Beach Cankles got on a nice ROLL on Fay's Book last night...


Letterman and National Champion
Jan 3, 2011
We had no problems for dropping bombs on japan for attacking us,
then why do we have a problem dropping bombs on Iraq?????? Who cares
about Hillary and her emails and anyone else.....lets end some
wars.....not email wars.....who cares what she says....whatever.....i
say crap i shouldn't.....its not going to hurt us like
isis....government.....grow the f*CK up!!!!! Pretty sad my child is
looking for a school that will not reach him for missiles or other. Very
sad.......looking at minimum school people

I'm so glad SonOfBeachCankles will be learning history and the history
of the us. He actually hates how we have proceeded, but whatever he
feels, and that he doesn't want to be a citizen of the us anymore with a
wimp.....more power to him. Obama has made SonOfBeachCankles hate the US. Bitch
please....bring back a Bush to this 41 and 43 and
would absolutely LOVE Bush 45!!!!!!!!!!! Or 46 I don't
care......whatever he is, I'm all for his ass over someone one who is a
p-ssy and his wife taking my child's lunch away.....give me a freajing
redneck!!!! Love me some Bush family. They know how to kick ass!!!! And
not starve students!!!! Bite my asssssssss michelle Obama!!!!!

And my thing about OU only apologize be
because you were told to. Told horse scrap! You forget its still black
history month. Again....people need to grow the f*CK up!!!!!!
Hillary....this includes you too. Learn how to use your damn cell phones

Not good for me to be watching the news at this early hour.
Would LOVE to turn my child loose on their asses. SonOfBeachCankles
would love to put them in their place. Can't wait until he gets his
masters /doctoral in us history. Someone is going to hate him. He
doesn't care who. He is just for us people. So......presidents,
senators, etc......beware..... SonOfBeachCankles is coming for

Just saw Hillary Clinton will have a press conference in two
years????? Are you f'ing kidding me????? Two years my son could become
president. So sick of the "whatever is best" campaign. Just deal with
the people as we come. We are not appointments and don't etc
Expected to be treated as such. .makes me just want to move SonOfBeachCankles to
Ireland or Scotland to get away from this crap!!!!! We hate the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would gladly change my child's heritage to his
ancestors to give him a peace of mind. Bite our ass US!!!!

We just found out it is too damn hard to get a individual in the country's opinion to Any news reporter. SonOfBeachCankles has said he will make sure, as he goes through college....he will speak what you are feeling and feel these assholes what they don't want the world to, CNN, msnbc.....better change your outlook. SonOfBeachCankles is coming with force!!!!!!!

This post was edited on 3/11 9:45 AM by Jughead.
Concur...You don't mess with a run like that, you just sit back and enjoy.*


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