Anybody here have any experience with Athens Orthopedics? If so, what did

Golden Boy

Golden Casanova
Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
they do for you and were you pleased with the outcome? TIA!
I like Medders who used to be with them until he split off

He is good and works his tail off. Athens Orthopedic Associates. Last turn you can make on Prince headed to the bypass. Put in an elbow for me after I crushed mine.
Mulherin used to be the guy that did all the knee surgeries for UGA... team. I think they have a ton of doctors over there and still do a lot for UGA. My only experience was a cortizone shot that hurt like hell, but I think it would have anywhere else.
Not me, but the Mrs. had bunions removed on both feet. She's

been very happy with the results. Don't recall the Doc's name though - sorry.

Also know Dr. Mike Schuler there who specializes in hand and wrist care. Never been a patient, but he's a helluva good guy.
Super folks

I see them whenever I get a bone in my leg, and I happen to be in Athens, and if its a weekday.
The Best ....

Crushed my heel bone on my right foot into little pieces in a car wreck. Have got 2 rods and 10 screws in my foot and I don't limp most of the time and I can do my work, which can entail a good bit of moving around. Dr. Joe Johnson was my guy. Said it was one of the most painful surgeries you can have, and it felt like it to me, but he was very good. Their rehab center is good, too, but pretty damn expensive, even with my insurance.
AOC is solid. I see them a great deal in my line of work. I really like John Dorris of Athens Bone & Joint. No comment regarding Larry Medders . . .