Any you metrosexuals here ever

lol at this picture from wikipedia
Not safe. If the wax from the candle drops in your ear it is no bueno.
It doesn’t. Its not a wax candle candle. It is hollow like a waffle cone and is made with a fabric type substance with very little wax. It draws upward strongly and the wax and war debris is pulled into the candle.

The candle itself is safe.
I went to highschool with a girl who got the candle lady nickname but I don't think she was sticking them in her ears.
Not safe. If the wax from the candle drops in your ear it is no bueno.
you are correct. ENT docs warn against it. OIf course THEY want your money. But it is regarded as risky. PLUS.. the actual candle wax melts .. and can fool you that is the wax from your ear. Your regular MD, in most cases, can do an "ear wash" that flushes your ear safely. Those "herbalist" "natural" health shops promote the ear candling
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Better ideas: turn your head sideways (like in the ear candle pictures above) and put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear. Let it sit a few minutes before draining. Helps with minor infections, ear wax and dust.

You can do the same thing with a mixture of equal parts rubbing alcohol and distilled white vinegar. Good for swimmer's ear.

Do not put any oils in your ear.

If you are a senior, next time you go to the doc request an ear cleaning. For medicare billing, 69209/69210 ear lavage and curettage is an easy pay.

Ear candles don't really do anything, but the heat inside your ear does feel good. Use a hot compress instead.
had your ear "candled"?
Had two roommates that did it in college. One had no problems. Another damaged his ear once after several times. Pretty sure it resulted in partial hearing loss for him. Doctor's told him to never do it again and he never should've been doing it.

General way of dealing with wax is take a hot shower, let some of the water go into your ear. Warm/hot water melts the wax and it comes out. May not work if you have heavy build up and in that case you'll just have to go to a doctor every few years and have him clean them out.
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had your ear "candled"?
Mayo Clinic

Some people try to remove earwax themselves using a technique called ear candling (ear coning). Ear candling involves lighting one end of a hollow, cone-shaped candle and placing the other unlit end into the ear. The idea is that the heat from the flame will create a vacuum seal that draws wax up and out of the ear.

However, ear candling isn't a recommended treatment for earwax blockage. Research has found that ear candling doesn't work. It may also burn or damage the ear.