close gitmo or not


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
dennis mcdonough stated last night that the white house will close gitmo with or without congress . i guess congress can go on permanent vacation . the rumor by some former dept of defense folks, is that they won't just close it , they will give it to cuba to prevent a repub president from reopening . some also think the cubans don't want to actually use it , but would lease to some other country , like china ! hold on , this year is going to be rough , no telling what that crazy bunch is going to do to this country .
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dennis mcdonough stated last night that the white house will close gitmo with or without congress . i guess congress can go on permanent vacation . the rumor by some former dept of defense folks, is that they won't just close it , they will give it to cuba to prevent a rebub president from reopening . some also think the cubans don't want to actually use it , but would lease to some other country , like china ! hold on , this year is going to be rough , no telling what that crazy bunch is going to do to this country .
Well, he said he would change America and the libs are so proud of the changes, it must be stress free to be ignorant! I hope we can right the ship, I fear we have gone to far to fix things. I remain optimistic that we can still repair the damage done.
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Do not understand why anyone would want to close gitmo, we do not want these people on US Soil. Having a base in Cuba will never be a bad thing.... I can see Obama being the first US President to end up in prison.

I think that would be the best gift ever, obama shares a cell with hillary! talk about corporal punishment.
Do not understand why anyone would want to close gitmo, we do not want these people on US Soil. Having a base in Cuba will never be a bad thing.... I can see Obama being the first US President to end up in prison.

Gitmo is Harlem slang for Git Mo Of Whitey's Money. It's all part of the dark side's plan to enslave good hard working white people.
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O forgot wink wink lol

That one is actually pretty true. Both ISIS and Many Christians are acting in accordance with Their belief in a final epic battle all Mid-East religions predict is coming. ISIS thinks it'll be in a North Western town in Syria.
That one is actually pretty true. Both ISIS and Many Christians are acting in accordance with Their belief in a final epic battle all Mid-East religions predict is coming. ISIS thinks it'll be in a North Western town in Syria.
Well that's strange because we believe our misiah will be in Jerusalem
Well that's strange because we believe our misiah will be in Jerusalem

Many Christians believe The Megiddo Plains in Northern Israel is the site. Interestingly that is just 75 or so miles from The site in NW Syria ISIS leaders think the great battle will unfold. I think it's all myth, but it clearly is shaping how ISIS acts and Our foreign polities toward Israel and The Palestinians.
Many Christians believe The Megiddo Plains in Northern Israel is the site. Interestingly that is just 75 or so miles from The site in NW Syria ISIS leaders think the great battle will unfold. I think it's all myth, but it clearly is shaping how ISIS acts and Our foreign polities toward Israel and The Palestinians.
Yea I don't believe in Palestin I believe it's all Israelis
Do You mean You think Israel is the rightful Owner of all The occupied Land, or am I misinterpreting ?
Israel is the rightful owner of the land and the palestinians are not part of a nation. There never was a palestine or ever will be. They are unwanted people from other countries in the middle east and used as pawns for all evil people to hate the Jewish nation of Israel.
Israel is the rightful owner of the land and the palestinians are not part of a nation. There never was a palestine or ever will be. They are unwanted people from other countries in the middle east and used as pawns for all evil people to hate the Jewish nation of Israel.

That is garbage and just another example of how religion excuses atrocities.
Every day Jews steal property from and abuse Palestinians, while people like You blindly support Their crimes out of a belief in primitive myths.
Church and politics should never mix, it has always been, and always will be a facilitator to crimes against humanity.
palastine is a false state made buy the Brits

The Palestinians are real. They really owned property that was stolen and they are really victims of a system far worse than South Africa ever imposed on blacks.
People who blindly support The Israelis have absolutely no conscience.
The Palestinians are real. They really owned property that was stolen and they are really victims of a system far worse than South Africa ever imposed on blacks.
People who blindly support The Israelis have absolutely no conscience.
No my people fought tooth and nail for that land. Also unlike other country's in that region they made advances in technogly.
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That is garbage and just another example of how religion excuses atrocities.
Every day Jews steal property from and abuse Palestinians, while people like You blindly support Their crimes out of a belief in primitive myths.
Church and politics should never mix, it has always been, and always will be a facilitator to crimes against humanity.
Ask brother Richt about his opinion and you will see that you are once again on the wrong side of the fence.
close the prison, close it now....keep the base though

josh ernest was interviewed this morning and he said they would close gitmo , he also said they would probably bring some of the terrorist to our prisons . bringing them here makes us even more of a target and gives them legal rights they didn't have in gitmo. also, the gitmo radicals will do there best to convert other prisoners to islam . ain't this great ????
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