Dawgs vs. Irish - I cannot Attend the Game!!

Ohhhh I like demagoguery as opposed to facts too. Amazing how the rest of the world can make it work but not us.

I guess it’s way better for people to go bankrupt when they get sick since you guys prefer that. I mean it’s what Jesus would do
lol, rest of the world, but most want to come here to live. I agree nobody should have to sell their house or go bankrupt because of medical bills. I also don’t want the USA opening the wallet for freeloaders...citizens or non citizens.
2010 annual premium for my family of four BEFORE the AFFORDABLE health care act....$10,000 a year.
My 2018 premium for family of now two AFTER government got even more involved.... $28,000 a year.
But, as a male, I am now eligible for a Pap Smear.....Life is good.......
Exactly, the affordable care act had its chance and failed miserably. Why would anyone want to double down and give total control to the government. Makes zero sense!
Can't make the game as a Foundation set up for our daughter in 2011, Andee's Army (, is holding their annual Gala fund raiser that evening. Yes they choose the wrong date. Yes it was a difficult decision. No I had nothing to do with the date they choose or day-to-day operations of the Foundation for that matter.

The good news is that the organizations assists 50-60 families a year to help bridge the gap between what your doctor recommends and what insurance will pay!

Therefore, I have placed my tickets on Stubhub and hope to sell for top dollar. I plan to use the proceeds to donate back to Andee's Army.

I challenge all Dawgs to attend the game for me and donate to Andee's Army!!
Who do I put in the "pay for" box? Thanks.
You definitely have Aetna and Cigna’s talking points down I’ll give it to you. Completely untrue but you’ve got them down at least.
They worked the numbers out in Vermont. Amounted to another 20% if their paychecks. Abandoned.
No I'm not going to look for the articles about it but was reading the progress of it avidly about 3 years ago.
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Well they’re not as rich as we are. And also we are better than them. I assume you believe in American exceptionalism?
We should, it's only right, everyone else is doing do everything but the math. Google Green Mountain Health Care, Vermont. It might help you if you woke up and crunched the numbers. Or stay in your dream world.
It’s really simple guy. That money you and your employer sent to aetna? It goes to the government. Except now you don’t have to have fundraisers to pay for little Susie’s chemo because it’s paid for. It’s really not hard at all. The rest of the world does it.

You know just like you do with the military. Or fire. Or police. Same concept.

And then OP can come to the game.
The rest of the world has sub-standard healthcare compared to ours even after the government intrusion and screwup of the health care system. I used to have health insurance that I paid for and was able to use, now it’s super expensive and it covers nothing. I pay out of pocket for most any services I need. It will only get worse with single payer. You really think putting a bureaucrat between us and our doctors is going to work? I’m tired of working hard to pay for the health care for illegal immigrants, while I get screwed with no health care to speak of. You can take your single payer and stick it!
Pretty sad that the richest country in the world has to have charities that pay people’s medical bills for needed medical treatment but here we are
It is a good thing otherwise you may get no treatment like my in-law who is from the uk Actually for a gall bladder operation she waited nearly 2 weeks for a relative minor treatment. The alternative was death. Here it would happen in a day. It was paid for though
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If we had single payer, OP could cheer on the Dawgs. Just sayin.

Single payer is also a fallacy. Medicare doesn’t come without added cost based on income and other factors if you actually want to see a doctor. Somebody “pays” under any system. Here’s some “truth” for you. Recently found out that once I go on Medicare in a few months I’m still looking at paying an additional $650 a month. Already had to make a premium payment. Not very different from my current private health insurance premiums. Part to the government to support others on Medicare who pay zero, the rest to actually guarantee healthcare for myself. And I’m someone who NEVER goes to the doctor. Yeah single payer is the solution. LOL.
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Thank you all for the spirited health care debate. As someone who follows politics I enjoyed the discussion. I also noticed how civil the arguments were. Great job!
However, I intended the post to be about a small grassroots charity that is helping hundreds of people. Andee's Army. Look it up. Support it!!

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