You haven't beaten squat...its no sniping. You've been behind Richt...nearly had a breakdown when he was canned, and you seem to think you know everything about what a coach should do...yet haven't ever coached at the collegiate level, nor have I. KS knows what he wants to do. Under Saban, UA has always performed because of dominance at OL. We get a top notch OL coach, you shit on it...we fire shit on it...Pruitt leaves (and has a bad rep from everyone with inside knowledge) yet you know better and shit on it. You're pathetic and you've shown your true colors time and again...You were a fan of Richt first and foremost, and will be all pissy...unless we win...we beat UNC first game, you'll be all about KS.
Come on sweety, don't cry and mess up your makeup.