Break it on down, my man ..


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 4, 2012

He better be careful
Ok....then Why? *

This post was edited on 3/8 9:29 PM by JimBfishN
One of these days, when the full depth of the lies, deceit and treasonness

activity he and others have pepetrated come out, I want every person who supported him to go ahead and kill themselves or be killed. They are responsible for the irreversible effects his ascendancy has caused.
A sloppy forgery as well but given the overall incompetence

of his whole administration would we expect anything else. Now we're supposed to believe it when Obama says he never got a single email generated fro Hillary's home-based server during her entire time as Sec of State.
Total fraud perpetrated against the U.S......should go to prison*

Obama's stolen Connecticut Social Security number must have belonged

to somebody he found in the "obits". SOB outta be in jail. Shoulda been 1st question asked by White House press corps. Or as Barry would say "corpse".
They put out an obvious fake to troll the looney tunes. nm
