Dems should turn to RFK Jr., but they won’t do it.


Diehard supporter
Jan 17, 2020
Put the Dem establishment and money behind him and he would most likely beat Trump. The Dem leadership does not like him so it would never happen.
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Put the Dem establishment and money behind him and he would most likely beat Trump. The Dem leadership does not like him so it would never happen.
Well, that would give Trump a chance to run against a guy whose personal sexual history might actually be more sordid than Trump’s.

He’s also a dedicated conspiracy theorist.

No thanks.
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Put the Dem establishment and money behind him and he would most likely beat Trump. The Dem leadership does not like him so it would never happen.

he is a moron

and has skeletons aplenty by his own accounting.
Put the Dem establishment and money behind him and he would most likely beat Trump. The Dem leadership does not like him so it would never happen.
Kennedy needs to witch parties the Trump Repulicans are closer to his values than the socilist/dems
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