Bernie Sanders plan to make all public tuition free would make our economy


Pillar of the DawgVent
Aug 29, 2001
reach new levels of productivity. We are talking about historic 7 to 8 percent growth.

We would pay off the debt in 10 years tops.

Vote for this man. He will bring on a golden age of america.
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U need psychiatric help. The only thing that might achieve a 7-8% growth would be for Democrats to all resign and let us go back to free market capitalism, cut the size of govt, secure our borders and at least deport criminal illegal aliens and aliens in gangs.
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reach new levels of productivity. We are talking about historic 7 to 8 percent growth.

Cool plan, dude. Who pays the professors and the power bill? While we're at it, how about free food and free med care for all? Think of the productivity! Just look at Cuba.

We would pay off the debt in 10 years tops.

Vote for this man. He will bring on a golden age of america.
reach new levels of productivity. We are talking about historic 7 to 8 percent growth.

We would pay off the debt in 10 years tops.

Vote for this man. He will bring on a golden age of america.
Well even the left wing USA Today commentary called his thunder and hair brained schemes "foolishness" that would cost only $18 Trillion dollars. They also cautioned Hillary from following suite trying to match him lie for lie since she has a serious problem getting main stream America to believe her as it is. But she ignored it and jumped dead off into the democrat WWF (World Wrestling Federation) lie-a-thon, as the Wall Street Journal characterized it.

Myself I tend to think of it as being close to division 1 football recruiting with the audience it is aimed at very close demographically. LOL! Or much like the French and Germans in WW1 if they sent 20,000 troops over the top and they were immediately mowed down, would decide "hell lets send 40,000 this time"........What about the country sliding back into recession after never really recovering from the last one even after regurgitating trillions we borrowed to pay back at twice the principal if we ever get in position to do so escapes you. What about propping up a failed economy with almost 0% rates for 7 damn years and now we can't get off of it. If we raise rates the whole world may sink, if we keep them the same it is a sign that we are done as a growth based economy and we risk losing buyer and investor faith at home. More people are not working that in 2008, fewer folks are employed than at any time since 1974. Add part time workers to it (people not working) and it is insane. Household income is less than it was 1/1/2009. People with bad credit are now in the majority. Over half the country is on food stamps. I invite you to challenge your brain by seeing the movie by the famous Chinese film maker who made "Coming Home" with a back drop of the socialist/communist system with the worker's party being in control and everyone working for the state with no individual freedom and your neighbors spying on you and you on them and both trying to tell on each other because of the paranoia.
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U need psychiatric help. The only thing that might achieve a 7-8% growth would be for Democrats to all resign and let us go back to free market capitalism, cut the size of govt, secure our borders and at least deport criminal illegal aliens and aliens in gangs.

We either put illegals who commit crimes behind bars, or deport them.
Now if you're playing games with language and you're referring to being here illegally MAKES them criminals, Ill pass on that debate.
LOL...i love this logic...somehow based on the false assumption that a college education increases productivity??? I live in Austin Texas....home of the largest gathering of college educated waiters in the entire world. have you noticed that the employment rate for college grads is going down???? and yet lets give EVERYBODY tens of thousands of dollars in more free unfunded debt and thats gonna fix the economy....OK....riigghhtttt....
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LOL...i love this logic...somehow based on the false assumption that a college education increases productivity??? I live in Austin Texas....home of the largest gathering of college educated waiters in the entire world. have you noticed that the employment rate for college grads is going down???? and yet lets give EVERYBODY tens of thousands of dollars in more free unfunded debt and thats gonna fix the economy....OK....riigghhtttt....

Apparently you are unfamiliar with vocational education. A young person can enroll at a community college for plumbing, HVAC, welding, auto mechanic, electrician, or allied health professional programs and graduate within 1.5 years with a certificate/degree and marketable job skills.
reach new levels of productivity. We are talking about historic 7 to 8 percent growth.

We would pay off the debt in 10 years tops.

Vote for this man. He will bring on a golden age of america.

Great post ag. Your best yet. Thanks.
When ole Bernie says Free he doesn't really mean free. Additional taxes on the rich and middle class will be raised to pay for this and other entitlements the Dems promise. It's just another ploy to buy votes with taxpayer money.
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LOL...i love this logic...somehow based on the false assumption that a college education increases productivity??? I live in Austin Texas....home of the largest gathering of college educated waiters in the entire world. have you noticed that the employment rate for college grads is going down???? and yet lets give EVERYBODY tens of thousands of dollars in more free unfunded debt and thats gonna fix the economy....OK....riigghhtttt....

College educated people earn far more over a lifetime than non-college educated people, that is a fact.
On the other hand not everybody is cut out for it and We need all kinds, especially in tech/trade areas best suited for 2 year institutions.
In most developed countries free education extends 11 years, that is where most of the debate is, and should be IMO. Beyond that We have scholarships, grants and loans for those suited to extend their education.
Socialism is collectivism, left-wing social engineering, and another form of tyranny. Individuals must abandon their personal ambitions for the ambitions of the state. Decisions for you will be made by others, which will eventually lead to communism as it always has in the past.
Bernie claims to be a Democrat Socialist, which systematically is no different than a normal Socialist; he's just trying to fancy it up a bit. His objectives are the same as every other socialist - control the individual to control the civil society.

LOL...i love this logic...somehow based on the false assumption that a college education increases productivity??? I live in Austin Texas....home of the largest gathering of college educated waiters in the entire world. have you noticed that the employment rate for college grads is going down???? and yet lets give EVERYBODY tens of thousands of dollars in more free unfunded debt and thats gonna fix the economy....OK....riigghhtttt....

College educated people earn far more over a lifetime than non-college educated people, that is a fact.
On the other hand not everybody is cut out for it and We need all kinds, especially in tech/trade areas best suited for 2 year institutions.
In most developed countries free education extends 11 years, that is where most of the debate is, and should be IMO. Beyond that We have scholarships, grants and loans for those suited to extend their education.
Socialism is collectivism, left-wing social engineering, and another form of tyranny. Individuals must abandon their personal ambitions for the ambitions of the state. Decisions for you will be made by others, which will eventually lead to communism as it always has in the past.
Bernie claims to be a Democrat Socialist, which systematically is no different than a normal Socialist; he's just trying to fancy it up a bit. His objectives are the same as every other socialist - control the individual to control the civil society.


I really can't think of a country that went over to communism incrementally. All of the true communist countries in history came in short order through armed rebellion.
I know some will say Western European countries are communist, but they are moderate democratic socialist with high standards of living and free enterprise, that is a far cry from communism.
Communism is a dead theology anyway. North Korea is maybe it's last outpost.
reach new levels of productivity. We are talking about historic 7 to 8 percent growth.

We would pay off the debt in 10 years tops.

Vote for this man. He will bring on a golden age of america.

If there are any crooks on this board and anyone that knows where AgEng live...please get together and go to his home...take anything you want....Because he believes everything should be free.
We either put illegals who commit crimes behind bars, or deport them.
Now if you're playing games with language and you're referring to being here illegally MAKES them criminals, Ill pass on that debate.

What other laws that ppl break would you consider not being criminal?
Apparently you are unfamiliar with vocational education. A young person can enroll at a community college for plumbing, HVAC, welding, auto mechanic, electrician, or allied health professional programs and graduate within 1.5 years with a certificate/degree and marketable job skills.

Who can't do that now? You know its not and never will be FREE right? I mean how stupid does one have to be, to think the very ppl that have made education so expensive, can now make it less expensive and FREE??? LOL Fcking morons
If there are any crooks on this board and anyone that knows where AgEng live...please get together and go to his home...take anything you want....Because he believes everything should be free.

Would you have thought the same when we went to public funding of grades 1 thru 12 ? The principle is exactly the same.
I think it's too ambitious to pay for all college, but that's just my practical assessment, the ideology is sound.
Would you have thought the same when we went to public funding of grades 1 thru 12 ? The principle is exactly the same.
I think it's too ambitious to pay for all college, but that's just my practical assessment, the ideology is sound.

ITS NOT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn.
What other laws that ppl break would you consider not being criminal?

You can't be so dense s to not get my point.
Saying deport the criminal illegals then saying they are ALL criminals is being sneaky on a grade school level.
You can't be so dense s to not get my point.
Saying deport the criminal illegals then saying they are ALL criminals is being sneaky on a grade school level.

Um no. When you break a law you are a criminal. If someone came in your house without you inviting them, and used all your stuff....Would you simply pat them on the back and say...have it all Pedro?
ITS NOT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn.

Where did I say it is free. PUBLIC FUNDING isn't free, freedom isn't free, being a member of a decent society isn't free either.
I said we fund grades 1 thru 12. How about letting us know if that's too commie for you. You know there are still undeveloped places in the world where you can fiend for yourself without the hassle of schools, paved roads and security.
Um no. When you break a law you are a criminal. If someone came in your house without you inviting them, and used all your stuff....Would you simply pat them on the back and say...have it all Pedro?

Thanks for proving my point. You want to deport them all.
Thanks for proving my point. You want to deport them all.

Yep...why not? They aren't Americans, they don't want to be Americans, they a mostly on the dole, they're costing real Americans jobs.Fck em. send them all back to their third world shithole before they complete the transformation of America into a third world shithole
Yep...why not? They aren't Americans, they don't want to be Americans, they a mostly on the dole, they're costing real Americans jobs.Fck em. send them all back to their third world shithole before they complete the transformation of America into a third world shithole

It's not even close to true that most illegals ''are on the dole''. Most work tough jobs few Americans are willing to do.
I do agree social services are stressed by them. The solution is to get them in positions to pay taxes. That means, bring them out of the shadows.
I'd be fine with requiring a period of time in country to qualify for any public assistance other than emergency medical care.
It's not even close to true that most illegals ''are on the dole''. Most work tough jobs few Americans are willing to do.
I do agree social services are stressed by them. The solution is to get them in positions to pay taxes. That means, bring them out of the shadows.
I'd be fine with requiring a period of time in country to qualify for any public assistance other than emergency medical care. Yawn

Whether that is true or not is open to fact checking, which I'll do.
that study was done by an anti-immigration group. When an agenda based organization makes claims supporting their position, they are often proved false.
Anyway, I said bring them into the tax paying segment and put a 2 year moratorium on new arrivals for receiving anything more than emergency medical care, which We extended to captured NAZIs while at war with them, We are not Yahoos.
Whether that is true or not is open to fact checking, which I'll do.
that study was done by an anti-immigration group. When an agenda based organization makes claims supporting their position, they are often proved false.
Anyway, I said bring them into the tax paying segment and put a 2 year moratorium on new arrivals for receiving anything more than emergency medical care, which We extended to captured NAZIs while at war with them, We are not Yahoos.

Way off topic, but what the hayull?!
The first link in Rolo's link was from USA Today. Though they do lean to the left, they are hardly an "agenda based organization" nor anti-immigration. Facts are Facts.
Way off topic, but what the hayull?!
The first link in Rolo's link was from USA Today. Though they do lean to the left, they are hardly an "agenda based organization" nor anti-immigration. Facts are Facts.

The USA article came from an anti-immigration organization's poll, re-read and confirm.
''Facts'' are only facts when they have been properly vetted, and even then they sometimes prove wrong over time. That was taken at face value by a lazy editor at USA Today.
The USA article came from an anti-immigration organization's poll, re-read and confirm.
''Facts'' are only facts when they have been properly vetted, and even then they sometimes prove wrong over time. That was taken at face value by a lazy editor at USA Today.

They do state it is a study from the Center for Immigration Studies, I concede. However, CIS is not anti-Immigration. They merely advocate for reducing the numbers of immigrants and advocating for stronger action to prevent illegal entry and illegal immigration. That is not anti-anything. They clearly advocate for a controlled, lawful immigration policy.

Who We Are
The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization. Since our founding in 1985, we have pursued a single mission – providing immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media, and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States.
Hat tip:

You think USA today vetted these facts/statistics? If I were a Main Stream news organization, which indubitably leans left, I certainly wouldn't run a story without vetting it first. Just sayin.
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They do state it is a study from the Center for Immigration Studies, I concede. However, CIS is not anti-Immigration. They merely advocate for reducing the numbers of immigrants and advocating for stronger action to prevent illegal entry and illegal immigration. That is not anti-anything. They clearly advocate for a controlled, lawful immigration policy.

Who We Are
The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization. Since our founding in 1985, we have pursued a single mission – providing immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media, and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States.
Hat tip:

You think USA today vetted these facts/statistics? If I were a Main Stream news organization, which indubitably leans left, I certainly wouldn't run a story without vetting it first. Just sayin.

None the less, they have an agenda that their findings support. That is always a red flag IMO. I'm not saying it isn't true, just that I have my doubts as to it's accuracy.
Most papers have writers that lean left, and some who lean right. I'd have to review the guy's record who quoted the findings to get a better idea of his leanings. Some just want readers as well, they'll post what sells.
I think the paper is fairly well covered if the story was quoted accurately.