Climate scam

If there is a more transparently putrid phony on the face of the earth than John Kerry, I don't know about them.
This is a man who forged the sacred honor of military fighting men. He gave himself the Purple Heart when his Commanding Officer would not sign off on it.
If there is a more transparently putrid phony on the face of the earth than John Kerry, I don't know about them.
This is a man who forged the sacred honor of military fighting men. He gave himself the Purple Heart when his Commanding Officer would not sign off on it.
Then supposedly threw it into Boston harbor during a protest, but it turned out he didn’t. He threw someone else’s medals in the harbor.

This is the NYT comments section in a nutshell. About a third talk about civilization ending, and seem to relish that. A third talk about overpopulation, but when I write a comment that they should go first, the times won’t publish it. And about a third virtue signal about not having kids, never had kids (these are the crazy cat people, and the very lonely), that we should kill all the cows, and tax all the billionaires, that kind of thing.
Climate change is a religion to the left. Climates have always changed, but we can now alter it if we throw more money in the kitty and alter our way of life.

I’m not sure if Kerry is stupid enough to believe everything he says or if he is that sinister and evil.

If Kerry said the sky is blue, I would have to go outside and double check.
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Two things can and likely are true at the same time. Humans are contributing to rising climate temperatures globally through the burning of fossil fuels & there are a ton of bad players and useful idiots out there absolutely blowing this thing way out of proportion to push agendas & profit.

As with all things in life, the answer is always a little of both. Anyone who outright denies climate change is as big a fool as those think climate change will surely kill everyone on earth by year 2019
Two things can and likely are true at the same time. Humans are contributing to rising climate temperatures globally through the burning of fossil fuels & there are a ton of bad players and useful idiots out there absolutely blowing this thing way out of proportion to push agendas & profit.

As with all things in life, the answer is always a little of both. Anyone who outright denies climate change is as big a fool as those think climate change will surely kill everyone on earth by year 2019
I wonder how much humans burning fossil fuel contributed to the ice age ending?
I wonder how much humans burning fossil fuel contributed to the ice age ending?
No we are still coming out of an ice age. That said, fossil fuels absolutely are still contributing to global warming. You really believe hundreds of thousands of scientists globally are all able to blindly fall in line with the narrative and lie & manipulate data to suggest as much.

I believe in conspiracy theories but this would be the most elaborate, well organized, and most robust conspiracy theory in history.

Occam's razor suggests what all these professionals are saying (that man does have an influence on global rising temperatures) is actually what is how much is another question
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No we are still coming out of an ice age. That said, fossil fuels absolutely are still contributing to global warming. You really believe hundreds of thousands of scientists globally are all able to blindly fall in line with the narrative and lie & manipulate data to suggest as much.

I believe in conspiracy theories but this would be the most elaborate, well organized, and most robust conspiracy theory in history.

Occam's razor suggests what all these professionals are saying (that man does have an influence on global rising temperatures) is actually what is how much is another question
So you don't know that they use models with made up data to come up with their case for destroying the US economy and our way of life. Do you remember in the 7O's we were all about to freeze, now we all gonna burn up. Climate changes, it goes through cycles, always has always will. You are useful to them. There hysteria has clouded lots of folks ability to think..... How much money are the fearmongers being paid. How many times have they been wrong, Why are the scientist that are not being paid the big bucks that disagree with the fear mongers not to be believed????
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It's astounding how gullible many people are about climare change as well as many other topics.
I'm not as astounded any more. I'm reminded of it every time I come over here. When it happens so often, hard to act like it's a big deal.
So you don't know that they use models with made up data to come up with their case for destroying the US economy and our way of life. Do you remember in the 7O's we were all about to freeze, now we all gonna burn up. Climate changes, it goes through cycles, always has always will. You are useful to them. There hysteria has clouded lots of folks ability to think..... How much money are the fearmongers being paid. How many times have they been wrong, Why are the scientist that are not being paid the big bucks that disagree with the fear mongers not to be believed????
Acid rain, hole in the ozone...interesting how no one cares about that anymore.

That said, you have your head in the sand if you don't think fossil fuels burning does contribute to global rises in temps. I also don't think it's as sure as the climate alarmists make it seem.

I do not think the climate change agenda is designed to destroy the US economy. I don't think that's the main goal of it.
Acid rain, hole in the ozone...interesting how no one cares about that anymore.

That said, you have your head in the sand if you don't think fossil fuels burning does contribute to global rises in temps. I also don't think it's as sure as the climate alarmists make it seem.

I do not think the climate change agenda is designed to destroy the US economy. I don't think that's the main goal of it.
Talk about head in the sand. See your post! I'm not going to attack you personally, I feel sorry for you.
Acid rain, hole in the ozone...interesting how no one cares about that anymore.

It's funny what happens when you actually try and solve a problem...and we did.

I do not think the climate change agenda is designed to destroy the US economy. I don't think that's the main goal of it.

You have to remember that Republicans think there is some global cabal of elites out there that put in plans to destroy their way of life. That is the basic premise of everything they believe about liberals. While you and I know that is not true, it changes how they think on every topic and why they are so prone to believing in conspiracy theories.
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No we are still coming out of an ice age. That said, fossil fuels absolutely are still contributing to global warming. You really believe hundreds of thousands of scientists globally are all able to blindly fall in line with the narrative and lie & manipulate data to suggest as much.

I believe in conspiracy theories but this would be the most elaborate, well organized, and most robust conspiracy theory in history.

Occam's razor suggests what all these professionals are saying (that man does have an influence on global rising temperatures) is actually what is how much is another question
Just FYI, the rest of the left has already stopped using the term "global warming" because it has been irrefutably proven that the earth has in fact cooled over the past several years.
That is why the globalist funded narrative had to change course several years ago.
So, if you're going to beat this absurd drum, at least use the "preferred" drumstick (is "drunstick" ok or should we use him/her/they?).
Frankly, I'm surprised you fall for that bullshit. Yes, climate change is happening. It has been happening for a billion years and will continue to do so.
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Acid rain, hole in the ozone...interesting how no one cares about that anymore.

That said, you have your head in the sand if you don't think fossil fuels burning does contribute to global rises in temps. I also don't think it's as sure as the climate alarmists make it seem.

I do not think the climate change agenda is designed to destroy the US economy. I don't think that's the main goal of it.
It certainly has had that effect on our economy and capitalism. Why do we allow China, India and other nations to continue to ramp up production of what we have to cease to do now ? It is total BS. We kill our economic engine to virtue signal the world and pay the WEF tons of money. How does that money fix your man made problem? Who benefits from this money? It is the crooked politicians as always. We are being fleeced by this agenda that you have bought into hook, line and sinker. What is the optimal temperature the earth needs to operate at? No one knows. Can we change the weather or the climate? No, we can just bilk the American citizens of their hard earned money and laugh at their falling for this scam. This is a cyclical event that has been occurring since the beginning of time. Can we make the sun rise or fall at alternate times to help the situation? How about all the Dems quit flying and driving forever. That should help lots.
It's funny what happens when you actually try and solve a problem...and we did.

You have to remember that Republicans think there is some global cabal of elites out there that put in plans to destroy their way of life. That is the basic premise of everything they believe about liberals. While you and I know that is not true, it changes how they think on every topic and why they are so prone to believing in conspiracy theories.
For the record I'm a mod conservative but I think you have be the most close-minded moron to believe hundreds of thousands of scientists globally are all part of one big lie with their aim to destroy the US economy and big oil. The sheer amount of mental gymnastics needed...

I don't know how many scientists you've been around but there is so much professional jealousy in that field. So much self-interest and clout chasing. Many of them want nothing more than to publically disprove and embarrass other scientists (especially their rivals) for being wrong and prove their science is flawed.

I don't think anyone with two brain cells to rub together can objectively (without their close-minded biased told to them by media) believe a conference room of scientists could all be part of this cabal to manipulate the data and promote a false narrative with hard scientific measurements to back it up....let alone hundreds of thousands of scientists across every cultural and national spectrum globally. What incentive could they possibly all be given to all comply & lie?
It certainly has had that effect on our economy and capitalism. Why do we allow China, India and other nations to continue to ramp up production of what we have to cease to do now ? It is total BS. We kill our economic engine to virtue signal the world and pay the WEF tons of money. How does that money fix your man made problem? Who benefits from this money? It is the crooked politicians as always. We are being fleeced by this agenda that you have bought into hook, line and sinker. What is the optimal temperature the earth needs to operate at? No one knows. Can we change the weather or the climate? No, we can just bilk the American citizens of their hard earned money and laugh at their falling for this scam. This is a cyclical event that has been occurring since the beginning of time. Can we make the sun rise or fall at alternate times to help the situation? How about all the Dems quit flying and driving forever. That should help lots.
I defer to my original post in this thread. 2 things can true at the same time:
1. The burning of fossil fuels is having an impact on climate change
2. Bad-faith actors like the WEF, China, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mackenzie Bezos, Justin Trudeau, etc are using climate change to as an arrow in the quiver promote their own agendas to weaken the US economy & potentially usher in a one world government some day
I defer to my original post in this thread. 2 things can true at the same time:
1. The burning of fossil fuels is having an impact on climate change
2. Bad-faith actors like the WEF, China, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mackenzie Bezos, Justin Trudeau, etc are using climate change to as an arrow in the quiver promote their own agendas to weaken the US economy & potentially usher in a one world government some day
If I had my druthers, said "bad actors" would have their names forwarded to the Israeli IDF for treatment.
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For the record I'm a mod conservative but I think you have be the most close-minded moron to believe hundreds of thousands of scientists globally are all part of one big lie with their aim to destroy the US economy and big oil. The sheer amount of mental gymnastics needed...

I don't know how many scientists you've been around but there is so much professional jealousy in that field. So much self-interest and clout chasing. Many of them want nothing more than to publically disprove and embarrass other scientists (especially their rivals) for being wrong and prove their science is flawed.

I don't think anyone with two brain cells to rub together can objectively (without their close-minded biased told to them by media) believe a conference room of scientists could all be part of this cabal to manipulate the data and promote a false narrative with hard scientific measurements to back it up....let alone hundreds of thousands of scientists across every cultural and national spectrum globally. What incentive could they possibly all be given to all comply & lie?
There are not 100's of thousands.
You are exactly what the left needs to control us and take our freedoms.
It takes a closed minded moron to believe that the money being paid to the alarmist does not influence their "findings".
The lack of mental acuity needed to fall for any leftist wet dream as being an honest attempt to help something rather than to control others is astounding. Those that do deserve to have to give up all forms of transportation, because EV's hurt the climate, should have to give up basically everything and live off the land with stone tools.

You climate alarmist can have all that, just leave the rest of us the heck alone. Enjoy your ev when they outlaw everyway to make the electricity needed to charge the batteries. Also please do not build a fire to cook. It pollutes.

PS... so you believe the msm that is all in on every leftist scheme known to man but don't ever find a fault with anything the left pushes, and the scientist being paid to come up with the answers the govt wants. Yet you have the gall to say something about folks being influenced by the media..... LMBO..... btw don't forget to get your covid booster shot. Im sure you believe the govt and those scientist that push that killer as well.
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There are not 100's of thousands.
You are exactly what the left needs to control us and take our freedoms.
It takes a closed minded moron to believe that the money being paid to the alarmist does not influence their "findings".
The lack of mental acuity needed to fall for any leftist wet dream as being an honest attempt to help something rather than to control others is astounding. Those that do deserve to have to give up all forms of transportation, because EV's hurt the climate, should have to give up basically everything and live off the land with stone tools.

You climate alarmist can have all that, just leave the rest of us the heck alone. Enjoy your ev when they outlaw everyway to make the electricity needed to charge the batteries. Also please do not build a fire to cook. It pollutes.

PS... so you believe the msm that is all in on every leftist scheme known to man but don't ever find a fault with anything the left pushes, and the scientist being paid to come up with the answers the govt wants. Yet you have the gall to say something about folks being influenced by the media..... LMBO..... btw don't forget to get your covid booster shot. Im sure you believe the govt and those scientist that push that killer as well.
You don't think there are hundreds of thousands of scientists world wide taking measurements of water temperatures, air temperature, air quality readings, etc for their own research not even about climate research, who are noticing raising levels. They aren't making up the numbers.

I've been on fisheries crews taking water data and noticing a near year over year increase in water temps. There are over 2000 fisheries biologist in the US alone not counting the 2-5 field crew members assigned to them. Now think of how many other people are collecting data points and noticing rising temperatures globally.

It's people like you (the ultra close minded) that turn people off. I guess you haven't learned yet life is not black n white but filled with a ton of gray nuance
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Btw I readily acknowledge there is agenda behind climate alarmism. That is absolutely being taken advantage of.

But the mental gymnastics needed to rationalize a cabal to fudge the numbers is astounding. Imagine putting those good brain cells to use productively instead
Btw I readily acknowledge there is agenda behind climate alarmism. That is absolutely being taken advantage of.

But the mental gymnastics needed to rationalize a cabal to fudge the numbers is astounding. Imagine putting those good brain cells to use productively instead
What is the gain for individual scientists to come up with data that refutes the
“ Climate crisis”? They need to get funded, so why would they have any incentive to go against the grain? The media , government, social media will bury them. How can the afford to fight the system. Look at Jan. 6th, we all know that was not an attempt to take over the government. Look what the media, government, social media did to them! Open your eyes man! It’s not a conspiracy theory when it is true.
What is the gain for individual scientists to come up with data that refutes the
“ Climate crisis”? They need to get funded, so why would they have any incentive to go against the grain? The media , government, social media will bury them. How can the afford to fight the system. Look at Jan. 6th, we all know that was not an attempt to take over the government. Look what the media, government, social media did to them! Open your eyes man! It’s not a conspiracy theory when it is true.
When venturing into a rabbit hole, just make sure you can find your way back out
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You don't think there are hundreds of thousands of scientists world wide taking measurements of water temperatures, air temperature, air quality readings, etc for their own research not even about climate research, who are noticing raising levels. They aren't making up the numbers.

I've been on fisheries crews taking water data and noticing a near year over year increase in water temps. There are over 2000 fisheries biologist in the US alone not counting the 2-5 field crew members assigned to them. Now think of how many other people are collecting data points and noticing rising temperatures globally.

It's people like you (the ultra close minded) that turn people off. I guess you haven't learned yet life is not black n white but filled with a ton of gray nuance
guy,,,, my mind is not closed. I have not said the climate does not change. It has since the beginning of time. It warms it cools it warms it cools. The ultra closed minded is folks like you that believe want a bunch of money grubbing leftist want you to believe to the exclusion of all the facts that show climate is cyclical. Yes there are people taking measurements. But that is of recent times. The models the use for money making use made up number. Now take you closed mind and go get your covid booster. The govt needs you.

I will compromise with you; you and your type may be more open minded but to our detriment. Let the goobers in DC tell you what to think and help make them rich. If thats being open minded you and your pal weak link celtic can have it.

PS you are vaxxed aren't you? LOL thought so.
When venturing into a rabbit hole, just make sure you can find your way back out
I’m in reality brother. I can see the world is on fire and God is the only one that can fix this. Both sides of the political system are screwing us and getting wealthier while doing it. It’s not about party, it’s about patriots wanting to save our nation. There are far too many that would just prefer to hand their freedom over for security, well those folks deserve what they get.
I’m in reality brother. I can see the world is on fire and God is the only one that can fix this. Both sides of the political system are screwing us and getting wealthier while doing it. It’s not about party, it’s about patriots wanting to save our nation. There are far too many that would just prefer to hand their freedom over for security, well those folks deserve what they get.
I agree that our politicians from both parties are crooks, sleazeballs, liars, and traitors. That's why I'm not appalled that our sacred Senate floor was desecrated by a gay sex video. There's nothing sacred about that place. It's a meeting place of slime and has been for many decades. From what I've seen, 90% of congress gives the other 10% a bad name
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Climate change is a religion to the left. Climates have always changed, but we can now alter it if we throw more money in the kitty and alter our way of life.

I’m not sure if Kerry is stupid enough to believe everything he says or if he is that sinister and evil.

If Kerry said the sky is blue, I would have to go outside and double check.
dems are struggling so bad these days
lets see what they like to push
6 bathrooms but a man can take a piss in a females bathroom( they are ok with that)
middle age white men talking for minorities all the time (which they hate )
the border and how the right hates immigrants lol
I could do this for years lol
I agree that our politicians from both parties are crooks, sleazeballs, liars, and traitors. That's why I'm not appalled that our sacred Senate floor was desecrated by a gay sex video. There's nothing sacred about that place. It's a meeting place of slime and has been for many decades. From what I've seen, 90% of congress gives the other 10% a bad name

I don't think anyone has a problem with the idea that human activities have some impact on the environment and even the cyclical climate patterns. It's kind of like saying speeding kills. There is some truth there but there is a difference between 3 over and 60 over. The issue is data conflation, hyperbole and a series of wildly inaccurate catastrophic claims used to promote draconian solutions to achieve negligible results.

Imo, if you said we needed to move to cleaner energy sources to reduce pollution tp lessen our impact on the climate and proposed to move forward in a smart, gradual manner I think you'd see around 90% support. If you use scare tactics, planned shortages to raise prices and make it more difficult for granny to heat her home or cook her holiday meals, you get what we got.

The climate hysteria is another topic that is designed to divide the population and allow politicians to exercise power that would have been unthinkable a couple of generations ago. When I was a young man, "never trust anyone over 30" was a rallying cry of the libs and a healthy skepticism of anyone exercising power was basically how journalism worked. Today, as I type, we could list lies promoted by our government from Vietnam to Iraq to Russia, Russia, Russia and find journos that acted as cheerleaders for the government's position. Hell, we just went thru a pandemic where our government used third parties to censure and punish those with competing ideas.

But, here we sit in a chat room full of somewhat reasonable and educated people that aren't that far apart politically arguing over what we are being told. And the funniest thing about it is the folks telling us we'll have nothing and be happy, eating insects is the way forward and your SUV is going to fry us are flying all over the world in private jets and have parties featuring waygu beef in huge energy eating facilities.

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