Chat Democrats I wonder if these Democrat insurrectionists will be treated like the Jan 6 people?

I always wonder how you so called moderate Democrats vote with these people? There is no place for moderates in the Democrat party anymore. It’s controlled by the far left

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Since Trump became a "felon",..and their new presidential nominee was a prosecutor, the Dems have now become pro police and pro law enforcement, this is very inconvenient in an election year,...but their will always be these forces to push the left further left regardless of the temperature of the moment
If the Trump campaign were smart, which is debatable, they would make these protests into commercials with no words , except for this is what Kamala supports.
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I always wonder how you so called moderate Democrats vote with these people? There is no place for moderates in the Democrat party anymore. It’s controlled by the far left

I’m Jewish and I don’t have a space laser , and I’m pretty pissed about it. I’m going to call customer service.
You're not part of the cabal. At least not that we know of. But MTG has her eyes on you, so watch it.
Everyone of those sorry basterds need to be killed. They aren't worth the bullet!
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The irony here is that you think you are posting a rebuttal, but actually proving his point.
Will never think on your level. I don't even deserve your response. Thank you, sir.
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What does she say that is so controversial to you? I can’t imagine it’s anything like the far leftists in your party
Jews starting forest fires with space lasers is mainstream? Maybe so. Don't have a party. Do like ESPN though.
I’m Jewish and I don’t have a space laser , and I’m pretty pissed about it. I’m going to call customer service.
You’re missing out, they are awesome. Don’t let the ATF know you have it though, they will shoot your dog.
Everyone of those sorry basterds need to be killed. They aren't worth the bullet!
I think this will be known as Generation moron. History books will point to this as the beginning of the end. “And on top of this nonsense, they voted for Joe Biden. There was no way to come back from that disaster.”

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