed to get anywhere offshore at 10 MPH? Those companies that make those 400hp outboards are done for.
If they are anything like the $400k CC owners in Charleston, that boat is likely their only asset of value. Coincidentally, the federal government is currently working to restrict the speed of all recreational vessels running offshore to 10MPH. In order to protect pilot whales and other species that sometimes get the business end of a sporty or a center console running offshore. That makes sense. That wouldn't totally decimate the entire boating and recreational offshore fishing industry.
in Hawaii, whale watching boats are not allowed to start their engines if there are whales within x yards of the boat. They have to wait for the whales to leave first. I knew a guy who ran one of these boats and he said one time the boat drifted for 8 hours helplessly until the 2 whales finally lost interest in the boat and left.

It was only supposed to be a 2 hr trip and he had 3 other trips get canceled because of those 2 whales. Ironically he now operates out of Avila Beach CA because CA doesn't prohibit turning on engines & leaving whales like Hawaii does.
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If they are anything like the $400k CC owners in Charleston, that boat is likely their only asset of value. Coincidentally, the federal government is currently working to restrict the speed of all recreational vessels running offshore to 10MPH. In order to protect pilot whales and other species that sometimes get the business end of a sporty or a center console running offshore. That makes sense. That wouldn't totally decimate the entire boating and recreational offshore fishing industry.
In fairness, I just found an article saying it was 10 KNOTS, not mph. That's like 11.5 mph so it all makes sense now.
Where are you seeing this? How in the world are you supposed to get anywhere offshore at 10 MPH? Those companies that make those 400hp outboards are done for.
I have a friend who specifically works on the lobby against it. It is real. At the end of the day I think logic, common sense, and an absolute revolt from a meaningful population of boaters will win out. But it is very real, and thusfar the Biden admin effort continues.
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Sure… why did your parents move you around a lot growing up?… you were born in US though?… so in your opinion, the Repubs have moved much farther right than the Dems have moved left?… interesting… what is far right to you, like the religious Christian wing?… or is it just Trump?… what does a Alabama liberal believe differently than one from San Fran?… open borders, abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, trans normalization, etc?… what kind of small business does someone start in Alabama with a degree in political science/international affairs?… again, I’m just trying to wrap my brain around how people can think like Dems and I am truly trying to put myself in their shoes to see if I would “feel” differently… cheers!
Yeah, that is my biggest question for him as well. I feel like JFK if alive today would be a conservative. Dems have moved this whole country far left of where we were 50 years ago and under Bush and the likes we went with them. I think Trump governs closer to the center than most conservatives but is liked because he actually does what he says. I choose not to read his tweets or listen to his speeches. I know what his policies are and that is all I care about.
This reminds me of the those boys down on the Gulf in $400,000 center consoles, flying MAGA flags and just BEGGING for America to be great again and complaining about the price of fuel at the marina.
Sorry, not sorry… but I do work my ass off to have nice things… what’s wrong with American exceptionalism and wanting to preserve our history and solidifying our future American dreams… y’all show your true colors though eventually… I see now… this is partly why you crazies are voting Dem… you despise these people and Trump… (ps… I don’t really have a boat lol)
Well you have your hand in the sand. I am willing to actually debate and talk and try to without emotion and bias. When you are ready let me know. I know I am not always right and I know that both sides usually have valid points. You can have fun with your memes and pictures.
It’s all he’s got… He’s a hater… he won’t answer hardly any questions… if it walks like a duck…