CRT, banning books and don't say gay


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
Many conservatives are highly concerned about our youth being brainwashed in the classroom.

In what world does anyone think it is a good idea to present "The Liberal's Guide to the AR15" to an elementary school class, in Texas, the day after twenty one people were killed in a elementary school, in TX, with an AR15.

We wouldn't want to acknowledge that gay people exist or have an honest exploration of the history of slavery in this country but indoctrinating gun culture is A-OK.

As usual, the projection is breathtaking.

Many conservatives are highly concerned about our youth being brainwashed in the classroom.

In what world does anyone think it is a good idea to present "The Liberal's Guide to the AR15" to an elementary school class, in Texas, the day after twenty one people were killed in a elementary school, in TX, with an AR15.

We wouldn't want to acknowledge that gay people exist or have an honest exploration of the history of slavery in this country but indoctrinating gun culture is A-OK.

As usual, the projection is breathtaking.

I'm as against this as I am teaching CRT, etc

Educate, don't indoctrinate
Well, at least the principal admitted it was not age appropriate and not suitable. Maybe the progs should realize that having drag queens reading to elementary kids is outside of their lane as well.

Also, I attended elementary school in the south during late 60 and the subject of the evils of slavery was prominent in the material and discussed openly as soon as the children were old enough to understand. As far as social behavior goes, I'd rather leave that up to the parents and the kids to figure out as they mature. Maybe wait until the kids hit jr college before you start teaching them men can get pregnant and there are a couple of hundred sexes.
Many conservatives are highly concerned about our youth being brainwashed in the classroom.

In what world does anyone think it is a good idea to present "The Liberal's Guide to the AR15" to an elementary school class, in Texas, the day after twenty one people were killed in a elementary school, in TX, with an AR15.

We wouldn't want to acknowledge that gay people exist or have an honest exploration of the history of slavery in this country but indoctrinating gun culture is A-OK.

As usual, the projection is breathtaking.

If that is real, fire everyone involved.

Teach subject that allow us to decipher, speak and write. Teach how are economic system works, how our legal system works, and civics.

No opinions.

They can learn the bigoted and racial stuff on MTV and by watching the local news.
The story says this was a county deputy there for career day? Not sure if it's true (it is Filipkowski) but would certainly be just unbelievably dumb and senseless.

The caption to the photo also says:

A Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office deputy presented during a career day event at E.M. Daggett Elementary School. According to a Fort Worth schools employee, the presentation included photos of AR-15 rifles. The sheriff’s office says the deputy’s presentation did not include anything about AR-15s.

And then the excerpt:
The presentation appeared to include pictures of AR-15 rifles, according to a photo shared with the Star-Telegram.

Sure sounds definitive and like grooming lol. An anonymous school employee, "appeared to include pictures", explicit denial from the sheriff, etc.

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“to suggest any student in the room is personally responsible for those past sins, that is entirely wrong, but I think there are very, very few examples where that has been taught even as a concept in schools below the college level.”
Geez, Will, that’s exactly what CRT has been teaching all over the country. Where do you think these pictures of kids crying over their white guilt are coming from? Why do you think parents in school board meetings around the country are near riotous? Maybe it’s you who are not paying attention.
Maybe you are seeing things through the lens of apologism.
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“to suggest any student in the room is personally responsible for those past sins, that is entirely wrong, but I think there are very, very few examples where that has been taught even as a concept in schools below the college level.”
Geez, Will, that’s exactly what CRT has been teaching all over the country. Where do you think these pictures of kids crying over their white guilt are coming from? Why do you think parents in school board meetings around the country are near riotous? Maybe it’s you who are not paying attention.
Maybe you are seeing things through the lens of apologism.
I work hard to stay out of an ideological buble, but maybe I failed on this one. Can you share some of these pictures from all over the country of kids crying from white guilt? How about some good, documented examples of CRT being taught in public schools, with not just accusations but actual samples of the CRT course work being referenced?

Regarding the riotous parents, I'm guessing the venn diagram of people who continue to feel Trump won the election and people who are losing their minds at school board meetings has some significant overlap. People being idiots proves nothing.

EDIT: I did my own research, and this top ten list of CRT in action has exactly one teacher in one class in CA (go figure) conducting a CRT-related exercise. I would exactly call that a pandemic of CRT in the classroom.

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I work hard to stay out of an ideological buble, but maybe I failed on this one. Can you share some of these pictures from all over the country of kids crying from white guilt? How about some good, documented examples of CRT being taught in public schools, with not just accusations but actual samples of the CRT course work being referenced?

Regarding the riotous parents, I'm guessing the venn diagram of people who continue to feel Trump won the election and people who are losing their minds at school board meetings has some significant overlap. People being idiots proves nothing.

EDIT: I did my own research, and this top ten list of CRT in action has exactly one teacher in one class in CA (go figure) conducting a CRT-related exercise. I would exactly call that a pandemic of CRT in the classroom.

I refuse to spend my afternoon educating the bullheaded. And nice job twisting two statements with “all over the country.”
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Many conservatives are highly concerned about our youth being brainwashed in the classroom.

In what world does anyone think it is a good idea to present "The Liberal's Guide to the AR15" to an elementary school class, in Texas, the day after twenty one people were killed in a elementary school, in TX, with an AR15.

We wouldn't want to acknowledge that gay people exist or have an honest exploration of the history of slavery in this country but indoctrinating gun culture is A-OK.

As usual, the projection is breathtaking.

Radicals on both sides are unacceptable. That applies here.
I work hard to stay out of an ideological buble, but maybe I failed on this one. Can you share some of these pictures from all over the country of kids crying from white guilt? How about some good, documented examples of CRT being taught in public schools, with not just accusations but actual samples of the CRT course work being referenced?

Regarding the riotous parents, I'm guessing the venn diagram of people who continue to feel Trump won the election and people who are losing their minds at school board meetings has some significant overlap. People being idiots proves nothing.

EDIT: I did my own research, and this top ten list of CRT in action has exactly one teacher in one class in CA (go figure) conducting a CRT-related exercise. I would exactly call that a pandemic of CRT in the classroom.

Yep. You should go listen to what is being taught to educators. You have no idea. Kids are afraid to speak up. 70 percent of the papers written by students in the education program at uga deal with race in some way. There was a two week portion of one subject that dealt with how to handle white privilege. Some of it is good. I will not deny that, but like anything you can’t stop at a good conversation. It has to go radical. And it has gone off the rails. Yes, uga offers crt training.
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Well, at least the principal admitted it was not age appropriate and not suitable. Maybe the progs should realize that having drag queens reading to elementary kids is outside of their lane as well.

Also, I attended elementary school in the south during late 60 and the subject of the evils of slavery was prominent in the material and discussed openly as soon as the children were old enough to understand. As far as social behavior goes, I'd rather leave that up to the parents and the kids to figure out as they mature. Maybe wait until the kids hit jr college before you start teaching them men can get pregnant and there are a couple of hundred sexes.

What if … welp

Many conservatives are highly concerned about our youth being brainwashed in the classroom.

In what world does anyone think it is a good idea to present "The Liberal's Guide to the AR15" to an elementary school class, in Texas, the day after twenty one people were killed in a elementary school, in TX, with an AR15.

We wouldn't want to acknowledge that gay people exist or have an honest exploration of the history of slavery in this country but indoctrinating gun culture is A-OK.

As usual, the projection is breathtaking.

Who said Don’t say gay?

Is banning books the same as banning opinion?

And the only thing that needs to be critically taught is self respect for all human beings regardless of race.

If we don’t want racism, move from it. Or we can keep steeping in it and allowing the central government elitist to rule us.

Just some practical thoughts.
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Many conservatives are highly concerned about our youth being brainwashed in the classroom.

In what world does anyone think it is a good idea to present "The Liberal's Guide to the AR15" to an elementary school class, in Texas, the day after twenty one people were killed in a elementary school, in TX, with an AR15.

We wouldn't want to acknowledge that gay people exist or have an honest exploration of the history of slavery in this country but indoctrinating gun culture is A-OK.

As usual, the projection is breathtaking.

I have no idea where you find this stuff on the Twitters, that being said this dipshit should be fired today.
Welp, there's the update.

The release said a student asked the deputy what types of firearms his vest protected him from, and in an effort to answer the question, the deputy did a Google search and several AR-15 rifles were displayed on the overhead screen.

A freakin idiot to google search something like that. There goes the whole grooming thing though, on par with Filipkowski though...gotta get that ActBlue moneyflowing

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Welp, there's the update.

The release said a student asked the deputy what types of firearms his vest protected him from, and in an effort to answer the question, the deputy did a Google search and several AR-15 rifles were displayed on the overhead screen.

A freakin idiot to google search something like that. There goes the whole grooming thing though, on par with Filipkowski though...gotta get that ActBlue moneyflowing

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That's unfortunate timing to make that mistake. I actually feel for the deputy as I'm sure he has gotten an earful from his boss.
Radicals on both sides are unacceptable. That applies here.
Blame everyone so nothing can be questioned and those in charge pass laws we are unaware of.

That was the Goebbels method. Create doubt, create racial anger, then guilt, then crush those deemed as guilty, even if it makes no sense. Textbook societal transformation by professing evil by the fathers of those being attacked. Then discount any question of fairness.

At some point during the Obama Presidency, our society turned. The generation weaned on self respect mantra stopped using the system that moves laws and ethical/moral norms because the idea of aggressive social activism was promoted.

Our hero’s were trashed and social activists were promoted. Aggression took the place of legal representation through our political system. The sovereignty of law enforcement came under attack by the very department that should have protected it. And it was all done under the excuse of social activism.

Common sense was discounted as our leaders did not demand order, but rather, encouraged distrust and violent reactions to every single law enforcement issue. Social media played heavily in this.

The ways of Goebbels played out right before our eyes as the very foundation of law and order was discarded as an evil process that only serves to target certain races. All the while the central government gained more power and control as state departments were under attack.

Responsibility in our interactions with law enforcement became second to the social activism of the cause perpetuated by the gov . The government putting its citizens against themselves.

We have raised generations of children incapable of processing failure or loss or disrespect. These children are now having their own children. We no longer learn life’s lessons through the family example, as God intended, we learn through a process of government controlled fairness which never allows a person to have to apply effort to succeed or fail.

We only seem to pay attention when someone at a school is killed. Then wonder why it happened.

It happened because in reality, we don’t really care.

What you said is true, but that is not how you address a problem or issue. You address THE problem based on its own merit, not against the value someone places on the moral barometer of those attempting to do the right thing and telling them they have no right.

Done. Resume normal programming.
That's unfortunate timing to make that mistake. I actually feel for the deputy as I'm sure he has gotten an earful from his boss.
Clearly the deputy doesn't spend much time on the internet. Seems like there are far worse possibilities in that queue than an image that has the word "Liberal"
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I also wonder why half the states have banned or are moving to ban CRT teaching in schools since it is practically nonexistent.
That’s what I’ve been asking all of you. This is Repubs pandering to their base for votes again.
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So half the states are banning something that doesn’t exist. That is simply brilliant, Coco.
CRT exists but it’s not being taught in the public schools. Basically what the Repubs are doing is using CRT as a rallying cry to keep teachers from having open discussion about race in the classroom. Teachers should be able to discuss off topic subjects like race and gender in the classroom especially if their students have specific questions and concern. But simply discussing issues of race in classroom setting does not automatically make it a lesson in critical race theory.
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