Biden to cancel Keystone XL pipeline permit first day in office

Name one global warming prediction from the first earth day that came true. Just one. And explain to us why you believe CO2 is the world's thermostat and that we can change the earth's temperature by raising or lowering CO2, even if we could. In addition, what is the ideal global temperature and why do you believe that.

Sorry was trying to edit my first post

I found this to provide a convincing defense of the most significant climate models since 1973.

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a nyt article a few years ago claimed that sea levels would rise over a 30 feet in the next 100 years. They had to walk that back when they found out that sea levels would possible rise about 3" in 100 years. Now, I know places like St Marys experience wet streets from high tides, but be serious. The erroneous article was accompanied by maps showing just about the whole east coast underwater, which article got more publicity btw? I remember they did publish my letter saying that basically I lived 900' above sea level and didn't give two shts
I found this to make a convincing defense of the most significant climate models since 1973.

If science really was able to predict and map global warming/change , then those models would be consistent and virtually identical, which they're not. And posting this in response to my challenge is a deflection. The claims from climate alarmists have been consistently wrong. Florida being underwater, the polar ice completely disappearing, polar bears going extinct and storms getting more frequent and intense. None have come true. In addition, CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas and it's required for plant growth. And no one has been able to say what the ideal temperature of the earth should be be. So if we are truly in a climate emergency, why hasn't one dire prediction come even close to being true?
If science really was able to predict and map global warming/change , then those models would be consistent and virtually identical, which they're not. And posting this in response to my challenge is a deflection. The claims from climate alarmists have been consistently wrong. Florida being underwater, the polar ice completely disappearing, polar bears going extinct and storms getting more frequent and intense. None have come true. In addition, CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas and it's required for plant growth. And no one has been able to say what the ideal temperature of the earth should be be. So if we are truly in a climate emergency, why hasn't one dire prediction come even close to being true?
To quote Joe Biden, Come on, man. If you aren’t knowledgeable enough to have a basic understanding of the scientific method than you really should sit this one out. I suspect you also believe that because Fauchi and the global research community didn’t get everything right about Covid in March that we should dismiss everything they are saying now. That’s not how science works.

If you want to post a link to some of these dire predictions you were referencing, I will respond with a counter-argument of other predictions made around the same time that weren’t so extreme. I am confident I will have more than enough material to work with.
To quote Joe Biden, Come on, man. If you aren’t knowledgeable enough to have a basic understanding of the scientific method than you really should sit this one out. I suspect you also believe that because Fauchi and the global research community didn’t get everything right about Covid in March that we should dismiss everything they are saying now. That’s not how science works.

If you want to post a link to some of these dire predictions you were referencing, I will respond with a counter-argument of other predictions made around the same time that weren’t so extreme. I am confident I will have more than enough material to work with.
Just watch Al Gores movie and read the predictions from the first Earth day. Then read the Green New Deal. After you do that we'll talk. I'm still waiting for the optimum global temperature and why and how you come up with it. By the way, I have more than enough real scientific sources that were not paid to regurgitate politically biased science. So don't come back to me with Bill Nye the science guy.
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Imagine being foolish enough to think humans can alter the climate of a planet that has been around for billions of years
So by that line of thinking, do you believe humans have been the cause of extinctions of flora and fauna that were the result of many millions of years of evolution? If you agree, help me understand the difference.
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So if Florida is going to be underwater isnt it just a cycle, since it was underwater years ago?
“During the early part of the Cenozoic Period which was about 65 million years ago, Florida was for the first 10 to 15 to 20 million years of that, completely underwater, and the limestone deposits which are underneath our feet here were being deposited at that time,” says Harley Means, assistant state geologist and co-author of the book “Roadside Geology of Florida.”
So if Florida is going to be underwater isnt it just a cycle, since it was underwater years ago?
“During the early part of the Cenozoic Period which was about 65 million years ago, Florida was for the first 10 to 15 to 20 million years of that, completely underwater, and the limestone deposits which are underneath our feet here were being deposited at that time,” says Harley Means, assistant state geologist and co-author of the book “Roadside Geology of Florida.”
Yes, there have always been cycles. But there haven't always been humans to effect those cycles in negative ways. See how simple that is.
Unfortunately, I imagine in 10 years we will have made little progress toward nationally adopted renewable energy yet fossil fuel prices will quadruple in price due to knee jerk reactions such as a cold turkey stop of a pipeline.

I hope for the employees sake, this is a structured phase out instead of just turning it off and sending people home.
Imagine believing you can change the earth's climate by regulating one compound.

we regulate many compounds that have significant effects on the environment

are you aware of the ozone layer and regulation around CFCs?

of air and water quality regulations around NO2 and SO2?

carbon is but another in a long list
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We spend way too much money on tanks. Fuel the Military Industrial Complex and slash education. Which explains a lot about the chat.
Education is a state issue not federal. Please take it up with your state taxing authority and ask them to increase your property taxes. Better yet voluntarily give more money to your local school system.
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Great to see the new administration making addressing Global Warming a top priority for America. For those who don't believe in Global Warning, Love it or Leave it.
Hoax, the USA has less greenhouse emissions than any industrial country, our stupidity is India and CCP gain. Have fun when the dollar is no longer the global standard currency.
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I never go in for conspiracy theories, and not even sure this was one, but why was Nashville and Atlanta the only cities "hit" after hurricane Kamala hit New Orleans? 100% Obama's government canceled gas to Atlanta and Nashville to see how people would respond. It was messed up, and because I traveled a ton, I rented cars for free and returned with no gas at their rate which was more than $2.00/gallon than pump prices. I still say da gubmint did that to us and have zero proof they didn't.
Because Atlanta and Nashville are fed off spur pipelines that cost extra to ship on. Refiners chose not to send product up those pipelines and incur the extra cost because they had better lower cost alternatives. Margin increased by not shipping on those lines.
To quote Joe Biden, Come on, man. If you aren’t knowledgeable enough to have a basic understanding of the scientific method than you really should sit this one out. I suspect you also believe that because Fauchi and the global research community didn’t get everything right about Covid in March that we should dismiss everything they are saying now. That’s not how science works.

If you want to post a link to some of these dire predictions you were referencing, I will respond with a counter-argument of other predictions made around the same time that weren’t so extreme. I am confident I will have more than enough material to work with.
If you aren’t genuine enough to acknowledge that climate change legislation is about creating a tax, government theft, then you don’t understand how the economic process works.
Hoax, the USA has less greenhouse emissions than any industrial country, our stupidity is India and CCP gain. Have fun when the dollar is no longer the global standard currency.
Can you provide a source on this?

I agree China and India are increasing emissions and taking a larger share, but the US will remain top 3 in total emissions. We are like 15th in per capita emissions behind mostly oil producing countries.
we regulate many compounds that have significant effects on the environment

are you aware of the ozone layer and regulation around CFCs?

of air and water quality regulations around NO2 and SO2?

carbon is but another in a long list
You continue to deflect. The issue is climate is such an imminent threat we have to destroy jobs and businesses if we don't act now. Not make a reasoned transition to an actual energy source that works . But stop doing what we're doing now because the planet is going to die in a few years. And there is zero evidence in that is true. And all of the "world is going to end" predictions have not even come close to materializing. Yet you are ok with stop using a reliable energy source in order to feel good. You haven't proven and can't prove that we're all going to die in a few years if we don't act. And you can't prove it because every predicton has been wrong. There is not one child that will graduate from college with a doctorate that has ever experienced global warming. And you can't cite any of the alarmists predictions that will prove it will happen. In addition, you won't address any of the issues I presented in a simple text.
You continue to deflect. The issue is climate is such an imminent threat we have to destroy jobs and businesses if we don't act now. Not make a reasoned transition to an actual energy source that works . But stop doing what we're doing now because the planet is going to die in a few years. And there is zero evidence in that is true. And all of the "world is going to end" predictions have not even come close to materializing. Yet you are ok with stop using a reliable energy source in order to feel good. You haven't proven and can't prove that we're all going to die in a few years if we don't act. And you can't prove it because every predicton has been wrong. There is not one child that will graduate from college with a doctorate that has ever experienced global warming. And you can't cite any of the alarmists predictions that will prove it will happen. In addition, you won't address any of the issues I presented in a simple text.

are you the one who says we are in a period of global cooling because this year was only the 3rd warmest on record behind the #1 set like last year?
Just watch Al Gores movie and read the predictions from the first Earth day. Then read the Green New Deal. After you do that we'll talk. I'm still waiting for the optimum global temperature and why and how you come up with it. By the way, I have more than enough real scientific sources that were not paid to regurgitate politically biased science. So don't come back to me with Bill Nye the science guy.

it’s basically cow farts fault anyway.
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This is simple. Man is not destroying the earth. That is reserved for God at the judgement day. How foolish of people that think they are in control instead of God.
I’m very happy we moved beyond this view for medicine and other aspects of human life
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are you the one who says we are in a period of global cooling because this year was only the 3rd warmest on record behind the #1 set like last year?

well we had no spring it was cold half way into April, we never hit 97F never mind we didn’t hit 100F- when was the last time that happened in Georgia? And this winter has been cold, several time already we’ve dipped to 27 and 28F. I’m calling bs on your 3rd “warmest” year theory. You must have the memory of a gnat and the conviction of a worm.
well we had no spring it was cold half way into April, we never hit 97F never mind we didn’t hit 100F- when was the last time that happened in Georgia? And this winter has been cold, several time already we’ve dipped to 27 and 28F. I’m calling bs on your 3rd “warmest” year theory. You must have the memory of a gnat and the conviction of a worm.
Georgia (or wherever you live) makes up a very small part of the world and sharing local anecdotal evidence demonstrates you don't understand the topic of climate change, at all.
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are you the one who says we are in a period of global cooling because this year was only the 3rd warmest on record behind the #1 set like last year?
Is that supposed to be
You are too stupid to talk to.
I normally don't attack posters but you haven't made one intelligent post on this subject. Which means resorting to personal attacks is your only thing left.
well we had no spring it was cold half way into April, we never hit 97F never mind we didn’t hit 100F- when was the last time that happened in Georgia? And this winter has been cold, several time already we’ve dipped to 27 and 28F. I’m calling bs on your 3rd “warmest” year theory. You must have the memory of a gnat and the conviction of a worm.

according to NASA we actually ended up tied for warmest by the end of the year. The WMO had it #3 in early Dec.

Georgia (or wherever you live) makes up a very small part of the world and sharing local anecdotal evidence demonstrates you don't understand the topic of climate change, at all.

we are all connected
according to NASA we actually ended up tied for warmest by the end of the year. The WMO had it #3 in early Dec.

Do you know what NASA measures? A small area at certain altitude, near space. Yeah, that’s what they measure. Is accurate? Not likely, no.