Anybody on the chats have some expertise in the new Ocare compliant

Dirty Hairy Dawg

War Daddy
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
individual policies? My premium went from less than 350.00 per month with a 3500.00 deductible and 10K max out of pocket to right at $840.00 per month with a 6500.00 deductible and God knows how much max out of pocket and it appears it doesn't cover much of anything other than sniffle visits.

We just had an allergist tell us if we wanted to count a procedure towards our deductible, the bill would be over $750.00 but if we just paid cash we would owe right at $300.00. Last yr, that visit would have cost me $100.00 and I have no prescription coverage. Is there anything out there similar to what I had last yr for less than a couple of thousand a month because right now it appears I'm paying over double what I paid last yr for nothing more than a very bad catastrophic policy.
was paying $460 per year for family plan ... went up to $500 per year

thanks to deadbeats in congress.........
Are you being subsidized by taxpayers or do you have some sort of pension

that pays insurance.
My Premiums only increased about 10% but my deductibles doubled....

although I should point out that I work for HCA who SUPPORTED O-care and even filed a friend of the court brief supporting it in the current SCOTUS case. HCA is making out like a BANDIT from Obamacare so it would be embarrassing for them to stick us with big increases in premiums.

We have 3 levels of insurance. I took the middle one. I looked at the more expensive one due to its lower deductible, knowing I am probably going to need shoulder surgery sometime this year.

In order to "save" $1,000 in deductible, I would have to pay out an EXTRA $1700 in premiums over the course of the year. The other stuff didn't seem to have much difference between the two. Although the higher plan might save you money if you have a chronic condition that sends you to the doctor on a regular basis.

I figured I'd pay myself the extra $1700 into an FSA and use that to pay deductibles and copays and other extraneous stuff. I should come out ahead even with the surgery.
I'm getting a lot better than that from Humana for cheaper ..

I am 47.
Re: I'm getting a lot better than that from Humana for cheaper ..

Thanks Keef. I'll have my wife check them out. I have some friends doing the temporary insurance deal and they are getting great prices for a plan that looks good on paper but the catch is that you have to pay the Ocare penalty and the policies renew every 6 months so if you get sick, they just don't renew and you end up with no coverage. I tend to think this disaster is intentional because you couldn't screw up the system this badly by accident.
Agree with your last statement ..

and I am paying more than I used to. But I've had to use the one I have now and it has been OK so far. Kinda strict prescription plan compared to what I had (Blue Cross, which paid on anything but would now cost me about $1000 per month) but I have been lucky so far. There has always been an alternative (insurance didn't want to pay crestor but will pay vytorin - that kind of thing).

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