Beware of the jack-booted do-gooders

These racialist have a huge problem these days.....There's really no racism.....Yea you have individual racist here and there....Mostly blacks themselves.....But there's really not any racism any more. So, they have to make it up, They burn their own Churches, then blame in on racism. The have to manufacture their outrage these days....Just like in Mizzu. Race pimping is a tough job. Its why the liberals work so hard to stir it up,

The best thing about this is....They're turning on their own. These college presidents stand with the racial justice crowd. They've created a monster they can't control. Funny as shit to me.
These racialist have a huge problem these days.....There's really no racism.....Yea you have individual racist here and there....Mostly blacks themselves.....But there's really not any racism any more. So, they have to make it up, They burn their own Churches, then blame in on racism. The have to manufacture their outrage these days....Just like in Mizzu. Race pimping is a tough job. Its why the liberals work so hard to stir it up,

The best thing about this is....They're turning on their own. These college presidents stand with the racial justice crowd. They've created a monster they can't control. Funny as shit to me.

As long as the media goes along with the faux stories and not vetting them, this is what happens. Look at obama and hillary the press does not vet them, so they can say whatever they like, and know they will get away with it.The past 10 years have been about theses moonbat leftest pushing the envelope and seeing how far they can go with their BS. It's like we are living in the bizarro world now. Right is wrong and wrong is now right. Baked ham for common sense.
All you Chicken Littles are out in force crying about the sky thing is sure about you Fever Swamp denizens, you get "skeered" easily, especially when Black people get angry.
All you Chicken Littles are out in force crying about the sky thing is sure about you Fever Swamp denizens, you get "skeered" easily, especially when Black people get angry.

Faux anger.

No one is skeered. Just stating facts about the deviant misfits you support.

What will you do when they turn on you? Much white guilt, freak?
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Faux anger.

No one is skeered. Just stating facts about the deviant misfits you support.

What will you do when they turn on you? Much white guilt, freak?

Oh once they turn on him he will freak out. This is why he supports them. He knows if he crosses them his fat ass is toast. They'll tolerate him as long as he stays in line. But when they can't use him they'll toss his ass like the skunk he is.
Oh once they turn on him he will freak out. This is why he supports them. He knows if he crosses them his fat ass is toast. They'll tolerate him as long as he stays in line. But when they can't use him they'll toss his ass like the skunk he is.

Paranoia, hatred, and fear...
Faux anger.

No one is skeered. Just stating facts about the deviant misfits you support.

What will you do when they turn on you? Much white guilt, freak?

Oh yes you're skeered...otherwise why would you rage about it the way you do?

There are three common traits exhibited among you squidbillies in the Fever Swamp...Paranoia, hate, and fear. You are one of the most fearful, based on your message board posts.

It's pathetic that you rednecks are reduced to raging on an anonymous message board. If you said the things you say in a public venue you would be publicly discredited as a racist or crank, or both. But at least you and your kind have the Fever Swamp.
Oh yes you're skeered...otherwise why would you rage about it the way you do?

There are three common traits exhibited among you squidbillies in the Fever Swamp...Paranoia, hate, and fear. You are one of the most fearful, based on your message board posts.

It's pathetic that you rednecks are reduced to raging on an anonymous message board. If you said the things you say in a public venue you would be publicly discredited as a racist or crank, or both. But at least you and your kind have the Fever Swamp.

LOL! You're pathetically predictable if nothing else.
You see your world crashing down which leaves your psyche vulnerable. So, you attack the messengers in an attempt to compensate for your lack of ability to respond in an intelligent way.

Again, you mistake Paranoia, hate, and fear for Common sense, passion, and motivation.

And it seems you've embraced the Fever Swamp, so come on in, the water is fine.
You seem happy here in the muck. Like equals kind?
The gig is up, Whitepug. Education will be the new enemy
of the left. Can't have people peacefully getting an education. It's unfair
that someone should set themselves above others.

I can't resist visiting the Fever Swamp and poking the cages from time to time. Higher Education will be just fine, thanks. These student protests are nothing compared to the anti-war protests of the 1960s.
LOL! You're pathetically predictable if nothing else.
You see your world crashing down which leaves your psyche vulnerable. So, you attack the messengers in an attempt to compensate for your lack of ability to respond in an intelligent way.

Again, you mistake Paranoia, hate, and fear for Common sense, passion, and motivation.

And it seems you've embraced the Fever Swamp, so come on in, the water is fine.

No thank you, I just like to visit and poke the cages once in a while. Most times, the stench here is unbearable.
When you're beaten and have no more "intellectual" ammunition, go for the cheap laugh.

Sometimes I wonder honestly if you have a mental illness....Then I slap myself and say DUH...He's a liberal.

As I pointed out, I tried to have a discussion with you yesterday, but you suddenly were gone!

You can't back up any of your BS with any substance. You're really not that bright, in fact you're fcked up.
Sometimes I wonder honestly if you have a mental illness....Then I slap myself and say DUH...He's a liberal.

As I pointed out, I tried to have a discussion with you yesterday, but you suddenly were gone!

You can't back up any of your BS with any substance. You're really not that bright, in fact you're fcked up.

Sorry that I can't be at your neck and call to provide cognitive-behavioral therapy, but I have students to teach.