Costello testimony

Admittedly we aren't in the courtroom and have limited knowledge of what is happening. But it sounds like the judge doesn't want the jury to hear what he has to say.

It sounds like Costello's testimony is being severely restricted.
Yes that is what a judge does when he is lying through his teeth. He was never present when the charged crimes were perpetrated. He was brought on solely to attack cohen’s credibility and he barely had any interaction with Cohen. We all know cohen is a scoundrel. But but generally scoundrels hang together. If you believe trump and everyone around him except cohen are angels then you need a reality check.
I would guess the one where Trump stood in front of the door, preventing her from leaving, just before she somehow got onto the bed, nekkid, and then blacked out.
As opposed to the bill mahre show version where she just said we had sex. I wasn’t forced. It just happened. I love how she blacked out supposedly because of the moment. Like trump is a bigger celebrity than the 100 other celebs she likely slept with over the years. She is a professional who all of the sudden forgot how to have sex without blacking out. Only a total whack job would believe the story she told in the courtroom. You never say never, but no way in hell to believe her.
You mean Alan "yes I spent time with Epstein and got a massage from one of his girls, but I kept my underwear on so clearly it was all fine" Dershowitz? The same guy who has been a paid shill on fox for years? Sure, he is totally unbiased.

I believe the part of the story where Cohen, working for Trump, arranged a $130k payment to keep damaging publicity out of the press before the election. This is the same catch and kill process that David Pecker detailed under oath and that is supported by other testimony and documents.

Ultimately, whether Coen and Daniels were credible in their testimony will be decided by the jury. That's how it works. Of course, Trump could have put his sterling reputation for honesty on the line and testified to counter Daniels and Cohen but despite his many promises he chose not to.
The guy admittedly hates Trump. You left that part out. Same way Maher hates Trump with a passion. He appeared on Fox too recently, but he didn’t shy away from his hatred of Trump. That is the part of your post that is left out as usual. Clinton was spotted in the island. I don’t see you reprimanding ole bill. I don’t like Alan. But he is a good attorney, and he has no love for Trump. Get out of here with that. lol.

Never been a crime before will. Did those cia agents interfere wirh wn election? Did the fbi interfere with the election with the laptop. Exactly. Before it was Trump had sex with her while his wife was pregnant. You didn’t answer my question. So I know your answer. You don’t believe her either. So she lied to try to hurt his political campaign. He tried to kill it and now he is the bad guy. Pretty hard not to call her an outright liar.

It is only good for your side because you have an agenda. This whole thing is bs. And a waste of money. All because a porn star wanted to get paid off. Owes money still for lying, and wants to get out of paying that. Just that simple. And you guys gobble it up quicker than stormy does on the set.

In the debate, 2020, Biden outright lied he had no knowledge of his son getting payments from overseas. That is proven. (He didn’t tell him Joe was getting payments, but his son) He lied to everyone. If the laptop was exposed back then, what kind of effect could that have had? Exactly. This has now become embarrassing.
I totally agree with you. Trump is an embarrassment to our country.
I don’t disagree with you actually. He is an embarrassment to the country. Problem is, his policies are better, and he did a better job running the country than smooth brain did. Biden has been one of the worst presidents ever, and who has been more embarrassing ever on the microphone than Joe. No one has been in his stratosphere. You can’t tell me you watched the 100 million trillion billion speech and got goosies. Wtf is wrong with you guys. Without drugs that probably come close to killing him, he can’t even speak without slurring. Go listen to that speech and then go back to his debate with Paul Ryan. I dare you. It isn’t about who is an embarrassment or not. Both are incredibly embarrassing at times. But one has the dog shit touch. Everything Biden touches turns into dog shit.

It is numbers. When you have had mini strokes, abstract thoughts trip you up. I see it everyday with my father’s aphasia. Same thing happens to him. All you roll along like there is nothing to see here.
That pos judge knew Costello was going to blow the prosecutions case to hell. That’s the reason he wouldn’t let him testify. That sob and Bragg are a disgrace to the judicial system and the American government. They both should be hung for treason.
He testified fully. WTH are you talking about?
The case is not about Stormy Daniels. You guys on the right wish that it was. The case is about falsifying business records in order to pay her to keep quiet.
The case is about her. She started the whole thing. What appears to be a complete lie now, just to get a payoff. Two people, one who owes trump 500000 in legal fees, the other stole from him and has purgured himself more than he has told the truth. It shouldn’t even be heard. Twilight zone stuff. It is only here because Bragg promised to get him one way or another. If Trump wasn’t running for president, this never sees the light of day.

They don’t care about him falsifying payments. It will amount to nothing even if found guilty. They want the public to hear stormy daniels and cohen gives explicit details about there experiences with trump. In hopes they make some bible thumping soccer mom change her vote, or keep from changing her vote. Unless you are totally naive. That is the only thing this case is about. This explains the gag order and the judge who only rules in one side’s favor. It would be funny otherwise. It is a sitcom script. They just had to find a way to get it in the courtroom
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Yes that is what a judge does when he is lying through his teeth. He was never present when the charged crimes were perpetrated. He was brought on solely to attack cohen’s credibility and he barely had any interaction with Cohen. We all know cohen is a scoundrel. But but generally scoundrels hang together. If you believe trump and everyone around him except cohen are angels then you need a reality check.

First, Strawman much? Who said Trump is an angel?

Second Trump isn't charged with "Being a scoundrel".

He's not on trial for having sex with a porn star. He's not on trial for paying hush money alone. He's not on trial for lying. He's not on trial for cursing. He's not on trial for failing to pay bonuses.

He's on trial for improperly using funds, to influence an election.
First, Strawman much? Who said Trump is an angel?

Second Trump isn't charged with "Being a scoundrel".

He's not on trial for having sex with a porn star. He's not on trial for paying hush money alone. He's not on trial for lying. He's not on trial for cursing. He's not on trial for failing to pay bonuses.

He's on trial for improperly using funds, to influence an election.
Actually, he is charged with falsifying business records, not improperly using funds. If Trump Org had properly accounted for the payments, this case would not have moved forward.
Actually, he is charged with falsifying business records, not improperly using funds. If Trump Org had properly accounted for the payments, this case would not have moved forward.

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So noted.
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Those same new York jurors will be able to recall Costello being a jackass on the stand to the point he got privately admonished by the judge.

Folks can think it's a one sided trial all they want, but a witness trying to go nose to nose with a judge in his courtroom never works out well for the witness.

Costello was playing to the media crowd with his behavior. Once he got threatened with contempt, he backed down.

I will say this: the falsified business records did occur. That is a fact. They cant charge him on it as the statute has run. I'm also skeptical that the prosecution has sufficiently made the connection for the jury to "other crime". They laid decent groundwork but I'm failing to make the connection based what I have read (maybe I have missed it). I dont think one can say definitively that another crime wasn't committed or being covered up. But it is murky when making the connection in regards to trump. I think he walks.
Yeah. The hell with testimony. Hell , He probably has mean tweets too….. idiot judge. Threaten to strike testimony because he doesn’t like the witnesses expressions. Unbelievable.
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Why were Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels put on the stand?
These are your star witnesses?
Cohen is proven liar and embarrassment to the human race.
Why did Stormy Daniels go to Trump's suite? She's an aged -out porn star.

My distain for Trump goes back to the late 70s.
Yeah. The hell with testimony. Hell , He probably has mean tweets too….. idiot judge. Threaten to strike testimony because he doesn’t like the witnesses expressions. Unbelievable.
Judge is a liberal, Narcissistic Asshole....
Why were Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels put on the stand?
These are your star witnesses?
Cohen is proven liar and embarrassment to the human race.
Why did Stormy Daniels go to Trump's suite? She's an aged -out porn star.

My distain for Trump goes back to the late 70s.
Stormy is a straight-up Ho.....
Why were Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels put on the stand?
These are your star witnesses?
Cohen is proven liar and embarrassment to the human race.
Why did Stormy Daniels go to Trump's suite? She's an aged -out porn star.

My distain for Trump goes back to the late 70s.
Criminal trials often feature criminal witnesses and/or people with less than stellar reputations. Scumbags tend to associate with scumbags.

Unrelated to this case, see the number of Trump's close associates who have been convicted of felonies. That's almost as searing of an indictment of Trump's character as any of these trials.

Back to this case, this is why it's so critical for a successful prosecution to build the case in a way that doesn't rely solely on the uncorroborated testimony of criminals and scumbags. Whether that has been achieved here or not will be determined by the jury soon enough.
Criminal trials often feature criminal witnesses and/or people with less than stellar reputations. Scumbags tend to associate with scumbags.

Unrelated to this case, see the number of Trump's close associates who have been convicted of felonies. That's almost as searing of an indictment of Trump's character as any of these trials.

Back to this case, this is why it's so critical for a successful prosecution to build the case in a way that doesn't rely solely on the uncorroborated testimony of criminals and scumbags. Whether that has been achieved here or not will be determined by the jury soon enough.
You always ask for "non Fox" legal analysis and opinion on this trial being riddled with novel bullshit.

Here is Ty Cobb, former attorney for Trump, more recently a routine CNN contributor because he isn't shy about dumping on Trump, especially over the docs case and his obstruction. He is no fan of Trump's. He believes this case will be overturned on appeal for good reasons. He also believes this jury will convict him.

As a side note, I've met Ty several times. He is an impressive dude with a pretty incredible story. I put a lot of credibility into his opinions especially on all things legal with Trump. These NYC cases are a political hit job pure and simple.
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You always ask for "non Fox" legal analysis and opinion on this trial being riddled with novel bullshit.

Here is Ty Cobb, former attorney for Trump, more recently a routine CNN contributor because he isn't shy about dumping on Trump, especially over the docs case and his obstruction. He is no fan of Trump's. He believes this case will be overturned on appeal for good reasons. He also believes this jury will convict him.

As a side note, I've met Ty several times. He is an impressive dude with a pretty incredible story. I put a lot of credibility into his opinions especially on all things legal with Trump. These NYC cases are a political hit job pure and simple.
I agree, Cobb is a sharp guy and that is an even-handed review of the trial.

Did Cobb suggest this trial was a political hit job? I didn't hear that. He certainly pointed out that there are holes in the case, and that it will be very interesting to see what happens on appeal given he sees a 90% likelihood of conviction by the jury.

For our other friends on here, Cobb also said that Judge has done a good job managing a difficult trial and that Costello was a horrible witness who hurt the defense and was treated appropriately by Merchan given his behavior.
Criminal trials often feature criminal witnesses and/or people with less than stellar reputations. Scumbags tend to associate with scumbags.

Unrelated to this case, see the number of Trump's close associates who have been convicted of felonies. That's almost as searing of an indictment of Trump's character as any of these trials.

Back to this case, this is why it's so critical for a successful prosecution to build the case in a way that doesn't rely solely on the uncorroborated testimony of criminals and scumbags. Whether that has been achieved here or not will be determined by the jury soon enough.
Guilt by association? What does that say about Obama's association with known racists and anti-Semites? Or Carter's association with Bert Lance? Or Biden's association with his son and Robert Byrd?
Guilt by association? What does that say about Obama's association with known racists and anti-Semites? Or Carter's association with Bert Lance? Or Biden's association with his son and Robert Byrd?
How many of Carter or Biden's close advisors were convicted of felonies compared to Trump?
I don't know. But wealthy and powerful ppl come in contact with lots of ppl in their lives. Ppl are convicted everyday in this country. From appearances, Hunter will next month.
Well, AI can help with that...

Michael Cohen​

Trump's former personal lawyer and "fixer" was sentenced to a three-year prison term after pleading guilty in 2018 for his role in making illegal hush money payments before the 2016 election, tax fraud, and lying to Congress.

Paul Manafort​

Trump's former campaign chairman was found guilty in 2018 of fraud and pleaded guilty to money laundering and lobbying violations related to his work as a political consultant. He was sentenced to 7-1/2 years in prison but was pardoned by Trump in 2020.

Roger Stone​

Trump's longtime friend and adviser was convicted in 2019 of lying under oath to lawmakers investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump commuted his sentence and later pardoned him.

Michael Flynn​

The former national security adviser pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russia's ambassador before Trump took office, but was later pardoned by Trump in 2020.

George Papadopoulos​

The 2016 campaign adviser pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to FBI agents regarding his communication with individuals claiming ties to Russian officials. He was pardoned by Trump in 2020.

Steve Bannon​

Trump's former campaign and White House strategist was convicted in 2022 of contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. He also faces state charges in New York related to an alleged fundraising scheme.

Allen Weisselberg​

The former chief financial officer at Trump's real estate company pleaded guilty in 2022 to tax fraud charges and served as a witness against the Trump Organization, which was convicted of tax fraud.
I agree, Cobb is a sharp guy and that is an even-handed review of the trial.

Did Cobb suggest this trial was a political hit job? I didn't hear that. He certainly pointed out that there are holes in the case, and that it will be very interesting to see what happens on appeal given he sees a 90% likelihood of conviction by the jury.

For our other friends on here, Cobb also said that Judge has done a good job managing a difficult trial and that Costello was a horrible witness who hurt the defense and was treated appropriately by Merchan given his behavior.
Only you could find a fake that agrees this is a legitimate trial.
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Only you could find a fake that agrees this is a legitimate trial.
@-lowcountrydawg was the one who shared the interview of Ty Cobb and suggested that he is a credible source, not me. I just happen to agree with him, which I do often enough to likely make us both mildly uncomfortable.

Don’t know about Carter but all of Biden’s should be tried for treason along with Biden himself and locked up.
Just like Hillary? Trump had four years to lock her up and couldn't even find enough to bring charges. Y'all need a new catch phrase, as "lock them up" seems far more relevant for the GOP these days than is does the Dems.
@-lowcountrydawg was the one who shared the interview of Ty Cobb and suggested that he is a credible source, not me. I just happen to agree with him, which I do often enough to likely make us both mildly uncomfortable.

Just like Hillary? Trump had four years to lock her up and couldn't even find enough to bring charges. Y'all need a new catch phrase, as "lock them up" seems far more relevant for the GOP these days than is does the Dems.
Ty definitely sees the NYC case as a stretch at best. Has a real problem with the precedent it sets. Totally novel. The obvious implication being that this would not have been tried for anyone else on planet earth.
@-lowcountrydawg was the one who shared the interview of Ty Cobb and suggested that he is a credible source, not me. I just happen to agree with him, which I do often enough to likely make us both mildly uncomfortable.

Just like Hillary? Trump had four years to lock her up and couldn't even find enough to bring charges. Y'all need a new catch phrase, as "lock them up" seems far more relevant for the GOP these days than is does the Dems.
He didn’t have political DOJ like Odumbo and Biden has.
@-lowcountrydawg was the one who shared the interview of Ty Cobb and suggested that he is a credible source, not me. I just happen to agree with him, which I do often enough to likely make us both mildly uncomfortable.

Just like Hillary? Trump had four years to lock her up and couldn't even find enough to bring charges. Y'all need a new catch phrase, as "lock them up" seems far more relevant for the GOP these days than is does the Dems.
Your guy is a bum.