Damn: Dirty Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling Caught Rigging 2024 Election Against Donald Trump – Using the Same Tricks as Last Time!

Didn't even mention:
- the CTCL funding and staffing (a.k.a. Zuckerbucks),
- the fact that ACLU attorneys had direct access to the voter registration system in Fulton County through personal laptops in addition to the pollbooks,
- or the fact that Gabriel Sterling had no training or experience as a systems implementation manager.
Didn't even mention:
- the CTCL funding and staffing (a.k.a. Zuckerbucks),
- the fact that ACLU attorneys had direct access to the voter registration system in Fulton County through personal laptops in addition to the pollbooks,
- or the fact that Gabriel Sterling had no training or experience as a systems implementation manager.
The Pubs better wake up fast!
If Biden wins it’s because they cheated even better than 2020. We must out smart them and must win by 5-10% every state to overcome the Dem cheating. Once we take over all three houses there needs to be massive reform to make our elections trustworthy again because right now they are not at all