close gitmo or not

dennis mcdonough stated last night that the white house will close gitmo with or without congress . i guess congress can go on permanent vacation . the rumor by some former dept of defense folks, is that they won't just close it , they will give it to cuba to prevent a repub president from reopening . some also think the cubans don't want to actually use it , but would lease to some other country , like china ! hold on , this year is going to be rough , no telling what that crazy bunch is going to do to this country .
At LEAST 30% of those rag head bastards return to the battle. It is INSANE to release them so that they can kill us.
No, but Your snide use of the term is trashy.
That is not trashy, it's called satire. Most of us trust Richt and he will tell you the nation of Israel is not the aggressor it is merely defending itself and its people from muslime terrorist and muslime children taught to hate because they are Jewish.
josh ernest was interviewed this morning and he said they would close gitmo , he also said they would probably bring some of the terrorist to our prisons . bringing them here makes us even more of a target and gives them legal rights they didn't have in gitmo. also, the gitmo radicals will do there best to convert other prisoners to islam . ain't this great ????
close it anyway.... we stand for justice and truth, not some spooky torture prison on foreign soil . we can't be afraid to face our weaknesses
I say keep it open; A large percentage of those bastards in that prison would cut your throat just to watch you bleed out. If they get tortured for some information that will save innocent lives then I am all for it. Being touchy feeling with this bunch will get people killed. It already has.
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I'll point out YET again. Almost all of the GITMO prisoners that were released were done so under The Bush Administration. I know this doesn't fit the narrative, so by all means don't let facts get in the way.

Prisoners released from GITMO..

Bush Administration - 171
Obama Administration - 6
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I'll point out YET again. Almost all of the GITMO prisoners that were released were done so under The Bush Administration. I know this doesn't fit the narrative, so by all means don't let facts get in the way.

Prisoners released from GITMO..

Bush Administration - 171
Obama Administration - 6

Oh Dear Lord. Bless your heart
Not factual

Yes it is. Of course there might be slight variances from site to site, but most all of the prisoners released from GITMO came during The Bush presidency.
Of course as usual You have ideas in Your head that are independent of facts.
Yes it is. Of course there might be slight variances from site to site, but most all of the prisoners released from GITMO came during The Bush presidency.
Of course as usual You have ideas in Your head that are independent of facts.

Nope, not factual. Obama has released over 100
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I'll point out YET again. Almost all of the GITMO prisoners that were released were done so under The Bush Administration. I know this doesn't fit the narrative, so by all means don't let facts get in the way.

Prisoners released from GITMO..

Bush Administration - 171
Obama Administration - 6
The five that were released by obama were in trade for a traitor and all of them are back in service of destroying The US and it's allies. Great job! You really want to try to sell this heapin pile of Sh*# ?
dennis mcdonough stated last night that the white house will close gitmo with or without congress . i guess congress can go on permanent vacation . the rumor by some former dept of defense folks, is that they won't just close it , they will give it to cuba to prevent a repub president from reopening . some also think the cubans don't want to actually use it , but would lease to some other country , like china ! hold on , this year is going to be rough , no telling what that crazy bunch is going to do to this country .

It is and has ALWAYS been 1a democrat lie that GITMO ":Enflames" ragheads. They don't give a shit about it. The wackos are already wackos who rape, murder and destroy because they LIKE IT. Owebama is a Moslem and has done everything he can to aid world wide moslem terrorism and put this natuion at risk. The terrorists he IS releasing are the worst in the world.

I blame George Bush because he was too chickenshit to try and execute all those there. Terrorists have NO rights under the Geneva Convention and they should have been made to talk and then made to die with their bodies dumped at sea( after chumming the water for sharks first)

GITMO should remain open for all the terrorists the next administration catches( Owebama ordered NONE be taken under his cursed reign and none have been) as well as a place to send the criminals in Congress. Military trials and executions daily. No lawyers allowed other than the ones the military provides.

Just yesterday,the democrats backed Owebama instead of the citizens of this nation and blocked a bill that would mandate background checks, REAL Background checks for all moslem "Refugees" that would take 2 years to complete before they were allowed in. If that worthless POS Mitch McConnell hadn't reinstated the Filibuster that Dingy Harry did away with so democrats could railroad every Owebama law, mandate and judge without any Republican input, amendment, or challenge, it would have passed.

McConnell needs to be tried for treason along with Owebama, Hillary, Reid, and all the rest of the RINOs and Rats.
Would you say the same for those terrorists in Oregon right now. Screw law and order.... Kill em all. Right? Jesus would be so proud of you.
Would you say the same for those terrorists in Oregon right now. Screw law and order.... Kill em all. Right? Jesus would be so proud of you.

hey chkn, those folks are expressing their right to demonstrate ...............not beheading or burning anybody, no property destroyed , etc . get a grip , terrorism is real and going to get worse, if we don't stamp it out . oh, you probably think union demonstrations are ok , and maybe black lives matter demos too !
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You think that anyone that doesn't agree with your blood lust is left wing nut, which hints that it would be a waste of time discsussing anything with you. I will try though. I think ALL lives matter, not just black ones. That movement is ignorant and bound for failure. As for unions, sure they should be able to demonstrate. As long as they are unarmed, and I also believe that their employer should be able to fire them at any time. I believe that our foreign policies have fostered the hatred of us. We need to get out of the Middle East, period. They kill us we kill them hasn't worked, why don't we try another approach? Does that mean we shouldn't protect our Country? Absolutely not.

Your use of "stamp out" is interesting to me. What do you mean by that?

I also believe Jesus is a great example that we should live by. So many people forget the lessons he taught us. He loves ALL people.
You think that anyone that doesn't agree with your blood lust is left wing nut, which hints that it would be a waste of time discsussing anything with you. I will try though. I think ALL lives matter, not just black ones. That movement is ignorant and bound for failure. As for unions, sure they should be able to demonstrate. As long as they are unarmed, and I also believe that their employer should be able to fire them at any time. I believe that our foreign policies have fostered the hatred of us. We need to get out of the Middle East, period. They kill us we kill them hasn't worked, why don't we try another approach? Does that mean we shouldn't protect our Country? Absolutely not.

Your use of "stamp out" is interesting to me. What do you mean by that?

I also believe Jesus is a great example that we should live by. So many people forget the lessons he taught us. He loves ALL people.

Those people are stamping out Jesus's people because they are not tolerant of any other religion but theirs, theirs is actually a cult on a satanic level. The only thing they understand is a force stronger than theirs. They will be in hell soon enough.
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No, you are once again wrong. I look at things from a right vs. wrong approach. An all lives matter approach. A loving approach. You should see more of this world. It is a beautiful world that has some amazing people in it. And yes, some amazing Muslims as well. I wish you well.

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