BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Running Mate Says They Are Considering Dropping Out and Endorsing Donald Trump — BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s R

BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Running Mate Says They Are Considering Dropping Out and Endorsing Donald Trump — DNC PLANTED INSIDERS IN THEIR CAMPAIGN! And There’s More… (VIDEO)​
was skeptical on the headline / source until I listened to her talk. Pretty nasty stuff they are accusing the democrats of doing - effectively making the case that they are the real threat to democracy and calculating that being a spoiler might be their best end game. Let the mudslinging begin.
was skeptical on the headline / source until I listened to her talk. Pretty nasty stuff they are accusing the democrats of doing - effectively making the case that they are the real threat to democracy and calculating that being a spoiler might be their best end game. Let the mudslinging begin.
Yeah, was pretty sure who was the real threat to democracy when I learned the FBI was using info they knew could not be verified to win an order from a secretive court to spy on a POTUS campaign and then doubled down and swore the info was accurate 3 more times in order to spy on and hamstring a sitting POTUS. The Dems are the driving force but it's not just limited to Dems.
So that maybe photoshopped, but it is well known she worked her way to the top in Calf politics by getting down on her knees between SF Mayor Willie Brown's legs. And thanks for keeping those pics alive on this thread.
Don’t forget Montel among others..complete whore
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So that maybe photoshopped, but it is well known she worked her way to the top in Calf politics by getting down on her knees between SF Mayor Willie Brown's legs. And thanks for keeping those pics alive on this thread.
I get that, but nobody cares though. No doubt in my mind DT would get it on with a chick to get a new hotel approved in some hypothetical jurisdiction.

Everyone’s playing in the cess pool. And people ain’t voting for DT because he’s a stand up guy. Let’s be honest with ourselves, guy sucks big time on a personal level. Eons better platform though than the alternative so that’ll have to do I suppose.
I get that, but nobody cares though. No doubt in my mind DT would get it on with a chick to get a new hotel approved in some hypothetical jurisdiction.

Everyone’s playing in the cess pool. And people ain’t voting for DT because he’s a stand up guy. Let’s be honest with ourselves, guy sucks big time on a personal level. Eons better platform though than the alternative so that’ll have to do I suppose.
Yes, everyone hold their nose, vote DT, and keep our country from falling into the hands of deranged Marxists.
was skeptical on the headline / source until I listened to her talk. Pretty nasty stuff they are accusing the democrats of doing - effectively making the case that they are the real threat to democracy and calculating that being a spoiler might be their best end game. Let the mudslinging begin.
Amazing how little Democrats care about Democracy.
Yeah, ain't gonna fly. But y'all keep at it over there in Trumpland. I hear the steaks are well done and out of this world.
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That's fine. Less third party voting in 2020 compared to 2016. And his followers fit in with the Trump base better. It's about getting the folks to turn out and vote.
just because he takes votes from Trump doesn't mean he gives them back by dropping out. Time will tell.
If Kennedy and Shanahan endorse Trump it may help, it may not but certainly not going to hurt. If they go full scorched earth on the Dems then it might ding them some and get them off message for a short period. If Trump agrees with Kennedy or Shanahan on anything that Karmala differs then perhaps that could be exploited. I have no issue with this Kennedy, he seems to be an independent thinker, just off rocker on many issues. All i know about Shanahan is she is wealthy, attractive and liberal.
Yeah, was pretty sure who was the real threat to democracy when I learned the FBI was using info they knew could not be verified to win an order from a secretive court to spy on a POTUS campaign and then doubled down and swore the info was accurate 3 more times in order to spy on and hamstring a sitting POTUS. The Dems are the driving force but it's not just limited to Dems.
This was the beginning of the end of rule of law
This was the beginning of the end of rule of law
Whatever you guys do, keep the divided message going. Us vs. them. That's what we need. Shout it from the mountain tops. Use a megaphone if you have to.
Whatever you guys do, keep the divided message going. Us vs. them. That's what we need. Shout it from the mountain tops. Use a megaphone if you have to.
The truth really does hurt
The truth really does hurt
But here’s the good news, Chicago: All across America, in big cities and small towns, away from all the noise, the ties that bind us together are still there. We still coach Little League and look out for our elderly neighbors. We still feed the hungry in churches and mosques and synagogues and temples. We share the same pride when our Olympic athletes compete for the gold. Because the vast majority of us do not want to live in a country that’s bitter and divided. We want something better. We want to be better. And the joy and the excitement that we’re seeing around this campaign tells us we’re not alone.
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I meant the real truth. Your above quote is mostly true except for the last sentence, but to act like it's not us v. them in the today's world is at best disingenous, and really just being a troll
I meant the real truth. Your above quote is mostly true except for the last sentence, but to act like it's not us v. them in the today's world is at best disingenous, and really just being a troll
Now that approach may work for the politicians who just want attention and thrive on division, but it won’t work for us. To make progress on the things we care about, the things that really affect people’s lives, we need to remember that we’ve all got our blind spots and contradictions and prejudices. And that if we want to win over those who aren’t yet ready to support our candidates, we need to listen to their concerns and maybe learn something in the process.

After all, if a parent or grandparent occasionally says something that makes us cringe, we don’t automatically assume they’re bad people. We recognize that the world is moving fast, that they need time and maybe a little encouragement to catch up. Our fellow citizens deserve the same grace we hope they’ll extend to us. That’s how we can build a true Democratic majority, one that can get things done.
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If Kennedy and Shanahan endorse Trump it may help, it may not but certainly not going to hurt. If they go full scorched earth on the Dems then it might ding them some and get them off message for a short period. If Trump agrees with Kennedy or Shanahan on anything that Karmala differs then perhaps that could be exploited. I have no issue with this Kennedy, he seems to be an independent thinker, just off rocker on many issues. All i know about Shanahan is she is wealthy, attractive and liberal.
Would encourage you to listen to Shanahan’s interview about this subject yesterday. She is impressive. A former democrat who has seen the lengths they have gone to disqualify her. So much so that she is doing the unthinkable.
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Would encourage you to listen to Shanahan’s interview about this subject yesterday. She is impressive. A former democrat who has seen the lengths they have gone to disqualify her. So much so that she is doing the unthinkable.
Donald Trump and his well-heeled donors, they don’t see the world that way. For them, one group’s gains is necessarily another group’s loss. For them, freedom means that the powerful can do pretty much what they please, whether it’s fire workers trying to organize a union or put poison in our rivers or avoid paying taxes like everybody else has to do.

Well, we have a broader idea of freedom. We believe in the freedom to provide for your family if you’re willing to work hard. The freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water and send your kids to school without worrying if they’ll come home. We believe that true freedom gives each of us the right to make decisions about our own life, how we worship, what our family looks like, how many kids we have, who we marry. And we believe that freedom requires us to recognize that other people have the freedom to make choices that are different than ours. That’s okay.
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Whatever you guys do, keep the divided message going. Us vs. them. That's what we need. Shout it from the mountain tops. Use a megaphone if you have to.
Youre obviously anti-orange man, but you for kamala?
Youre obviously anti-orange man, but you for kamala?
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
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Whatever you guys do, keep the divided message going. Us vs. them. That's what we need. Shout it from the mountain tops. Use a megaphone if you have to.
Or we can just ignore it and it will go away. Good answer, no need to hold them accountable.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
You ended up belly up in a pothole and everything looks good from the bottom. Let’s just move forward . Go Dawgs. Let’s all go coconuts.
You ended up belly up in a pothole and everything looks good from the bottom. Let’s just move forward . Go Dawgs. Let’s all go coconuts.
It's okay friend. When you're ready.