You think that anyone that doesn't agree with your blood lust is left wing nut, which hints that it would be a waste of time discsussing anything with you. I will try though. I think ALL lives matter, not just black ones. That movement is ignorant and bound for failure. As for unions, sure they should be able to demonstrate. As long as they are unarmed, and I also believe that their employer should be able to fire them at any time. I believe that our foreign policies have fostered the hatred of us. We need to get out of the Middle East, period. They kill us we kill them hasn't worked, why don't we try another approach? Does that mean we shouldn't protect our Country? Absolutely not.
Your use of "stamp out" is interesting to me. What do you mean by that?
I also believe Jesus is a great example that we should live by. So many people forget the lessons he taught us. He loves ALL people.