
Trump Arizona GIF
This thread now on the chat just confirms why I left the vent last year. Just shows that even Dawg fans get their panties in a wad and can’t take a little good natured political humor. Shame on the few that complain.
No politics on the vent. It’s a simple rule and for those who want to flog that horse the Chat is always here waiting to hear from us.
Oh I fully understand. But it just seems that a seemingly harmless thread about a Dawg celebrating gets hijacked by a sensitive fan and suddenly it goes haywire.

No, it's never "harmless", regardless of intent. Literally ever political reference turns into needless political bickering that never, EVER ends well. There is no place for politics on the Vent. The overwhelming majority of feedback we get is thankful for it being a place that is politics-free.

There are literally thousands of other places where it can be discussed. This site (outside of the Chat) is not one.