Democrats will not rest until they destroy our military

Just like they do EVERY single thing they control.

Better @Moosefish ?
Democrats in voting name only. Todays dems/progressives are on the way to solicialize, i think it eventually ends more commie/dictatorship if they stay in control.

Look at their policies and or what they want...their politicians lie, cheat and steal in a different kind of way. It’s about govt control.

Almost to a tee they all come from the same cloth, thank God for Machin and Senima (at least helping to save bankruptcy for now.) Thing is if you listen to them they tell you ahead of voting what they want. The big downturn in America began w/Obama, his 2nd term was even worse. Now we have Biden...need i say more? The swamp isn’t fake news.
That's all I was asking Savannah to do, discuss policy.

Here's the thing that some of you are missing: I led over 1000 Airmen in a Deployed location for more than a year. Some (very few) were dealing w/ this. Some were dealing w/ other issues that you probably disagree with. That's fine...they were in alignment w/ policy.

They all served admirably & were a vital part of the mission. I may or may not agree w/ the policy...but, I for damned sure am not going to be two-faced & sit here & allow mockery to happen w/ out pushing back. That would make me the worst kind of leader: One that says one thing & does another.

I just want to make clear that the policy issue is far-different than the individuals that continue to serve admirably (and some well-above average). I think it's hypocritical to slam them, when they are deemed by the military to be service members in good-standing.

Again: (for the 69th time...) Debate the Policy. Don't attack the individuals. If you think they have mental issues, you should want to help them & not mock them.
Moosefish, I appreciate that you are our moderator (a really hard job), and I appreciate your service to our country (a really hard job, too).

Given that you are active military, it is reasonable to assume that your activities as our moderator are being watched by said military. I’m not saying how you perform your duties as moderator or what you post here is influenced by military watchdogs looking at your activities here. I’m just pointing out the obvious.

I admire how you described handling your command under current policies. However, your key statement was this:

“I think it is hypocritical to slam them, when they are deemed by the military to be service members in good standing.”

And that’s where the rubber meets the bullshit. That right there is the bad policy, and that policy is making our military and country weaker. The thought of these mentally ill people serving in our military is so comically absurd that Hollywood depicted it in the form of Corporal Klinger. But now, Corporal Klinger is reality, thanks to very bad policy. And behind very bad policy are very bad and/or very stupid people.

So Moosefish, bless your heart. You’re valiantly defending a turd sandwich by blaming it on the recipe. But in the end, it’s still a turd sandwich.
What’s your opinion on discharging those who served for refusing the Covid shot?

I do not think it optimally serves "readiness" (the reason cited for making it mandatory) for a few reasons:

1. If you have any of the issues that make COVID deadly for you, you likely are not medically fit to serve

2. Given the variants, it's no longer a vaccine that protects you from getting or passing it along

3. Statistically significant issues w/ very healthy members & myocarditis. Just those numbers alone make it arguably a bigger degradation on 'readiness' than no vaccine at all

4. I know of zero Air Force religious waivers being approved. Is there really a waiver if there is zero percent chance of approval? Additionally, there is a lawsuit in Florida that got a stay of discharges. Look at the Navy & Marine O5s in that case. It's a valid argument, imo

5. The other vaccines that we are forced to take have all been studied for decades & we know all the side-effects. There is still too much 'unknown' for me to be comfortable w/ the mandate.

That said, I got it over a year ago, because I knew the mandate was coming & because I wanted to be able to choose which one I got.
Moosefish, I appreciate that you are our moderator (a really hard job), and I appreciate your service to our country (a really hard job, too).

Given that you are active military, it is reasonable to assume that your activities as our moderator are being watched by said military. I’m not saying how you perform your duties as moderator or what you post here is influenced by military watchdogs looking at your activities here. I’m just pointing out the obvious.

I admire how you described handling your command under current policies. However, your key statement was this:

“I think it is hypocritical to slam them, when they are deemed by the military to be service members in good standing.”

And that’s where the rubber meets the bullshit. That right there is the bad policy, and that policy is making our military and country weaker. The thought of these mentally ill people serving in our military is so comically absurd that Hollywood depicted it in the form of Corporal Klinger. But now, Corporal Klinger is reality, thanks to very bad policy. And behind very bad policy are very bad and/or very stupid people.

So Moosefish, bless your heart. You’re valiantly defending a turd sandwich by blaming it on the recipe. But in the end, it’s still a turd sandwich.
1. Thank you

2. There is zero-percent chance I'm being "watched", as you describe. I just choose to be consistent in my life, even when my identity is not advertised. Plenty of active duty military state their beliefs on the internet, both anonymously & not. I have zero fear of 'retribution'. Again, I just believe in consistency.

3. I'm not defending the policy. What I am defending are those individuals that serve because that policy allows them so admirably...and those that I have served with are damn good at their jobs. I just believe that attacking the individuals is not the best course of action, if the policy is ultimately the problem.
Democrats in voting name only. Todays dems/progressives are on the way to solicialize, i think it eventually ends more commie/dictatorship if they stay in control.

Look at their policies and or what they want...their politicians lie, cheat and steal in a different kind of way. It’s about govt control.

Almost to a tee they all come from the same cloth, thank God for Machin and Senima (at least helping to save bankruptcy for now.) Thing is if you listen to them they tell you ahead of voting what they want. The big downturn in America began w/Obama, his 2nd term was even worse. Now we have Biden...need i say more? The swamp isn’t fake news.

djd, don’t know how I got so off topic…need to regroup

Oh yeah the milItary…they’re not big on the military, until it’s political season
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1. Thank you

2. There is zero-percent chance I'm being "watched", as you describe. I just choose to be consistent in my life, even when my identity is not advertised. Plenty of active duty military state their beliefs on the internet, both anonymously & not. I have zero fear of 'retribution'. Again, I just believe in consistency.

3. I'm not defending the policy. What I am defending are those individuals that serve because that policy allows them so admirably...and those that I have served with are damn good at their jobs. I just believe that attacking the individuals is not the best course of action, if the policy is ultimately the problem.
Forgive me if this opinion seems biased. I suspect the Air Force, because of the generally higher technical requirements, might be better prepared and “damn good at their jobs“ than the current state of infantry troops. I merely surmise that, and maybe I’m wrong. It seems to me that the mission should be laser-focused on defeating the enemy, which greatly means killing them. I want to depend on the military to protect my remaining years living in freedom, and not bowing to some Chinese governor. Whether the troops who do that are race conscious and sensitive matters not one whit to me. If they are racists kick them out.

I spent many years as a C-130 salesman for Lockheed and met air force people all over the world and in Washington. I never served in the military and I hold those who do in the highest regard. I want them to be fine tuned to succeed in their mission, and I believe that’s what most of them want. I believe USAF people are perhaps better-prepared for their mission than some others. I believe we do not need to be wasting the time of Marine and Army ground fighters with nonsense training. If they are racists boot them out. The Navy seems all tangled up in their skivvies too, whacking their ships into everything, crashing 100 million dollar warplanes. Maybe instead of sensitivity training they need to be trained to steer their stinking boats.
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Just like they do EVERY single thing they control.

Better @Moosefish ?
My son is in the Military. Since "Don't ask don't tell" this has gone on to this extent every year. Trump years it was Transgender etc. Acting like last year was any different is misleading.
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