Anyone reviewed the DOJ report on Ferguson? I heard Holder makes his


War Daddy
Gold Member
Jul 10, 2007
case of systemic racist practices of the police department thus, social injustice. First, a given. No secret , blacks create on a percentage basis of the population, more crime.

Holder says there's a disproportionate number of black arrests, traffic stops, etc. I expected to find a smaller percentage of black citizens in Ferguson and then correlate that to black crime stats. Well hayull.....there are about 6K whites and 14K blacks in Ferguson. Another report clarifies 29% white, 67% white (2010). Is it really irrational to believe 86% of the vehicle stops target black and 93% of arrests of blacks aren't justified? In 1970, whites in Ferguson accounted for 99% of the population. Then, white flight occurred. There are a number of legit reasons for why this happened. I saw the same in East Point. And, as it happens, chit generally turns sour...hence far more crime. The remaining 29% of whites probably wish they weren't there and simply missed the boat in getting out. Now, their property values are for chit and they figure they can't afford to take the loss in selling.

Holder has it, in his Communist mind, stats can not exceed that of the population for which it correlates. If 30% black, then there is something wrong if black crime exceeds 30%. Well, that isn't reality. But to seize an opportunity where the DOJ could not find sufficient evidence to charge the white officer, they rant this leftist mantra. A police chief resigns as the sacrificial lamb.

Holder and your POTUS simply acting as opportunists.....same old chit. Don't hold your breath expecting the media to analyze this report to determine any integrity behind it.... it's the message that matters.

Wish he'd spent his time resolving black on black murders in Obama's home town. Let's see some real discussion in this dilemma. Or maybe,,,,buy out the white cops and make it an all black police force. The see how well the city does. Let's experiment a little.
The town is guilty of using traffic stops to raise money and that's

about all. The discrimination is pretty much BS.
According to the FBI Crime Database, roughly 40% of the violent crime...

in the US is committed by blacks, who only comprise 12.5% of the population.

If you apply that to a population demographic of 67% Black and 33% White population (the same as Ferguson) you would expect 90.8% of the violent crime to come from the Blacks and 9.2% to come from Whites.

Oooops... that's almost identical to the ratio of Police encounters in Ferguson.

This post was edited on 3/13 10:42 AM by MusicCityDawg
Exactly. Most traffic laws seem to be written just for revenue purposes*

Mrs. MCD got a $125 moving violation a couple months ago for...

an improper lane change. We were stuck in traffic waiting to get to the right turn lane, so as soon as the way was clear, she merged over and made her turn.

A cop was standing on the road about 30 ft up and starts waving her over. They had about 10 other cars pulled over in the parking lot and were waving over nearly every car that made the turn.

The deal was that there was an exit lane coming out of the shopping center that turns into the right turn lane. They were writing ticket to anyone who crossed the yellow line of the "exit lane". $125 a pop. And of course everyone was doing it because the traffic was back up for half a mile.

You can't tell me that wasn't purely to generate extra revenue at the end of the month.

This post was edited on 3/13 10:49 AM by MusicCityDawg
New buildings, nice plush offices, more employees than they need

Madison spends a ton on landscaping and blowing ever leaf that falls off on the street and pays the top end of their employees like a metro city.

This post was edited on 3/13 10:55 AM by Ty TyDawg
At least you get clean streets and nice landscaping, Augusta has...

more govt employees than the federal govt (hiring dey cousin or friend) and the place still looks like a garbage dump. Morgan county has good demographics, iykwim.
Franklin, TN has a relatively new Police HQ that looks more like...

the Metropolitan Museum of Art than a Police HQ.


Franklin, TN Police Dept.

This post was edited on 3/13 10:58 AM by MusicCityDawg
Re: According to the FBI Crime Database, roughly 40% of the violent crime...

Excellent post, as is 30A's OP.

Very tired of the BS and wonder how many others are. It helps to see posts like these.

This post was edited on 3/13 11:09 AM by deadduckdawg
Shame too, used to be very beautiful, lots of azaleas and other...

blooming plants around town all year round. Once the "new" majority took over, most of the city looks like a black neighborhood. There are still some really nice areas, but they are generally maintained by the people who live there and don't rely on the sorry city employees to keep things clean and maintained.

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